Use "pastors" in a sentence

1. Pharmacists, innkeepers, pastors.

2. Pastors: Backslidden but Preaching

3. Baptismal robes for pastors, adults and children

4. Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Breaking Curses

5. Antithetically, pastors’ wives ministries are the least seen

6. Conferees `model` how pastors, laity might best relate

7. The Johnsons became pastors of Bethel Church in 1996.

8. Sixteen pastors and Anointeds were present among the families

9. Preachers Who Don't Believe - The Scandal of Apostate Pastors

10. The annual Chafer Theological Seminary (CTS) Pastors’ Conference is open to theologians, pastors, students, and anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible

11. Carousings; We also have classes for: Small Groups, Church Leaders, and Pastors

12. Churchings offers wholesale Quality Church Attire for Choirs, Clergy, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, Ministers

13. The Pastors of Geneva were indignant, and appointed a committee to answer these charges.

14. Alliterated Sermon Outlines by John G Butler was written specifically for WORDsearch's annual pastors conference

15. He was raised by an extended family of missionaries and pastors in a Christian church.

16. We think these Cassocks will become the favorite of priests, pastors, seminarians, acolytes, clergy and ministers everywhere.

17. It means, as pastors, committing ourselves among our people and, with our people, supporting their faith and hope.

18. In addition, we maintain an extensive archive of the teachings at Candlelight by our pastors and special guests

19. Celebration Church is a local church in Austin, TX founded 20 years ago by Pastors Joe and Lori Champion.

20. Cleric is a general term and is used in reference to Catholic priests, Protestant ministers, and non-denominational pastors

21. Let us pray for the many pastors who have become Backslidden, yet still standing on the pulpits to preach

22. When in 1935 the Confessing Church synod protested the Nazi policy on religion, 700 of their pastors were arrested.

23. Mr Ambassador, permit me to address through you warm greetings to the Catholic community of Morocco and its pastors.

24. His own studies led him towards a much-modified Congregationalism, with a threefold ministry of evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

25. The Appointive Cabinet Each year in The United Methodist Church, pastors are appointed to local churches by our Bishop

26. In my book, At Full Strength: Navigating the Risks All Pastors Face, I appl y th is Cross hairs shooting metaphor to the helping professions, including pastors: “ A distinct and predictable low period in life, often without a known cause, is a cross hair.

27. Religious and political authority were thus indistinguishable, arid leadership in the community was provided by the elected elders and pastors.

28. Alongside has designed special programs with spiritual counseling to renew mind, body and soul—healing to pastors, missionaries and Christian leaders.

29. Bessye was the very dear to me and the Coinonia Ministry at Salem Bible Church, Pastors Jasper Williams, Jr., and Dr

30. Neo-Calvinist pastors and speakers like Piper and Driscoll have drawn criticism for how they interpret Calvinism’s treatment of gender roles

31. It was then that the city pastors began asking their brethren in the mountain villages to organise sanctuary for the refugees.

32. The program will include conversations with pastors on how their Congregations are engaging with the issue of affordable housing in their communities

33. People whose work is primarily for religious purposes, such as priests, ministers, pastors, elders, clergyman, Clergywoman, etc., are exempt from unemployment benefits.

34. Read today's top Christian Blogs with a Biblical worldview on the latest news, topics and trends written by pastors, teachers, and speakers.

35. Having given Thy commission to the Apostles, Thou now Assemblest them in presence of the people, that both Shepherds and Flock may hear Thy command; the pastors, to execute it; the people, to understand that they must listen to and obey the pastors Thou hast appointed to teach and govern them.

36. Crossties Ministry provides Bible study resources, sermon outlines, devtional articles and other information for use by individual students, pastors, preachers, and Bible teachers.

37. Enriching Pastors and Engaging Congregations The NAE represents more than 45,000 local Churches from nearly 40 different denominations, in addition to nondenominational Churches

38. Pastors typically have a church where the congregation gathers for worship and fellowship, while a Chaplain generally goes to where his congregation is

39. The two pastors began a vigorous campaign of knocking on doors, providing spiritual and humanitarian help to the poor, and praying for the sick.

40. Alicula: Small tunic that covered shoulders, generally open in front and fastened at the neck with a brooch, used by young people and pastors.

41. "Apologetics" sounds like one of those scary "smart Christian" words - something that pastors and leaders study, but not us common people

42. So, I keep “Bothering” (a) by bringing teaching at appropriate times [e.g., see my book, “The Beauty of Spiritual Language”; and (b) by mentoring pastors

43. For example, many of the Harvest Bible Chapels here in Canada are derided as “Sheep-stealing Bibliolaters” because our pastors… preach the Bible and people show up

44. Dan Bohi is the founder of Becoming Love Ministries Association (BLMA), an international ministry organization bringing revival and transformation to pastors, leaders, and churches of multiple denominations

45. The Berean Annotated Bible is under construction for both the New and Old Testaments, and will be a wonderful tool for readers, students, teachers, and pastors alike

46. The IVP New Testament Commentary Series Pastors with a passion for sound exposition and scholars with a heart for pastoral leadership have joined forces to produce this exciting Commentary

47. (Available in Portuguese/ Disponível em Português) Pastors of Maranatha Christian churches of the northeastern United States, and Anointeds, along with their families, gathered for a […]

48. Explaining how these oils are prepared by pastors and people in occultism, he said that, the Crowd puller oil is prepared with the use of water acquired from the body of …

49. “I’m the Cussing pastor that used my platform to raise $6000 for this mother that was going through a plight, where these other ignorant-a**, non-functioning-a** pastors wasn’t doing a

50. As pastors, godly men and women are called to come alongside the flock to be encouragers, teachers, Admonishers, comforters, and models of what it means to be a committed follower of Jesus Christ

51. Bethel Church is a charismatic megachurch in Redding, California, that is primarily known for their popular music label (Bethel Music), worship music, and the teachings of the controversial senior pastors, Bill and Beni Johnson

52. Our seasoned Contributors include some of the most well-known pastors in today's churches, plus hundreds more freely sharing their years and years of preaching experience with you as you prepare your message.

53. In 1994, a group of Christian businessmen and urban pastors, all with a heart for Urban Denver, began meeting about their desire to impact the employment side of poverty, and Belay was born.

54. Welcome to A Pilgrim's Coffer theology website! We are growing our database of reformed Christian theology & doctrine, theological quotes, favorite classic hymns, and our blog for enthusiasts, pastors, students, and seekers of the Word alike

55. In response to the needs of catechetical leaders, Catechists, pastors, and parents, Our Sunday Visitor is proud to announce Alive in Christ, a premier Catholic religion curriculum that engages today's children and is rooted in Divine Pedagogy.

56. The Catechist Formation Program provides the basic theological understanding, spiritual formation and catechetical methodology necessary for those who are appointed by their pastors and commissioned by their parishes to hand on the faith to youth and children.

57. Commissioned LAY PASTORS IN THE PCUSA As our offices continue to receive inquiries regarding the church’s expanded use of Commissioned Lay Pastors1, we have prepared a comprehensive overview of the history, functions, and learnings with respect to their role.

58. The Aleph Ordination Program offers a comprehensive curriculum of study and practica for rabbis, cantors, rabbinic pastors and mashpi'im, embracing both traditional modalities of learning and prayer and the exploration of new learning, ritual, art, music, and prayer experiences

59. Many Assisting pastors get upset because they came on staff expecting that they would have lunch each day with the pastor, that their families would take outings together and that, generally speaking, the pastor would be their best friend

60. The Contenders Discipleship Initiative (CDI) is a free two-year education program offered by Village Missions to equip Christians for ministry within their local church and to prepare those who are called for full-time ministry as missionary pastors.

61. Curtis Pugh maintains that Biblicist pastors “ask church members to allow them to ‘talk out of both sides of their mouths.’”33 But believing that Calvinism is biblical, he simply regards himself “also as a Biblicist”34 to stop the debate

62. Brasher speculates on some of the influences and trends for congregational life - that pastors and theologians grounded in an education influenced by agrian culture and pastoral concerns might find a difficult time in relating the modern technological-cultural issues to their communities.

63. ‘The document addresses the public scandal of politicians who persistently and Contumaciously oppose the church's teaching without any appropriate response from their pastors.’ ‘He was practical and level-headed, and the things he saw in this new world Contumaciously defied everything he …

64. The Acpt seeks to be: A meeting place for a community of pastors and scholars committed to Pentecostal values and ministry; a digital library of books, articles, book reviews, and blogs that seek to bring clarity to the Pentecostal message, encourage the Church in its

65. Convertibles are no longer simply fair-weather friends; No reason to fear a sudden storm with retractable hardtops Like so many female pastors throughout the ages, Burdick, or Reverend Perie as she was Affectionally called, was a wife, a mother, and a tireless servant of God.

66. With the Apostle Paul's words, I offer my affectionate greeting to each one of you and assure you of my closeness in prayer, so that the Lord may enlighten and sustain your daily work as Pastors at the service of the Church and of the beloved Italian Nation.

67. Headship Respect, For Human Beings Church Authority, Of Eldars Leadership elders, in the church Admonition, Of Leaders Diligence, Examples Of Respecting Authority Appreciation For Pastors But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction,

68. "Adoptive Church" is also good for lay leaders, Pastor, Youth Pastors and anyone who wants to wrestle with the question, "How does our Church incorporate 'Adoptive youth ministry' in OUR Church context?" While it does not give answers, it is more of an eye-opener as to WHY Adoptive …

69. These Congratulatory Church Letters are a great way for churches and pastors to encourage people in some of the "milestone occasions" of their lives! How encouraging it can be to receive such a letter from a Pastor! Over 1,100 letters in 60 plus categories written by a Pastor with over 35 years experience.

70. These Congratulatory Church Letters are a great way for churches and pastors to encourage people in some of the "milestone occasions" of their lives! How encouraging it can be to receive such a letter from a Pastor! Over 1,100 letters in 60 plus categories written by a Pastor with over 35 years experience.

71. At NTS, we constantly ask ourselves if we are effectively Accomplishing our mission-both to prepare women and men to be "faithful and effective ministers of the gospel," and to be a "theological resource to the church." We polled a few experienced pastors, recent graduates, and current students about NTS's impact on their personal spiritual

72. NATURE IS AGAINST HIM, THATS Y Backwardnesses IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIS FOLLOWERS , You can set ur benchmark with d Muslims Cry for ur ignorant country, as u ask but pastors are rich na?I believe that all hands should be on deck to end the PROGRAMMINGS of the 2 greatest enemies of nature they have eating earth enough with their bloody forks

73. His Beatitude often wished that the spiritual charisma of this great Saint should become an example for pastors and for the faithful, certain that in St Gregory of Narek each one could come to know the wonders that the Lord is capable of accomplishing in a heart that opens to Him, in the simplicity and daily abasement, thereby sharing in the turmoil of humanity through a constant intercession.