Use "people of color" in a sentence

1. They're migrants, people of color.

2. The heaviest COVID burden Afflicts rural people of color

3. Colorism is the principle that people of color with lighter, fairer skin are afforded more privileges than people of color with darker skin tones

4. Many Barricades that segregate people of color are far more tangible

5. Colorism is a persistent problem for people of color in the USA

6. An example of Contemptuous is how white supremacists feel about people of color.

7. Animalizing people of color is a very old part of the white racist frame

8. 19 Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color.

9. 7 hours ago · YCSD Awarded $70,000 Grant to Attract People of Color as Teachers

10. Again, people of color appealing to a commonality of anatomy over a difference of anatomy, again, successfully.

11. The term Colorism describes social hierarchies that privilege light-skin people of color over their darker-skinned peers

12. For 87 years, San Francisco Ballet has received and benefited from the many contributions of people of color

13. 1 day ago · People of color more Adversely affected by COVID-19 lockdowns, study finds

14. Race-based Caucusing is a powerful anti-racist tool in which people of color, white people, and “third space” folks (people of color who are perceived as white or those who have alternative experiences with race) primarily work within their own racial or ethnic groups.

15. Through exhibitions, events and dialogue, the Affrilachian Artist Project explores the unique perspective of people of color in Appalachia

16. Families with high energy burdens are disproportionately people of color, who spend more per square foot than their white counterparts.

17. Antiracist microintervention strategies give the tools for people of color, white allies, and bystanders to combat against microaggressions and acts of discrimination

18. As the Tyron Garner Memorial Law Fellow, Avatara’s work centers LGBTQ BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color) and BIPOC living with HIV.

19. We believe that people of color not only belong, but that their diversity enriches and strengthens the Appellate system for all of us

20. On social media, many assumed the term stood for “ bisexual people of color.” Others read it as “Biopic,” the shorthand for a biographical movie

21. Accomplices’ actions are informed by, directed and often coordinated with leaders who are Black, Brown First Nations/Indigenous Peoples, and/or People of Color

22. Founded in 2010 by Ava DuVernay, Array is a film collective dedicated to the amplification of images by people of color and women directors

23. An Antiracist educator actively works to dismantle the structures, policies, institutions, and systems that create barriers and perpetuate race-based inequities for people of color

24. Founded in 2010 by filmmaker Ava DuVernay, Array is a grassroots distribution, arts and advocacy collective focused on films by people of color and women.

25. Amplify recruits, trains, elects, and supports progressive champions for state and local office in the Northwest, prioritizing people of color, women, young people, and LGBTQ candidates

26. Being Antiracist means learning about and identifying inequities and disparities that give, in particular, white people, or any racial group, material advantages over people of color

27. Colorism, or skin color stratification, is a process that privileges light‐skinned people of color over dark in areas such as income, education, housing, and the marriage market.

28. Here we sit today debating voting rights for people of color and enduring violent attacks rooted in racism and navigating the precarious space of one white woman’s Complicity to …

29. Pima County mobile health Clinics are vaccinating more people of color, but the effect isn't yet visible in countywide data that still shows minorities underrepresented in COVID-19 vaccinations.

30. The Washington Counselors of Color Network serves an array of ethnic clients needing counseling and therapy from providers who understand the specific needs of people of color and various cultures

31. Unmasking 'racial micro Aggressions' Some racism is so subtle that neither victim nor perpetrator may entirely understand what is going on—which may be especially toxic for people of color

32. Phillips believes law enforcement should bring peace to our Comminutes, not violence, yet we continue to witness unspeakable acts of police misconduct and abuse – especially directed at people of color.

33. One of the absolute easiest ways to help change this is to follow and support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) athletes, advocates, Collectives, and creatives within the outdoor space.

34. The white European Colonizers came here to control people of color, to con them out of their natural resources and to impose their religion, culture, language, and economics on the Indigenous

35. Her workshop, Affrilachian Legacy : Carrying on the healing arts movement of the South will explore and honor the amazing people of color granny midwives, herbalists, root workers throughout history and their vital contributions

36. The Affrilachian poets represent a movement that includes not only blacks and not only poets, but people of color across a great swath of the United States touched in some way by Appalachian

37. Besides, “Colored people” is an especially easy mistake given that it sounds so much like “people of color.” A man of wealth, a wealthy man; a woman of wisdom, a wise woman; a person of

38. The Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere – Los Angeles (Aware-LA) is an all-volunteer alliance of white anti-racist people organizing to challenge racism and work for racial justice in transformative alliance with people of color.

39. And so we come back to the path from discrimination to stress to poor health, and it begins to paint a picture that many people of color know to be true: racism is actually making us sick.

40. Disrupting bigotry may be easier to do and a good start, but the real work of dismantling racism begins with believing it exists, then rejecting the Bigoted notion that it exists because people of color are inferior.

41. The name Blindish Latina means a lot to me, I wanted to showcase my intersectionality the multiple identities that I have, especially because we don’t see a lot of representation of people of color, of Latinidad that within disability

42. These Cavils notwithstanding, Free People of Color is a good and necessary book one that should spur further work--based on the social and community history models and approaches which Horton and others have marshalled to such great effect

43. People of color are on the internet just as much as anyone else but perhaps living in communities where no one believes that being a Busybody is the key to anyone having a good day is the sine qua non

44. Individualized Conceptualizations about racism were generally unrelated to any of our dependent variables when controlling for systemic Conceptualizations except that individualized Conceptualizations were associated with greater endorsement of All Lives Matter and lower support for People of Color aggressively protesting.

45. Most Bystanders experience themselves as good, moral, and decent human beings who move about in an invisible veil of Whiteness (Sue & Sue, 2016), have minimal awareness of themselves as a racial/cultural being (Helms, 1996), and who possess limited experiences with people of color (Jones, 1997)

46. Niko House, political activist, independent journalist and podcaster, joined Radio Sputnik’s Political Misfits on Thursday to discuss the deep divide in America, how the red and blue framing is no longer useful and how people of color have been Brutalized by the two-party system in the US.

47. “Afrofuturism is a literary and cultural aestheticthat combines elements of science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Afrocentricity, and magic realism with non-Western cosmologies in order to critique not only the present-day dilemmas of people of color, but also to revise, interrogate, and re-examine the historical events of the past

48. In the face of racism, people of color can usually turn to the support of their communities, but that’s not necessarily the case with Colorism, where members of a person’s own racial group may reject or resent them due to the skin color biases rooted in the West’s history of white supremacy.

49. Likewise , the Reverend Calvin Butts , III , of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York , opined recently at a United Nations conference on Islamophobia : " Whether Muslims like it or not , Muslims are labeled people of color in the racist U . S . . . they won ' t label you by calling you a n - - - - - but they '

50. Connecticut is the witch hazel capital of the world—and it’s harvest time; The Incredible Shrinking Lawn: How to create a nature-friendly yard; Jamal Robinson wants more people of color to join him in Connecticut's craft beer world; Researchers need your help to keep an eye on wildlife and the environment; 6 new Connecticut restaurants