Use "perilous" in a sentence

1. The world is a perilous place.

2. And the interplanetary journey would be perilous.

3. The journey through the jungle was perilous.

4. It could become complex, more perilous.

5. The country roads are quite perilous.

6. An Authentic account of the perilous journey

7. 1 And the interplanetary journey would be perilous.

8. The gazelle now faces man's most perilous question:

9. No feat was too perilous for him to attempt.

10. Democracy in the subcontinent has always been a perilous business.

11. 24 No feat was too perilous for him to attempt.

12. Altercation (Perilous Book 2) - Kindle edition by Heiner, Tamara Hart

13. They forgot Mary, forgot everything except their own perilous plight.

14. Looking ahead in the Internet and intranet worlds is perilous.

15. So much worse, so much more perilous, because of the winter.

16. Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous

17. It rests in the depths of the most perilous hidden labyrinth.

18. Because we are living in the most perilous time in human history.

19. He thought dipping at parties was perilous, to say the very least.

20. Year after year he voyaged, hurried from one perilous adventure to another.

21. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a thrill but perilous for the unprepared

22. For millions, it is little more than existence —and is perilous at that.

23. 17 Year after year he voyaged, hurried from one perilous adventure to another.

24. Until the older waves have dissipated, they create a perilous sea hazard.

25. In these perilous times, we need this unspeakable gift in our lives.

26. All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be.

27. 19 Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous

28. Working on the rich undersea banks of the Atlantic is perilous business.

29. The perilous times in which we live have been prophesied in the scriptures.

30. During periods of heavy rain, fords which are usually easily Crossable can become perilous

31. • Construction work can be perilous • Military ombudsman now accepting nominations for Special Recognition Award

32. Both of them walked through a perilous region inhabited by lions and other wild animals.

33. The most perilous Bioterrorism agents comprise microorganisms that create plague, anthrax, smallpox, and tularemia

34. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Altercation (Perilous Book 2).

35. 23 Unless dealing with a large quantity of cream, an electric mixer can be perilous.

36. Sailing a bamboo raft through the late autumn and early winter storms was definitely perilous.

37. How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain.

38. It was a perilous existence, involving a constant battle with drought, insect plagues, and sweltering heat.

39. 17 The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.

40. But much more sorry that you have behaved in such an improper and perilous way.

41. 9 In these perilous last days of Satan’s wicked world, dedicated Christians sorely need such protection.

42. A year later, more than 30,000 others made the same perilous journey, and an estimated 6,000 drowned.

43. The gnarled tree trunks-white mulberry and rich brown acacia-formed a perilous and nearly impenetrable net.

44. Abuna Yemata Guh is a church that has been described as the world’s most perilous church

45. It seems likely, moreover, that the police deliberately avoided mixing it in the more perilous districts.

46. So then Horton began his long, perilous trek, determined to save the small world on the speck.

47. She struck him as perilous and avid, and he had the sensation of going into a skid.

48. She wouldn't waste her enforced imprisonment in Castle Perilous, she would make a start on her lines!

49. The story of a perilous journey across Middle earth to conquer the evil of the Dark Lord.

50. 22 hours ago · The Civilian-military relationship had never been so perilous in our history

51. Democracy returned to Argentina in 1983 and continues in force six years later, albeit after some perilous moments

52. Explore but watch your step Adventuring alone is no less perilous, you have been warned! What this is

53. He had gone with Richard on crusade and had shared with him the hazards of the perilous journey home.

54. Meanwhile, the scarred veteran Inman is experiencing his own harrowing, perilous odyssey as the Civil War rages on.

55. Your task is a series of missions, each more perilous than the last, and you are briefed on each beforehand.

56. The alternative is the loss of the two-state solution and the perpetuation of a terrible – and terribly perilous – conflict.

57. They had learned that all the Witnesses from the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen had reached Schwerin following a perilous death march.

58. To prescribe nothing could be unethical, uncaring, and perilous in terms of the investigation of the case and the pursuit of truth.

59. Its mandate is to help people suffering persecution: Drawing distinctions between refugees and Asylees is a political exercise, and a perilous one

60. But in later years I heard it called the Perilous Chair, and I think the name was coined after that day.

61. In 1799, France's political and military situation seemed perilous, especially after the losses in southwestern Germany culminating in the Battle at Stockach.

62. He is alike to datura, the dependence blood is a nutrient, has deadly perilous, cruel sanguinary, so, he is too standing single.

63. 'Suppose within the girdle of these walls are now confined'two mighty monarchies,'whose high upreared and abutting fronts'the perilous, narrow ocean parts asunder.

64. In guinea-pigs the ability to detoxicate certain drugs, e.g. barbiturates, decreases with a minimal but not yet perilous supply of ascorbic acid.

65. It is not easy to dig in wild terrain or descend into perilous waters in search of hidden, buried, or sunken treasure.

66. After World War II, the position of the British Empire became perilous under the impact of the tide of nationalism and decolonization.

67. Designed to elicit intense excitement and nerve-racking tension, thrillers create suspense by placing the protagonist in a perilous situation from which escape seems impossible.

68. Antipode explores themes of friendship, mistakes, cause and effect, and the difficult choices our heroes must make over the course of their perilous journeys

69. The way the world is heading can be likened to a ship that is sailing into seas that become more turbulent and perilous by the day.

70. Perilous rock is one of main geologic disasters in mountain area of China. Safe net system is a passive control technique for rockfall in recent years.

71. […], London: […] [John Wolfe] for VVilliam Ponsonbie, OCLC 960102938, book II, canto VI, stanza 10: My little boat can safely passe this perilous Bourne.··Destination

72. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance.

73. When industrial sabotage leads to a catastrophic shutdown of the park's power facilities and security precautions, a small group of visitors, and Hammond's grandchildren, struggle to survive and escape the perilous island.

74. From the Badlands to the Bluegrass, this perilous, potentially deadly adventure changes the lives of everyone involved and puts at risk the survival of the Clan and all the Celtic Brooches

75. Shortly after his elevation to the abbacy, the former lay brother fell ill, and as he could not agree with his monks, the affairs of the monastery were soon in a perilous condition.

76. The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner.

77. As we reached the halfway point across one of the larger lakes, the weather turned very bad, and the once tranquil water turned angry and perilous, tossing our little canoe to and fro.

78. (Philippians 3:15; 1 Timothy 1:19; Hebrews 5:14) Even when a person is actually pursuing a course that appears to be extreme or perilous, is a prohibiting rule the best solution?

79. Classes gain new abilities as they reach each level, allowing them to combat stronger monsters and harder perilous situations, but unlike 4th edition, lower-level opponents remain threatening as power levels don’t scale in tandem.

80. Crudely Drawn Swords is a long-term campaign following a team of heroic(?) adventurers as they follow a quest that will take them through strange lands, across dangerous seas and on perilous journeys through unknown regions