Use "peasants" in a sentence

1. The resulting measures angered the peasants, leading to the Peasants' Revolt of 1381.

2. The peasants doff their hats.

3. A group of Bareheaded peasants

4. The peasants reaped their rice.

5. 27 The peasants threatened to revolt.

6. The rich peasants answered mockingly.

7. The peasants leaned down to reap wheat.

8. The peasants were ploughing the field.

9. Land - hungry peasants push up the hillsides.

10. 1637 – Shimabara Rebellion by Christian peasants.

11. 28 The peasants rose in revolt.

12. The author glorified the life of the peasants.

13. 4 Forget those godforsaken southerners,[] those peasants.

14. Aztec peasants are armed with a simple club.

15. The peasants are working with a will.

16. The quarry comprised destitute peasants, rural reds, bucolic Bolshies

17. The peasants were dismally disheartened by the long drought.

18. Peasants are busy weeding under the scorching sun.

19. The infantry were peasants, coddled, soft and fat.

20. Peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart.

21. 1637: Shimabara Rebellion (1637–38) mounted by overtaxed peasants.

22. Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner.

23. They forced thousands of peasants into their reactionary armies.

24. The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

25. Artel definition, (in Russia or the Soviet Union) a peasants' or workers' cooperative; an association of workers or peasants for collective effort

26. The authorities dragooned the peasants into leaving their farms.

27. The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land.

28. Only a few of the nation's peasants are literate.

29. 2 The peasants are reaping good harvests in succession.

30. The peasants are reaping good harvests in succession.

31. It's inevitable in China that the peasants besiege the cities.

32. This class included all poor commoners, peasants and laborers.

33. Large numbers of peasants died by the act of God.

34. There was talk of land reform and demonstrations by peasants.

35. The peasants proved more acquiescent than had been expected.

36. The urban poor, too, came originally from dispossessed peasants.

37. They also smashed up the peasants' illicit vodka stills.

38. The invading army took every opportunity to humiliate the local peasants.

39. It's inevitable in China that the peasants Besiege the cities

40. Peasants were permitted, indeed encouraged, to withdraw from the commune.

41. Upon taking control, Hideyoshi decreed that all peasants be disarmed completely.

42. A great deal of subsistence farming went on among the peasants.

43. These machines would relieve the peasants of their backbreaking labour.

44. Military colonies near the boundaries consisted mostly of soldiers and peasants.

45. We must avoid adopting any adventurist policies towards the middle peasants.

46. Students, workers and peasants formed a joint committee to organize supplies.

47. They were successful merchants and artisans, not Chambermaids and peasants

48. 26 The peasants were treading the grapes in huge vats.

49. Commoner Commoners include peasants, serfs, Slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits.

50. The delicacy is made from Bummalo fish sun-dried by peasants in

51. Peasants usually put Blacklegs of the common cause in the pillory

52. Essentially, mass culture means raising the cultural level of the peasants.

53. After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.

54. The Communists branded her a landlord and, therefore, an oppressor of peasants.

55. Peasants wade knee deep in mud coaxing water buffalo to pull ploughs.

56. The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.

57. The peasants sacrificed lame children in honour of the celestial blanket-holder.

58. Did the peasants have just cause for complaint against their feudal lords?

59. Most of the manual laborers on the land were peasants from Qalqilya.

60. The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants.

61. Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits.

62. Peasants under serfdom tended to be forced to fulfil their obligations.

63. All the property turned over to the peasants was owned collectively by the mir, the village community, which divided the land among the peasants and supervised the various holdings.

64. From generations of peasants she had inherited her strength , along with her servility.

65. 20 Peasant Crossbowmen are equipped with a crossbow and have a simple knife for a sidearm. Lucky peasants are armoured in light mail, most peasants though are not lucky and are unarmoured .

66. 22 The government asked them, like the peasants, to make superhuman efforts.

67. 16 The peasants believed their only choice was to resort to violence.

68. Starting from the lower class, there were the peasants, bourgeoisie, and the Aristocrats

69. The film was of large happy female peasants dancing, with garlands held aloft.

70. After the harvest, the peasants began to prepare the soil for seed.

71. Dickens contrasts the opulence of Frances nobility with the indigence of her peasants.

72. Alongside its banks, dikes protect the peasants living on the plain below.

73. Dickens contrasts the opulence of France's nobility with indigence of her peasants.

74. The citizens in The Peasants Rebellion get hungry - from workers, to farmers, to soldiers.

75. 21 Some peasants left their home village and peregrinated the country for seasonal jobs.

76. Only one quarter of the peasants were farmers; the remainder were mere laborers.

77. He had seemed puzzled but intrigued by the clogged, uncouth sketches of peasants.

78. Owing to fall in the prices of agricultural commodities , the peasants were in distress .

79. The turmoil caused many of the peasants in the area to flee to safety.

80. BECK: Stalin forced peasants to give up their farms under the banner of collectivization.