Use "penitent" in a sentence

1. Confession brings reconciliation between God and the penitent, between the penitent and others, and to the individual penitent.

2. Those who were penitent obtained absolution.

3. 16 She is deeply penitent.

4. 10 Those who were penitent obtained absolution.

5. The true penitent Bewails his ingratitude to God.

6. 19 PLAYER . Hostile . Signs say No. Never penitent . Unwelcome.

7. 1 "I'm sorry, " she said with a penitent smile.

8. 3 Phil was trying hard to look penitent.

9. During his last years, James lived as an austere penitent.

10. 6 Think penitent ... and in less capable hands, downright dull.

11. Contrite: Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent.

12. The phrase “truly penitent” in verse 24 means sincerely repentant.

13. 27 In such frame of mind sinners come to the penitent form.

14. 17 synonyms for Apologetic: regretful, sorry, rueful, contrite, remorseful, penitent, contrite

15. 2 Robert Gates sat before them, almost penitent about the past.

16. When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent.

17. 20 It was hard to be angry with him when he looked so penitent.

18. 12 They all appeared very penitent, and begged hard for their lives.

19. 26 Exomologesis was a ritual of recognizing oneself as a sinner and a penitent.

20. 18 I have grown neither humble nor penitent by what has passed.

21. 9 And to a penitent soldier a crusade was even better than an unarmed pilgrimage.

22. Absolution, in Christianity, a pronouncement of remission (forgiveness) of sins to the penitent

23. 7 After watching a few more penitent men pass by I was ready to leave.

24. Filled with a sense of guilt and the desire for atonement; penitent: a Contrite sinner.

25. 17 After watching a few more penitent men pass by I was ready to leave.

26. 22 And he had a notorious asperity for which he was afterwards sometimes penitent.

27. 30 To be forgiven for committing a mortal sin, one must be extremely penitent.

28. 5 And he had a notorious asperity for which he was afterwards sometimes penitent.

29. 11 Recognition also designates the entire process that the penitent experiences in this status over the years.

30. 25 He'd have liked to have seen Gina reading one of their notes with a penitent expression.

31. 14 Draco came to him like a penitent child, though it was not forgiveness he begged.

32. 13 The penitent boy turned his back on the unhappy past and began a new existence.

33. 23 But Gao Jinjiao was rocking back and forth,[] bumping against the tree like a penitent little boy.

34. Garnished, commission, prevarication, absolution, solicitous, sanguine, Avouches Absolution In confession the penitent man received ______________ for his sins

35. 4 And no penitent in a confessional could have unburdened herself more pathetically than did my Maman that afternoon.

36. 21 But the short version points to a promise of progress in experience beyond the stage of penitent sorrow.

37. 5 He inherited a regular staff meeting and was penitent that he had never invented such a meeting in Durham.

38. 24 He became so identified with us that he was the perfect penitent and made the perfect confession to the Father for us.

39. 23 The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility?

40. And what shall Assuage his dark despair, But the penitent cry of humble prayer?; It was the last mortification; and all our

41. To preach the word Authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent

42. The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility?

43. 8 There are various Pelagias who are known as penitent harlots or virgin martyrs who died to escape a fate worse than death.

44. 17 The penitent hope their red-faced admissions of guilt will bring absolution, but can saying sorry really be enough to restore their credibility?

45. 28 Incautious remarks by the new American treasury secretary about China manipulating its currency were dismissed as ridiculous; a duly penitent Hillary Clinton was welcomed in Beijing, but as an equal.

46. ‘an Apologetic smile’ ‘The typist smiles to himself as the story returns like an Apologetic lover, penitent, regretful and contrite.’ ‘Defending, the lawyer said his client was Apologetic and very much regretted the …

47. ‘I am truly Contrite, penitent, repentant, remorseful and steeped in the tears of my regretfulness.’ ‘It was a dramatic change in tone, a Contrite president uncharacteristically admitting a major failure.’

48. Incautious remarks by the new American treasury secretary about China manipulating its currency were dismissed as ridiculous; a duly penitent Hillary Clinton was welcomed in Beijing, but as an equal.

49. God or man: no, grace keeps a man low in his own eyes, humble, self-denying, penitent, watchful, savoury in good things, charitable, and makes him kindly Affectionated to the brethren, pitiful and courteous to all men

50. 29 This dead-on take on childhood shenanigans ends on a high note, with the penitent David (he broke a vase with a baseball) enfolded in his mother's arms as she assures him, "Yes, David...I love you."

51. Hosea, in his great parable of the prodigal wife, surpassed only by a greater Teacher's parable of the Prodigal Son, uses Betrothal as the symbol of Yahweh's pledge of His love and favor to penitent Israel (Ho 2:19,20).

52. The sacramental formula "I Absolve you" and the imposition of the hand and the Sign of the Cross made over the penitent show that at this moment the contrite and converted sinner comes into contact with the power and mercy of God

53. After his sentence was read, the elderly scientist, kneeling and dressed as a penitent, solemnly pronounced: “I do abjure, curse, and detest the said errors and heresies [the Copernican theory] and in general all and any other error, heresy, or sect contrary to the Holy Church.”

54. ‘In the Catholic tradition, absolution from sin is obtained through confession, in which the penitent confesses to a priest who then Absolves the sin and administers penitence.’ ‘Many of our sins are absolved through priests in confessional boxes.’ ‘The priest does come, and Absolves the ghost's sins, after which it can rest.’

55. A skilful general, a gallant soldier, a perfect bard, a saint of God, and, above all, a lifelong penitent after a great fall, this was the man whom his generals well called the "light of Israel;" this was he on whose life and name, they felt, depended the solidity of a yet fragmentary, a half-Barbarised, nation.

56. 10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember awhat the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.

57. Prayers in Blasphemous are categorized as magical spells.Prayers are magical abilities that provide both offensive and defensive effects such as conjuring magic-based attacks to damage enemies and bosses, while some prayers that are conjured apply buffs and effect to The Penitent One that can help in certain situations, especially in battle.

58. And if this be so, and the occurrence of any of these things cannot deprive a man who believes, of salvation, thou thyself also Affirmest that the fact of the mystery of the faith being divided in a manner, and its not being, as thou contendest, consummated, where necessity intervenes, cannot take away salvation from a believing and penitent

59. Bē̇-troth ´, bē̇-trōth ´ (ארשׂ, 'āras): On Betrothal as a social custom see MARRIAGE.Hosea, in his great parable of the prodigal wife, surpassed only by a greater Teacher's parable of the Prodigal Son, uses Betrothal as the symbol of Yahweh's pledge of His love and favor to penitent Israel (Hosea 2:19, Hosea 2:20).In Exodus 21:8, Exodus 21:9 the Revised Version (British and