Use "pedophilia" in a sentence

1. " Lonely, vaguely pedophilia swing set

2. Antiabortionism and pedophilia are not similar beliefs or behaviors, as we all know from the pedophilia problem in the Catholic church

3. Streamer “WithAwonder” banned from Twitch after accusations of grooming and pedophilia

4. Today , I know my uncle is totally a pedophilia and voyeurism.

5. Spreading rumours that the victim has a serious criminal record, such as accusations of pedophilia.

6. Only the desire for sexual contact with them should be called " pedophilia ".

7. Bleaching and those that you say you are a media riffraff pedophilia!

8. How, for example, do I express this sexual need to publicly relive the abuse I experienced without promoting pedophilia?

9. 'We have cardinals who don't believe in Christ, bishops connected with demons. Then we have these stories of pedophilia.

10. Google absolutely prohibits monetisation of content related to child sexual abuse imagery or pedophilia.

11. Some modern scholars say that there are connotations of pedophilia in this fairy tale.

12. This song has caused a scandal as it was accused of glamorizing pedophilia and incest .

13. Benedict singled out Irish bishops for sharp criticism over their handling of abuse and pedophilia cases in the past.

14. They found no evidence of sexual deviance or pedophilia; they did not uncover any financial motive, either.

15. A rival statement presented by Syria said protecting homosexuality could lead to social normalization and possibly legalization of deplorable acts, including pedophilia.

16. A flood of news reports about priestly pedophilia had inflamed Catholics' concern about the integrity of their clergy.

17. The article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked,” appearing in “The Watchtower” of January 1, 1997, seemed to be focusing on pedophilia.

18. Oprah has once landed on hot water over her coverage of pedophilia during jury deliberations in Michael Jackson's molestation trial in 200

19. If those areas are damaged, we may end up with pedophilia,(Sentence dictionary) or abnormal desires for inappropriate objects.

20. It is becoming clear that, as a Vatican administrator for two decades, the future pope handled the pedophilia scandal with no great distinction.

21. Pedophilia is any content or behaviour (images, texts, videos, etc.) that depicts, encourages or promotes sexual attraction by adults towards minors (i.e. under 18).

22. What does seem clear is that pedophilia, like many sexual disorders, may have at its root some childhood sexual trauma.

23. Apostatize! The Catholic Church today is mired in scandal, including shady financial dealings, pedophilia, and nuns who have been raped or have had abortions

24. Today's shows, with pedophilia and serial killers, have a dark fatalism in them, he notes, "something you would not have seen in 'Dragnet' or 'Kojak' all those years ago."

25. 25 Today's shows, with pedophilia and serial killers, have a dark fatalism in them, he notes, "something you would not have seen in 'Dragnet' or 'Kojak' all those years ago."

26. "Other than pedophilia, it's the most secretive behavior I've encountered, " says Charles Yesalis[], a Penn State University professor who has studied steroid use for 28 years.

27. She has researched pedophilia and goes so far as citing the work of psychiatrist Fred Berlin, M. D. , founder of the National Institute for the Study, Prevention, and Treatment of Sexual Trauma.

28. Question: "Is it true that the biblical Condemnations of homosexuality are actually referring to pedophilia?" Answer: There are some supporters of the homosexual movement who are interested in finding biblical justification for homosexuality.One tactic used to try to justify homosexuality is to claim that the Bible doesn't actually condemn homosexuality and that passages often interpreted as