Use "perils" in a sentence

1. It may cover all perils, collision or upset, all perils other than collision or upset (comprehensive) or specified perils.

2. Full-service Adjusting for all-perils

3. But there are some perils in Alliterating

4. Androclea gipsiologist Evart nonimpartation engagedness disspread perils

5. One of the perils of sitting ringside.

6. Perils of Alliteration: Problems to Avoid When Alliterating

7. Condo insurance helps pay for costs resulting from covered perils

8. Perils of populism can be Counteracted by ‘Radical’ political strategy

9. This coverage pays for losses, other than those covered by Collision or Upset, including perils listed under Specified Perils, falling or flying objects, missiles and vandalism.

10. Teenagers must be warned about the perils of unsafe sex.

11. That poses perils of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

12. The perils of dealing with shaky regimes cut both ways.

13. perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.

14. No, I'm glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin.

15. Perils, dangers, and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;

16. Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.”

17. “(b) Perils, dangers, and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters

18. d) perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.

19. These birds are able to survive the perils of the Arctic winter.

20. Production Insurance covers production losses and yield reductions caused by insured perils.

21. perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;]

22. “(n) Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.”

23. The most common perils come from straying, illness, weariness, injury, and predators.

24. [(xi) perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;]

25. c) Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.

26. Others see their schoolmates succumb to the perils of drugs and crime.

27. The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils.

28. “(c) Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters.”

29. perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;] [and]

30. [(b) (xi) perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters;]

31. In these litigious, politically correct times, the perils of making gags can be considerable.

32. The perils of high mountain passes, open water, and bad weather do not faze them.

33. We have discovered some trends in the number and in the losses natural perils have caused.

34. LOSS DETERMINATION The eligible perils under an Insurance Plan shall be set out in the Operational Document.

35. The other lesson that Indian thinkers have consistently drawn from history is of the perils of weakness.

36. Coverage is basically fire, extended coverage, theft and "all other perils. " Sometimes called Commercial Block or Mercantile Block.

37. Great perils lay before them, and some of them paid with their lives for drinking that peerless elixir.

38. Can you succeed in fighting the Bushfires and rescue the haunted animals from the perils of the spreading hell?

39. any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:

40. All-risk and named peril policies Property insurance policies are usually classified according to the perils insured by them.

41. Production Insurance protects Ontario producers from yield reductions and crop losses caused by adverse weather and other insured perils.

42. The insurance must cover losses caused by fire, storm and other perils covered by a standard property insurance policy.

43. They have come to recognize the perils of homogeneity; they believe in better performance through an altered internal chemistry.

44. May all parties have the courage to persevere in order to overcome present perils, there as in other regions of Europe!

45. A changing language Other races were infantilised or Barbarised, or held up as object lessons in the perils of racial degeneration

46. The Perils of Accentuating the Positive skewers the simplistic play to your strengths argument and explains what success is really about

47. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered , because they believed and were not afraid , we have still much to be thankful for .

48. App makers are feeling lost , with no one to guide them through the perils of making an app that works on multiple Android devices .

49. Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford, 2003); Lessons in Secular Criticism (2013); and The Perils of the One (2019), among other books

50. The Working Group was generally in agreement with the substance of the rule on “perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters”.

51. The Working Group was generally in agreement with the substance of the rule on “perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters”

52. Dibdin’s Bibliomania is an anthem to the printed book, a warning to the unwary about the perils of obsessive book-collecting, and the confessions of a …

53. Day by day thou art making me worthy of thy full acceptance by refusing me ever and anon, saving me from perils of weak, uncertain desire.

54. The Basic and broad causes of loss forms are named perils forms; they provide coverage for loss from only the particular causes that are listed in the policy as covered

55. Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford, 2003); Lessons in Secular Criticism (Fordham 2013); The Perils of the One (Columbia, 2019); and editor of Freud and Fundamentalism (Fordham, 2010)

56. * 1974 , "A Traveler's Perils", Time , 25 Mar 1974: Local buttons popped when Henry Kissinger visited Little Rock last month to Confer with Fulbright on the Middle East oil talks.

57. THE PERILS OF LETTING SOCIAL MEDIA TITANS CORRECT MISINFORMATION JAKEMETH OCTOBER 22, 2020 FORTUNE Providing the facts decreased concerns about fraud among Democrats, but increased them among Republicans—a classic Backfire effect.

58. Its renewal in 1794 included an amendment that limited the scope of insurance policies concerning slaves, rendering illegal such generalised phrases that promised to insure against "all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes."

59. The Perils of “Balkanizing” Finally, serving as a note against sensationalist policymaking, we must be careful not to exaggerate threats stemming from the Balkans since largely secular, Western-aspiring actors still dominate the region

60. Research shows that lotteries have no appeal other than the hope of winning the jackpot, which is often fueled by advertising that focuses “on the prize and on the perils of failing to buy a ticket.”

61. Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford, 2003); Lessons in Secular Criticism (Fordham 2013); The Perils of the One (Columbia, 2019) and editor of Freud and Fundamentalism (Fordham, 2010) and Thinking with Balibar (Fordham, 2020)

62. Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You is a novel of self-exploration, of one teenager dealing not only with the perils of an uncharted future, but with the trauma of a past that he cannot face

63. Father and son were at chess , the former , who possessed ideas about the game involving radical changes , putting his king into such sharp and unnecessary perils that it even provoked comment from the whitehaired old lady knitting placidly by the fire .

64. Other races were infantilised or Barbarised, or held up as object lessons in the perils of racial degeneration.: To the horror of the colonisers, the home or metropolitan culture secretly or even publicly may consider the natives more civilised than the Barbarised colonisers.

65. Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford, 2003); Lessons in Secular Criticism (Fordham 2013); Ενδεχομένως αταξίες [Contingent Disorders] (Athens: Nisos, 2017); The Perils of the One (Columbia, 2019); and editor of Freud and Fundamentalism (Fordham, 2010) and Thinking With Balibar (Fordham, 2020).

66. ‘Other races were infantilised or Barbarised, or held up as object lessons in the perils of racial degeneration.’ ‘It proposes a barbarising of the inside of a language (thus culture) such as is unavoidable for those coming to a culture from its outside.’

67. Literature as Theory for an Antimythical Era (Stanford, 2003); Lessons in Secular Criticism (Fordham 2013); Ενδεχομένως αταξίες [Contingent Disorders] (Athens: Nisos, 2017); The Perils of the One (Columbia, 2019); and editor of Freud and Fundamentalism (Fordham, 2010) and Thinking With Balibar (Fordham, 2020)

68. The streets were crowded with perils--waggons, carts, automobiles; great, straining horses pulling huge trucks; and monstrous cable and electric ears hooting and Clanging through the midst, screeching their insistent menace after the manner of the lynxes he had known in the northern woods.

69. Tips for Brushing a Dog’s Teeth; Periodontal Disease: The Perils of Gum Disease in Dogs; Dentistry for Dogs: Cleanings, X-rays, and Oral Exams; Dental Foods, Treats, Toys, Rinses, and Chews for Dogs; Brushing Your Dog's Teeth: Does It Help? Does Your Pet's Breath Pass the …

70. The other lesson that Indian thinkers have consistently drawn from history is of the perils of weakness. The colonial narrative of India’s history, stressing "outside” invasions and rulers had as its corollary the conviction that India must avoid weakness at all costs lest that history be repeated.

71. 55 Harding, Thomas, A Confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England (Antwerp 1565); Walsham, Alexandra, ‘ The Spider and the Bee: The Perils of Printing for Refutation in Tudor England ’, in King, John, ed., Tudor Books and Readers (Cambridge, 2010), 163 – 90, quotation at 169

72. LODESTAR AWARD WINNER FOR BEST YOUNG ADULT BOOK From Hugo and Locus Award-winning author Naomi Kritzer, Catfishing on CatNet is a thought-provoking near future YA thriller that could not be more timely as it explores issues of online privacy, artificial intelligence, and the power and perils of social networks

73. To claim you don't like our sports so Baldly in public.: Afirmas en público sin rodeos que no te gustan nuestros deportes.: Recently, the Economist magazine Baldly warned of "the perils of falling inflation".: Recientemente, la revista The Economist advirtió sin rodeos de "los peligros de la caída de la inflación".: As the NSS Baldly put it, "These values of freedom are right and true for