Use "perinatal" in a sentence

1. SEARCH Perinatal Health* Perinatal Surveillance (The Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System) Physical Activity Unit

2. Author information: (1)Adigei Republican Clinical Perinatal Center, Maikop

3. In resource-poor countries, perinatal Asphyxia is probably much more common

4. Find a Cope accredited professional Find professional expertise in perinatal mental health; National Perinatal Mental Health Guideline Get the Guideline, companion documents and relevant updates straight to your inbox

5. Perinatal outcome was associated with the gestational weeks at onset of severe preeclampsia.

6. Because abruptio placentae is related not only to stillbirth but also to perinatal death and sequelae from perinatal asphyxia, inclusion of abruptio placentae as an indicator in the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System should be considered to better understand the distribution of this event and to facilitate future observational investigations on the condition.

7. Prediction of perinatal compromise in pregnancies close to or At term is challenging

8. The highest mortality rates of the main diseases were perinatal hypoxia ( 1%) and scleredema ( 2%).

9. Perinatal Asphyxial encephalopathy is associated with a high risk of death or early neurodevelopmental impairment

10. Objective To explore the relationship between genital mycoplasma infection and puerperal infection during perinatal period.

11. Severe toxemia, before all superimposed toxemia, has a high perinatal mortality and a high rate of aftereffects.

12. Abstract Abruptio placentae is a serious obstetric condition associated with an increased incidence of perinatal mortality and morbidity.

13. Objective: To determine the risk factors, percentage and maternal and perinatal complications of uterine rupture after previous Caesarean section

14. The Canadian Perinatal Health Report - 2000, prepared by Health Canada's Bureau of Reproductive and Child Health and the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System Steering Committee, provides information on numerous reproductive indicators.12 Abruptio placentae, and other placental conditions such as placentae previa, are not monitored, however.

15. Backgrounds/aims: To assess the perinatal outcome of pregnancies with Chorionic bump detected at the first trimester of pregnancy

16. Furthermore, the delegation should give details concerning accidental injuries, as well as AIDS, early pregnancies, abortions and perinatal mortality.

17. In 2 out of 19 pathological cases there was no relationship to toxemia of the mother or other perinatal factors.

18. Dr. Boisture offers a variety of clinical consultation services, including second opinion diagnostic and treatment plan consultation and perinatal consultation

19. Perinatal Asphyxia is a condition in which a baby’s brain does not receive enough oxygen before, during, or after birth

20. As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal

21. Results: The perinatal morbidity was 01 % , the fetal death was 75 % , the stillbirth was 09 % , the neonatal death was 16 %.

22. Objective: To evaluate the cause of and perinatal outcomes of amnion-Chorion separation that is apparent sonographically after 17 weeks' gestation

23. 24 Perinatal complications among babies born with an inherited predisposition towards schizophrenia may be implicated in the later manifestation of this disorder.

24. Introduction: In resource-rich countries, the incidence of severe perinatal Asphyxia (causing death or severe neurological impairment) is about 1/1000 live births

25. The September 2020 issue of Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care will be a special issue on Strategies for Expanding Midwifery Care in all Settings

26. Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem disorders specifically occurred in pregnancy, it is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality of mother and infant.

27. This is reflected in the increased perinatal morbidity and mortality, which are caused by the high prevalence of premature births, growth restriction and congenital abnormalities.

28. Amniotic fluid is a major factor of the intrauterine environment, and deviation from the normal volume is associated with an increased perinatal morbidity and mortality.

29. While Antenatal visits are well established as a means of improving perinatal outcomes, the number and timing of visits has been less studied (NICE 2008).

30. In pregnant women with untreated early syphilis, 25% of pregnancies result in stillbirth and 14% in neonatal death – an overall perinatal mortality of about 40%.

31. Conclusion Try to do well in perinatal prevention, avoid severe obstetrical complication and reduce the rate of cesarean, those may decrease the occurrence of obstetrical uterectomy.

32. A recent report showed that Backcrossing to C57BL/6 strain induces perinatal death of all Chst14-/-mice, suggesting that genetic background influences the birthrate of these mice


34. Low birth weight, small for gestational age, premature birth, congenital defects, abruptio placentae, spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and perinatal mortality have been linked to prenatal smoking (1,3,5).

35. Mental health services should be thought highly of during perinatal period to make parturients live through affect crises enjoyably , accordingly to reduce the developments of postpartum depression.

36. 30 Mental health services should be thought highly of during perinatal period to make parturients live through affect crises enjoyably , accordingly to reduce the developments of postpartum depression.

37. Some Ascarids (Toxocara cati in cats, Toxocara canis in dogs, and Toxocara vitulorum in cattle) are passed to the offspring in the dam’s colostrum or milk in the perinatal period

38. Arabin et al., "Perinatal morbidity and mortality in early-onset fetal growth restriction: cohort outcomes of the trial of randomized umbilical and fetal flow in Europe (TRUFFLE)," Ultrasound in …

39. Pregnancy, Childbirth, postpartum and newborn care: a guide for essential practice (3rd edition) (PCPNC), has been updated to include recommendations from recently approved WHO guidelines relevant to maternal and perinatal health

40. More than half (8%) of the women who died and one-third (7%) of those who experienced a perinatal death (i.e. a stillbirth or early neonatal death) had sought skilled attendance.

41. See asphyxia ‘In spite of these considerations it is critical to note that Asphyxial insults in the perinatal period do not account for the majority of infants with brain injury in early childhood.’

42. Investigation of abortion –, premature birth rate, fetal retardation, malformation, hospitalization, modus of labour, birth weight, gestational age, perinatal mortality, hypertonia, preeclampsia, anemia, kidney function, rejection crisis, mechanical compression, kidney function after 1 and 5 years postpartum.

43. ‘The remaining cases included Asphyxia, aspiration, sepsis, and unknown cause.’ ‘The patient had a history of perinatal Asphyxia.’ ‘Substantial increases were noted for deaths due to Asphyxia, sudden infant death syndrome, infection, and external causes.’ ‘The cause of death was Asphyxia …

44. ‘The remaining cases included Asphyxia, aspiration, sepsis, and unknown cause.’ ‘The patient had a history of perinatal Asphyxia.’ ‘Substantial increases were noted for deaths due to Asphyxia, sudden infant death syndrome, infection, and external causes.’ ‘The cause of death was Asphyxia …

45. It has significant implications in terms of delivery – especially if it occurs At term (>37 weeks). Breech deliveries carry a higher perinatal mortality and morbidity, largely due to birth asphyxia/trauma, prematurity and an increased incidence of congenital malformations.

46. According to a 36-hospital survey in the United States in 1988 by the National Association for Perinatal Addiction Research and Education, 11 percent of U.S. newborn babies, or about 375,000 babies a year, are now exposed to drugs during pregnancy.

47. Perinatal Asphyxial encephalopathy is a clinically defined syndrome of disturbed neurologic function in the earliest days after birth in infancy, manifested by difficulty with initiating and maintaining respiration, depression of muscle tone and reflexes, subnormal level of consciousness and often seizures [1].

48. The Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System lists recognized risk factors for preterm deliveries to include genital tract infection, cigarette smoking, pre-eclampsia, incompetent cervix, prior preterm birth and abruptio placentae as well as psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety and depression (McLaughlin et al.

49. Low birth weight At term is a major risk factor for emergency operative birth for IFC, perinatal death, and serious neonatal morbidity even in low-risk pregnancies, 141 partly due to the proportion of small for gestational age (SGA) babies that are growth restricted

50. Verny, MD, is a gifted psychiatrist, academic, writer, communicator, and Accoucheur to prenatal and perinatal psychology.’ ‘A man who practiced as an Accoucheur, owing to a mistake in his observation of the actual symptoms, inflicted on a patient terrible injuries from which she died.’

51. 20 to 40% of Amblosis cases, and the risk thereof doubles in cases of multiple fetation and abnormal alvus development9 and is the cause of 20-50% of all premature delivery cases, mother’s and perinatal mortality, fetus’s lung hypoplasia, prolapse of funis, deformity of fetus, and postpartum endometritis.12

52. It is associated with an increased incidence of preterm delivery as well as maternal and perinatal mortality, causing between 15% and 25% of all perinatal deaths.1-3 The rate of abruptio placentae in North America is approximately 0.1-0.2 per 1,000 pregnancies,4-7 but reported rates can range from 0.04-0.35/1,000.1,3,8,9 This wide range in reported incidence rates may be explained partly by the differing criteria for diagnosing abruptio placentae as well as the increased recognition of milder forms of the event, i.e., the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall can be complete, partial, or marginal (involving only the placental margin).

53. Risks of perinatal HIV-1 infection of the fetus are associated either with an already advanced or progressing HIV infection of the mother indicated by high viral load, p24 antigenemia and low CD4+ cells or obstetrical events like preterm delivery, preterm labor, amnionitis, duration of rupture of membranes and labor and contamination of amniotic fluid with maternal blood.

54. History of Maternal Perinatal Complications – Preterm labor – Placental abnormalities: placenta previa, abruptio placentae or cord compression – Amniotic fluid abnormalities: polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios – Infectious process: maternal fever – Infectious agents (maternal source): group B Streptococcus, gram-negative bacteria, viruses (e.g., HSV, toxoplasmosis, CMV, HIV) – Maternal abnormalities: diabetes mellitus, size of pelvic outlet – Neonatal abnormalities: genetic, anatomic or cardiac – Maternal drugs: prescription or illicit

55. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Malignant neoplasms Colorectal cancer Cancer of trachea, bronchus and lung Cancer of female breast Cancer of ovary and other uterine adnexa Cancer of prostate Diabetes mellitus Diseases of circulatory system Ischaemic heart disease Cerebrovascular disease Diseases of the respiratory system Pneumonia and influenza Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Congenital anomalies Anomalies of circulatory system Perinatal mortality Obstetric complications Other respiratory conditions Sudden infant death syndrome