Use "peace initiative" in a sentence

1. The Peace Initiative was again endorsed at 2007 in the Riyadh Summit.

2. Further execution problems came with PEACE initiative and the absorption of extra funds via that route.

3. A fair and agreeable solution to the refugee issue is offered by the Arab peace initiative.

4. Saudi Arabia presented a new peace initiative on Monday to end the war in Yemen, including a nationwide Ceasefire and the reopening of air …

5. At the Beirut Summit on 28 March 2002, the league adopted the Arab Peace Initiative, a Saudi-inspired peace plan for the Arab–Israeli conflict.

6. Having lately and abruptly discovered its virtues, Israel also responded to the Arab Peace Initiative by brazenly attacking Lebanon in the summer of 2006 in an attempt to undermine all efforts at peace.

7. 2007: Arab League delegation visits the State of Israel for the first time in history, to discuss the League's newly reaffirmed Arab Peace Initiative as well as the threat posed by Hamas and other Islamic extremists.

8. In August 1970, Meir accepted a U.S. peace initiative that called for an end to the War of Attrition and an Israeli pledge to withdraw to "secure and recognized boundaries" in the framework of a comprehensive peace settlement.

9. The President is absolutely committed with his peace team to doing everything in his, in our power to move forward at a point in the new year, a peace process, a peace initiative, which can move the region forward.

10. India has supported the Quartet Roadmap of 2003 and the Arab Peace Initiative, resumption of dialogue on Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syria Tracks and believes that these have to be addressed in efforts to establish comprehensive and durable peace in the region.

11. It is also satisfying that the Middle East Peace Process will address the remaining issues on the Israel-Lebanon and Israel-Syria tracks; we believe that the Arab Peace Initiative re-launched at the Arab Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in March this year provides a constructive framework to achieve such a comprehensive peace.

12. * The complementarities of the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap, which essentially focus on the revival of dialogue for a peacefully, negotiated solution, on the unfinished issues of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the Palestine, Syrian and Lebanese tracks, including the Final Status Issues, through active dialogue by the parties directly concerned, need to be addressed.