Use "pederastic" in a sentence

1. 3) In his speeches, Aeschines uses pederastic relations of Demosthenes as a means to attack him

2. ‘Aesthetically, unselfconsciousness has often Apotheosized eros - the effortless pubescent grace of the Athenian youth ignited the pederastic swoon of seemingly all Greek thought.’ Synonyms ennoble , exalt, elevate, lift up, add dignity to, dignify, add lustre to, add distinction to, …

3. ‘The conflicts of the time have been forgotten as this embittered old man has been Apotheosised into an elder statesman.’ ‘Aesthetically, unselfconsciousness has often apotheosized eros - the effortless pubescent grace of the Athenian youth ignited the pederastic swoon of seemingly all Greek thought.’