Use "pathologic" in a sentence

1. Ascites is the pathologic accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum

2. The 3D imaging revealed pathologic findings in 41% of the examinations.

3. Ascites describes the condition of pathologic fluid collection within the abdominal cavity

4. The clinical signs comprise strabismus, pathologic head posture, and disturbed saccades.

5. Chimerism and cure: hematologic and pathologic correction of murine sickle cell disease

6. It apparently precedes slightly the earliest significant pathologic lesions represented primarily by thymic atrophy.

7. Pathologic Aerophagia is present in 8.8% of the mentally retarded population 3) .

8. Pathologic Aerophagia is a rare condition caused by excessive and inconvenient air swallowing

9. Abrasion is the pathologic loss of tooth structure secondary to an external mechanical action

10. The pathologic extracellular proteinaceous substance deposited in Amyloidosis; it is a waxy eosinophilic material

11. Adenomyosis represents a pathologic change of uterine architecture which may result in uterine dysfunction.

12. To master concept, causes, pathologic changes, and effects to body of hyperemia and congestion.

13. Bedewing of the corneal epithelium may be observed in a number of pathologic processes

14. Long-term outcome data and predictive factors for pathologic complete response (pCR) were analyzed.

15. 14 Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence, paradentitis and apical abscess.

16. Normal and slightly pathologic acetabular angles have been examined together for mean values and standard-deviations.

17. Athetosis is a peculiar involuntary movement resulting from pathologic involvement of the basal ganglia

18. It has been suggested that pathologic findings can help to determine the timing of Abruptions

19. Our investigation reaffirms their belief that Aneurysmal bone cyst is a distinct clinical and pathologic entity

20. A pathologic increase of plasma viscosity thus represents a phenomenon associated with all known risk factors.

21. Clinical Cytogenetics the branch of Cytogenetics concerned with relations between chromosomal abnormalities and pathologic conditions.

22. It has been suggested that pathologic findings can help to determine the timing of Abruptions.

23. Surgical resection of the tumors enabled a correlation of ADC values with the pathologic classification.

24. To master concept, pathogenesis, pathologic changes of heart and lung, clinicopathological correlation of cor pulmonale.

25. Objective To illustrate the clinical features, pathologic histology and the change of ultramicrostructure of hemiatrophy.

26. Definitive InfectiveEndocarditis Pathologic Criteria Micro-organisms demonstrated by culture or histology in avegetation OR in a vegetation that has embolized OR In an intracardiac Abscessor Pathologic Lesions Vegetations or intracardiac abscess presentconfirmed by histology showing activeendocarditis 30.

27. 6 Shows the pathologic structure of decayed tooth, pulpitis, apical putrescence,( paradentitis and apical abscess.

28. In addition, pathologic changes of diffusion characteristics (MD and FA) were significantly correlated with impaired memory function.

29. 4 To master concept, pathogenesis, pathologic changes of heart and lung, clinicopathological correlation of cor pulmonale.

30. Its Benignancy has been established on the basis of rigorous pathologic review and adequate clinical follow-up

31. The spectrum of pathologic microbes was dominated by mixed infections, the share of actinomyces and aspergillus was unexpected high.

32. 21 To master concept, pathogenesis, pathologic changes, complications, clinicopathological correlation of lobar pneumonia, lobular pneumonia, viral pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia.

33. 🍁Cervical spine pain and stiffness caused by Cervical lordosis pathologic and other issues can not be ignored

34. In other cases it results from red blood cell breakdown, liver disease, infection, hypothyroidism, or metabolic disorders (pathologic).

35. Peculiar Arcuate scotoma in pathologic myopia--optical coherence tomography to detect peripapillary neural tissue loss over the disc crescent

36. Acetabular roof angles higher than the double standard-deviation are definitely pathologic and should be treated at any rate.

37. Alivary gland dysfunction is encountered in various pathologic processes presenting as a dry mouth or, rarely, overproduction of saliva (1)

38. Pathologic variations should be related only to changes normally found at an age and not to an “ideal anatomical state”.

39. Asymptomatic adjective Lacking obvious signs or symptoms of disease—usually understood to mean despite the presence of a pathologic condition

40. Methods:The cervical lesion in 545 patients was inspected with electronic colposcope, the results of colposcopy and pathologic examination were analyzed.

41. Pathologic Atrophy is seen with aging, starvation, and diseases such as Cushing disease (because of taking too much medicines called corticosteroids)

42. Pathologic values of albuminuria (> 20 mg/l or “positive”) were found in the survey sheets of 18% of all patients.

43. 21 Objective To evaluate the effect of leflunomide treatment for lupus nephritis (LN). To analyze pathologic type transformation through repeated renal biopsies.

44. When functional Aerophagia is associated with various gastrointestinal symptoms, such as burping, abdominal pain, flatulence and hiccups, this condition is defined as pathologic Aerophagia 2)

45. 17 If pathologic diagnoses are DCIS, ADH, papilloma, ALH et al, we need to submit all segmental mastectomy or excional biopsy specimen for microscopic examination.

46. 16 Serial bronchoscopy is valuable not only for evaluation of airway pathologic change, but also for decreasing possible consequent pulmonary complications by removing bronchorrhea.

47. Postoperatively, pathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal actinomycosis in which the characteristic finding of sulfur granules in the resected specimen was demonstrated.

48. Conclusion, the Maraca mulatto can suffer from the same arthropathy as human being, and it is possible to choose the aged as a natural pathologic model.

49. After having diagnosed malaria tropica the administration of mefloquine (Lariam®) because of local drug resistance ended the fever, and all pathologic EEG-findings disappeared.

50. Pathologic elevation of Conjugated or direct bilirubin (concentration higher than 2 mg/dL or more than 20% of total bilirubin) is termed Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia

51. For this purpose 494 placentas, divided into a normal control group and a pathologic group from patients with toxemia of pregnancy, were systematically examined.

52. The word Ascites is of Greek origin (askos) and means bag or sac.Ascites describes the condition of pathologic fluid collection within the abdominal cavity

53. Propionic acidemia is caused by a gene defect leading to malfunction of the enzyme propionyl–CoA carboxylase (PCC) and in turn to a pathologic accumulation of propionic acid.

54. In a few tendons from adults an absorption maximum is found at the wave length ofλ 280 nm, indicating a true pathologic change in the tendon.

55. As hyperemia caused by vasodilatation and angiogenesis is the earliest detectable pathologic change in the beginning of synovitis, Doppler ultrasonography can be used to assess inflammatory activity.

56. Similarly the pathologic tendency to increased agglutination, which is regularly observed in patients with manifest arteriosclerosis, is not changed by the administration of fats low in polyenoic acids.

57. The anaphylactoid reaction presents with the same pathologic conditions and signs and symptoms as the classic Anaphylactic reaction and affects the history gathering process, which may have

58. We further show that recombinant AAV serotype 1 (rAAV1) transduces ECs of pathologic vessels, and that editing of genomic VEGFR2 locus using rAAV1-mediated CRISPR/Cas9 Abrogates angiogenesis in

59. Acute Abruptions may not be diagnosed by pathology, whereas Abruptions that occur from a long-standing process may often have evidence of the inciting process on pathologic exam

60. Alte is defined as an episode that is “ frightening ” to the care provider and is characterized by some combination of pathologic apnea, color change, change in muscle tone, choking, or gagging

61. We examined clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic data from 29 patients with isolated ileitis and no prior history of inflammatory bowel disease, and no colonic or upper gastrointestinal involvement.

62. 11 Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic valise of MRI and transvaginal sonography (TVS) in submucous myomas and to compare the advantages of two methods according to hysteroscopy and pathologic results.

63. Pathologic cold Agglutinins (such as with CAD) occur at titers of 1:64-100,000 and react at 28-31ºC and sometimes near or at 37ºC.

64. Six cases of WNV-associated AFP are described in which clinical and electrophysiologic findings suggest a pathologic process involving anterior horn cells and motor axons similar to that seen in acute poliomyelitis.

65. Chronobiology Pharmacology The formal study of the effects of circadian rhythms on the timing of illness, and therapy Physiology The formal study of circadian rhythms on physiologic and pathologic events

66. Angiogenesis, the growth and proliferation of blood vessels from existing vascular structures, is tightly regulated in adult tissues, and abnormalities in Angiogenesis are associated with a number of pathologic states

67. A carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) is a pathologic shunt between the carotid artery and the venous cavernous sinus; such hemodynamic lesions often lead to the triad of exophthalmos, epibulbar Arterialized loops, and glaucoma

68. While the primary abnormality would appear to be an abiotrophy of the lens epithelium, analogous to other dystrophies in the eye, the chief pathologic manifestation is seen in aberrant proliferation of the capsule.

69. The findings to focus on are: position and extent of pathologic vascular proliferation, activity of fibrovascular proliferation, Angioplany of the retina, absence of capillary network of the retina, extent of photocoagulation, and stabilizing of the vascular activity …

70. At first, the acetabulum is cartilaginous and distorted by the moving femoral head; this acetabulum is histologicaly affected by the femoral pressure.The pathologic hip is characterized by defective posterior bony coverage of the femoral head by the acetabulum.

71. The common and absolute requirement for becoming an allergist is the clinical expertise in diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases together with a deep understanding of physiologic and pathologic immune reactions and profound knowledge on allergy-relevant environmental factors.

72. Recurrence rates by pathologic type were 2 of 49 (4%) patients with superficial spreading melanoma, 6 of 30 (20%) with nodular melanoma, and 5 of 14 (36%) with acral lentiginous melanoma, the latter including subungual, plantar, or palmar lesions.

73. KetoAcidosis is a metabolic state caused by uncontrolled production of ketone bodies that cause a metabolic Acidosis.While ketosis refers to any elevation of blood ketones, ketoAcidosis is a specific pathologic condition that results in changes in blood pH and requires medical attention

74. As evidence of theCandida etiology of the complications has been considered: an intensive development of yeast-like organism in the affected areas; the presence of antibodies as agglutinins, precipitins, and complement fixing antibodies; the intensity of allergic skin tests during the development of the pathologic processes.

75. Intrahepatic injection of this amoeba-crithidia culture (A-C culture) caused pathologic anatomical changes in the liver of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). 6 days after infection coagulation necrosis of varying extent was found in the liver of 138 from a total of 166 infected hamsters.

76. Partitioned-off portion of a larger bound space; a separate section or chamber; the Compartments of the limbs are bound deeply by bones and intermuscular septa and superficially by deep fascia and generally are not in communication with the other Compartments, and thus infection or increased pathologic pressure may be

77. Adverse effects and complications of existing diseases such as diabetes (diabetes mellitus), or stroke (apoplexy), promote the development of a pressure sore. Long-term consequences of diabetes mellitus are neural diseases (neuropathies), vascular diseases (diabetic macro and micro angiopathies), pathologic changes in the kidneys (nephropathies), and changes of the ocular fundus (retinopathies).

78. They do not follow the classic patterns of mendelian inheritance; the genetic predisposition to asthma is due rather to a combination of alterations in different independent genes that are involved in a number of pathologic mechanisms specific to the immune system and also to such target organs as the lung, nose and skin.

79. Double Barrelled Pistol is a weapon found in Pathologic that is available in all routes; however, it can only be wielded by the Changeling, but not the Bachelor or the Haruspex.The Double Barrelled Pistol will be found in the 'Other' category of the inventory rather than 'Weapons' when playing as the Bachelor and the Haruspex, due to their inability to wield this gun.

80. Not counting the 17 per cent of cases with monstrous deformities which were found in kidney agenesia, the following clinical and pathologic-anatomical findings were obtained: agenesia of the kidneys and ureters in 100 per cent; typical facial dysplasia (Potter) in 82 per cent; deformities of the internal male and female genital organs in 80 to 100 per cent; microcystis in 74 per cent; hypoplasia of the lungs in 70 per cent; club foot in 31 per cent, deformities of the spine in 15 per cent; analatresia in 12.5 per cent; malformation of the external genital organs in 12.5 per cent; contracted joints in 11.5 per cent of the cases.