Use "pec" in a sentence

1. Supernovae that do not fit into the normal classifications are designated peculiar, or 'pec'.

2. 0362.93.24.41 - Fax 0362.93.23.06 - e-mail: [email protected] - Pec: Codice Fiscale 02788420152 - Partita Iva 00737700963

3. Download Cheatcode Brigandine GE on: PEC(Psx Emulation Cheater) : Brigandine GE iso disc 1 : http://a

4. Dad Bods — think paunchy and pec-less — usually refer to dudes, but the researchers didn’t differentiate between genders, opting instead for a “singles” designation

5. Herein, we developed an unmodified hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) photoelectrochemical (PEC) biosensing platform with a low background signal and high sensitivity based on CuS quantum dots (QDs)/Co3O4 polyhedra-driven multiple signal Amplifications

6. Since no cell culture method for human norovirus exists, Cultivable surrogate viruses (CSV), including feline calicivirus (FCV), murine norovirus (MNV), porcine enteric calicivirus (PEC), and Tulane virus (TuV), have been used to study responses to inactivation and disinfection methods.

7. Words found within Appeach: aa aah ace ach ache ae ah aha aheap apace apache ape app cap capa cape caph cep ch cha chap chape che cheap ea each ech eh epha ha hae hap he heap hep pa pac paca pace pacha pah pap papa pape pe pea peach pec pech peh pep ph

8. Cooped 5 Letter Words You can Make With Cooped cooed coped pooed 4 Letter Words You can Make With Cooped OPEC code coed coop cope deco dope oped poco pood 3 Letter Words You can Make With Cooped CEO DCE EDP Poe cep cod coo cop doc doe ode ope pec ped pod poo 2 Letter Words You can Make With Cooped CE De co de do ed od oe op pe Direct Anagrams

9. In the early morning of # uly, a violent altercation occurred in the town of Streoc, in the Pec region, involving Ramush Haradinaj, a former KLA commander and founder of the new political party known as the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, several members of the Kosovo Protection Corps, Sedik Musaj, formerly associated with the Armed Forces of Kosovo (FARC) and now aligned with the Democratic League of Kosovo, and possibly other individuals

10. (Cana dian Oxfo rd Dictionary) biodive rsity, biological div ersity - The variety of life, from gen es a nd s pec ies to comm unities, ecosystems, functions and pro cesse s (Protecting Cana da’s Endan gered Sp aces, H um m el, 1995) conservation -The im plem entation of me asures for the rational use, m aintenance, and reh abilitation or restoration of natural resources (Pa rks C anada b ulletin) ecosystem - an eco system is a co m m unity of organ ism s an d their non-living environm ent. F und am enta l to the system is the flow of energy via food chains and the cycling of nutrients. eco logical integrity - "An ecosystem has integ rity when it is deem ed characteristic for its natu ral region, including the com position and abund ance of na tive species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting proc ess es."