Use "pass judgment" in a sentence

1. 20 I don't want to pass judgment on my colleagues.

2. He has observed all four symbolic beasts and can pass judgment upon them according to firsthand knowledge.

3. Appraise definition: evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of synonyms: valuate, praise, evaluate, judge, pass judgment

4. (John 7:49) Nevertheless, many such ones responded to Jesus’ teaching, doubtless sensing his desire to help rather than to pass judgment.

5. Adjudge (v.) late 14c., ajuge, "to make a judicial decision, decide by judicial opinion," from Old French ajugier "to judge, pass judgment on" (Modern French adjuger, the -d-was restored 14c

6. Since the special function of Casuistry is to determine practically and in the concrete the presence or absence of a definite moral obligation, it does not fall within its scope to pass judgment on what would be more advisable, or on what may be recommended as a counsel of perfection.

7. Connoisseur (n.) 1714, "a critical judge of any art, one well-acquainted with any of the fine arts and thus competent to pass judgment on its products," from French Connoisseur (Modern French connaiseur), from Old French conoisseor "an expert, a judge, one well-versed," from conoistre "to know," from Latin cognoscere "to get to know, recognize, become well-acquainted with," from assimilated