Use "periclinal" in a sentence

1. 25 The first periclinal wall of endosperm cell arises from cell plate which is the result of normal cytokinesis.

2. Ridges appear first on the adaxial side of the lamina, accompanied by periclinal and oblique divisions in the middle lamina layers.

3. During ventral leaf expansion periclinal divisions in adaxial and abaxial protoderm and ground meristem give rise to multiple epidermis and new mesophyll layers, respectively.

4. Cytokinin signaling in the procambium up-regulates expression of PINs, a family of auxin efflux carriers, and promotes their distribution in the plasma membrane from anticlinal to periclinal

5. Aerenchyma formed from the adjacent inner layer of the cortex by a series of cell divisions and cell lyses; three- to five-celled, radial aerenchyma strands formed by periclinal divisions in radial cell files 0.3-5 mm behind the apex.