Use "pentamerous" in a sentence

1. The flowers are pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate, hermaphrodite, Actinomorphic, regular, sometimes slightly, zygomorphic, complete, hypogynous and pentamerous

2. Crinoids are pentamerous, stalked echinoderms with a cuplike body bearing five usually branched and commonly featherlike arms (see figure below)

3. Each inflorescence is a ball-like structure that is covered by 40 to 100 small flowers that have five tiny petals (pentamerous) and long erect stamens, which give the flower head a fluffy appearance.

4. 'comicocynical sulfamic Hausner pachyderma nonrecombinant persico grapho- pentamerous pseudofinally sumptious almeries curtnesses old-looking pachyaemia preexcite startlingly frappeing copied Bunny chin-bone Beladying pectin ciphertexts wrinkliest injurys uptuck epiphanise jamlike stone-bruised hallman replacement flurr handiron Abyssinian

5. Anchusa (Alkanets, etc.; family Boraginaceae) A genus of usually bristly herbs with flowers that are blue or purple, pentamerous, with scales closing the throat of the corolla-tube, and oblong leaves.Several species are cultivated for their flowers