Use "peace treaty with egypt" in a sentence

1. An Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty was signed in 1979.

2. But the agreement was an important step towards the Camp David Accords of 1978 and the peace treaty with Egypt signed in 1979.

3. After the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty of 1979, the town of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, was split by this Corridor.

4. They have transgressed the treaty of peace.

5. When Americans made contact with the Apaches a peace treaty was negotiated but the peace lasted only about three years

6. Yet it was Begin who signed the historic peace treaty with Egypt's Anwar Sadat.

7. A peace treaty would be of immense strategic advantage.

8. The treaty restored an uneasy peace to the country.

9. "Abrogate" the peace treaty which the Hashemite Kingdom concluded with Israel in 1994

10. Clearly, the Treaty of Westphalia did not bring lasting peace.

11. He also helped to negotiate a peace treaty with Geiseric after the Vandal invasion of Africa.

12. Waging war; engaged in war: a peace treaty between Belligerent powers

13. The peace treaty was finalized at Serdica on 1 March, 317.

14. King Alined supposedly came to Camelot to sign a peace treaty

15. Under the terms of the 1947 peace treaty with the Allies, Italy relinquished all claims to Libya.

16. 12: In Moscow, Finland signs a peace treaty with the Soviet Union after 105 days of conflict.

17. In October 1801, he made peace with the French, and in 1802 signed the Treaty of Amiens.

18. To bring about (a final agreement or settlement): Conclude a peace treaty

19. They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.

20. Assuaging Israel's Egypt Anxiety After decades of cold peace, an uncertain future

21. A peace treaty was signed in 1865 and a second agreement, the Medicine Lodge Treaty of 1867, guaranteed Arapahos a

22. Foreign Minister Lavrov: Regarding the first question as to a peace treaty with Japan - our line is invariable.

23. Since the 1953 armistice the two sides have never signed a peace treaty.

24. Anything which threatens the permanence of the treaty is a threat to peace.

25. Back in Moscow, Trotsky again argued for a peace treaty and this time prevailed.

26. During the Polish–Soviet War, Lithuania signed the Moscow Peace Treaty with the Soviet Union that laid out Lithuania's frontiers.

27. Few observers believe that the treaty will bring a lasting peace to the region.

28. Shah Muhammad reluctantly agreed to this peace treaty, but it was not to last.

29. On 12 December it also concluded a treaty with the Kingdom of Yugoslavia calling for "permanent peace and eternal friendship".

30. However, no peace treaty followed, so North and South Korea are technically still at war.

31. 20 The peace treaty will lay the foundations for a loose confederation of sovereign states.

32. 🔊 During the Armistice, the two world leaders were able to negotiate a peace treaty

33. A peace treaty was secured in January 1169 and Richard's betrothal to Alys was confirmed.

34. On 2 February 1920, the Tartu Peace Treaty was signed with Soviet Russia, wherein Russia acknowledged the independence of the Estonian Republic.

35. With France Alexander was forced to sue for peace, and by the Treaty of Tilsit, signed in 1807, he became Napoleon's ally.

36. Since the beginning of the Cedar Revolution, hopes had increased of an Israel-Lebanon peace treaty.

37. 4 I do hope the treaty will pave the way to peace in the Middle East.

38. Later, both sides signed a peace treaty in 1842, putting a final end to the war.

39. 17 After the war ended, in 1918, the victorious Allies imposed a punitive peace treaty on Germany.

40. After the first world war, the punitive peace treaty was surely a ‘pushing,’ an incitement to retaliation.

41. They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950 s.

42. The marriage treaty was concluded the same day and was viewed as a guarantee of the new peace.

43. On the Danube, Scythian tribes were once again on the loose, despite the peace treaty signed in 251.

44. During this term of office, Rabin also oversaw the signing of the Israel–Jordan peace treaty in 1994.

45. A peace treaty recognizing Brazil's independence was drafted in summer 1825, and signed by Brazil and Portugal that autumn.

46. Habibullah Khan sought reconciliation with the UK, where he graduated in 1905 with a peace treaty with Russia, stretching for defeat in the Russo-Japanese War had to withdraw from Afghanistan.

47. During this period he implemented the first Oslo Accords and participated in the negotiations towards the Israel–Jordan peace treaty.

48. The young Edward was accompanied by his mother Isabella, who was the sister of King Charles, and was meant to negotiate a peace treaty with the French.

49. When peace was made in 1918, one of the purposes of the Versailles peace treaty was “to render possible the initiation of a general limitation of the armaments of all nations.”

50. CONSIDERING paragraph 5 of the preamble of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, done at Denpasar, Bali, on 24 February 1976 (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty of Amity) which refers to the need for cooperation with all peace-loving nations, both within and outside Southeast Asia, in the furtherance of world peace, stability and harmony;

51. Following parliamentary ratification, Chissano promulgated on Oct. 14 legislation approving the actual peace treaty as well as a general political amnesty.

52. Peace be with you.

53. Ancient Egypt was divided into two regions, namely Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

54. The Joint Commission reiterated the need for reviewing, adjusting and updating the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1950, reflecting the current realities.

55. She was compelled to sue for peace and under the terms of the Treaty of Paris was disarmed on the Black Sea.

56. Following the Treaty of Utrecht the Acadians enjoyed a 30-year period of peace, the longest since the founding of the colony

57. It is the first of several accords that are expected to culminate in a peace treaty to formally end the Chiapas conflict.

58. In mythology, the unification of Egypt is portrayed as the falcon-god, called Horus and identified with Lower Egypt, as conquering and subduing the god Set, who was identified with Upper Egypt.

59. The Peace of Leoben, an armistice between Austria and France preliminary to the Treaty of Campo Formio, was signed in Leoben in 1797.

60. The Allies abandoned the Treaty of Sèvres to negotiate a new treaty at Lausanne with the Turkish National Movement.

61. Since that time, no final peace treaty has been signed between Japan and Russia, and the status of the neighboring Kuril Islands remains disputed.

62. With one peace for his people... but peace had come at a price.

63. Egypt Capitalises on bond boom with $3bn borrowing plan

64. You will destroy Egypt or Egypt will destroy you.

65. In the EGYPT, Changan is currently present with 1 models

66. Smoke a peace pipe with them.

67. In ancient Egypt royal Cenotaphs were erected along with the

68. Joseph and Mary then fled to Egypt with their son.

69. I'm at peace with my fate.

70. It can't make peace with it.

71. The committee procedures have been aligned with the Lisbon Treaty.

72. American forces will remain to verify compliance with the treaty.

73. He had a secret treaty with his kin in Nagarythe.

74. Hence, the treaty was renamed the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC).

75. Holland sent additional forces to the aid of Kieft, leading to the overwhelming defeat of the Native Americans and a peace treaty on August 29, 1645.

76. 3.5.2 The committee procedures have been aligned with the Lisbon Treaty.

77. But he was also instructed to negotiate a treaty with Siam.

78. □ What can shatter our peace with Jehovah?

79. They were charged with disturbing the peace .

80. Macklin was charged with disturbing the peace.