Use "pastime" in a sentence

1. Swimming is my favorite pastime.

2. Reading was her favourite pastime.

3. Writing is a solitary pastime.

4. Baseball is the national pastime.

5. Gardening is my mother's favourite pastime.

6. Playing chess is his favourite pastime.

7. Baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime.

8. Gardening is a very rewarding pastime.

9. His favourite pastime is golf.

10. Photography is her favourite pastime.

11. Overloading circuits was a national pastime.

12. Collecting nonsense words is an interesting pastime.

13. Turning the other cheek is the national pastime.

14. Is it a harmless diversion or pastime?

15. The ministry was no casual pastime for him!

16. The so-called love, just feel lonely pastime.

17. Eating out is the national pastime in France.

18. Since then, talk shows have become a national pastime.

19. Shooting parrots therefore becomes a pastime for some people.

20. In southern Europe, shooting birds is a popular pastime.

21. Celebrating historic triumphs is a favorite pastime for many Turks

22. The adjective Amateur often describes a pastime, like an Amateur …

23. Antiquarianism has been a popular pastime for some years

24. Indeed, swearing is a major pastime in many places.

25. Many people view gambling as a socially acceptable pastime.

26. A pastime that's enjoyably diverting can also be described as Amusing, …

27. The pastime has many excuses, and kinship can be one.

28. His quest for a wife had developed into a national pastime.

29. Cycling is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.

30. Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.

31. 17 Cycling is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.

32. As a pastime, keeping and riding horses has always been very expensive.

33. Coffee drinking is a favorite Bosnian pastime and part of the culture

34. 7 Learning should no longer be an elitist pastime for the chosen few.

35. Fighting is a popular pastime among some of the town's boys.

36. Learning should no longer be an elitist pastime for the chosen few.

37. Painting seems to be a popular pastime - but is it an appropriate image?

38. SAY: It is God: then leave them in their pastime of Cavillings.24

39. Bullfighting is a glorious pastime with a rich history in Spanish culture

40. There is evidence that Cockfighting was a pastime in the Indus Valley Civilization

41. Kids, probably - joy-riding was a popular pastime among the city's bored teenagers.

42. I grew up in landlocked Chicago, where Clamming is not exactly a popular pastime

43. Incentives to Bible Study; Scripture Acrostics; a Sabbath Pastime for Young People, 1860; and 3.

44. Synonyms for Avocation include recreation, amusement, pastime, distraction, diversion, hobby, sideline, sport, whimsy and hobbyhorse

45. Dancing is a popular pastime in Wales; traditional dances include folk dancing and clog dancing.

46. Astragali, knucklebones (ἀστράγαλοι), a popular pastime with Greeks and Romans of all ages

47. Lion hunting has occurred since ancient times and was often a royal pastime.

48. Rolling on earthworms or dead bugs, for example, is a popular dachshund pastime.

49. King Ewen's brainwave remained a popular pastime until the beginning of the Middle Ages.

50. But golf practice has been a popular pastime on cruise ships for a long time.

51. A Silmarillion on that plan could have ended as merely a pastime for scholars.

52. Within 20 years, roller skating had become a popular pastime for men and women.

53. When it comes to that interesting pastime, most members of most species come to grief.

54. Until his organized excursions, travel was considered far too dangerous a pastime for most women.

55. ' Pastime ,'said madame , still looking at him with a smile, while her fingers moved nimbly.

56. Lawren was therefore well off and able to indulge in his favourite pastime of painting.

57. Noun Aficionados A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.

58. 9 Gambling was a favorite pastime among the people when the Roman Empire was at its height.

59. The three friends sat down and enjoyed their favourite pastime - eyeing up the women in the theatre-bar.

60. The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime by

61. By Reuben Dourte Agritainment activities are becoming an increasingly popular pastime for rural, suburban and urban families alike

62. Amuse can suggest the idle pleasure derived from a pastime: I Amused myself with a game of solitaire

63. This can be especially challenging if collecting is your pastime, whether it be postage stamps, antiques, or even dolls!

64. That said, Complaining is a pastime that can be found in most groups, if not most people

65. The Baseball Codes: Beanballs, Sign Stealing, and Bench-Clearing Brawls: The Unwritten Rules of America's Pastime 304

66. PBA Betting is a common pastime as punters love to increase the excitement and bet on their favourite teams

67. In any case, working Assiduously means the student won't give up, even if a more interesting pastime comes along

68. Initially an elitist pastime, during the following decades association football supplanted rugby as Belgium's most popular football sport.

69. Cave divers are a special breed of people – very serious, focused, and meticulous when it comes to pursuing their pastime

70. Beekeeping FOR BEGINNERS Keeping honey bees is a fascinat- ing and profitable pastime that can be enjoyed in several ways

71. People ambled along, indulging in the local pastime of frustrating car drivers who had the temerity to attempt a breakthrough.

72. Reducing Asians to flat, heavily accented caricatures is a favorite pastime in this country, and has been for decades.

73. Discredit occurs only when an otherwise amiable pastime is perverted by the destruction of many books to glorify one.

74. Amusement definition, anything that amuses or entertains; pastime: The park offers authentic Danish charm and an array of Amusements and thrill rides

75. The Bigs 2 elevates America's favorite pastime to new heights with the larger-than-life ballparks, heroic gameplay, and incredible player models

76. For over six centuries, Bullfighting, considered a beloved pastime and cultural symbol, is seen as an art rather than a sport.

77. And so many of our institutions, even football, which used to be a pleasant pastime, now causes riots where people even die.

78. Urban Ballroom dancing — sometimes known elsewhere as Detroit-style Ballroom — is a pastime that goes back decades to venues such as the Graystone and …

79. Camping was at one time only a rough, back-to-nature pastime for hardy open-air lovers, but it later became the standard

80. Located in upstate New York, Cooperstown is the spiritual home of America's National Pastime as well as several attractions that capture the spirit of the region