Use "pascal programming language" in a sentence

1. What's your favorite programming language?

2. Compilation of a pascal-like language with pattern-matching using OCaml.

3. KTurtle has a built-in programming language that is loosely based on the Logo programming language.

4. CPL (Combined Programming Language) is a multi-paradigm programming language, that was developed in the early 1960s.

5. It uses a graphical programming language.

6. Advanced programming language for global computing

7. Bubble is a visual programming language

8. Agena is an interpreted procedural programming language

9. Agena is an interpreted procedural programming language

10. Programming Language, UNIX System Administration, Database Administration.

11. LabVIEW with its graphical programming language G represents a very powerful programming tool.

12. Ang 'Bato Programming Language' ay isang scripting language sa wikang Filipino

13. Free Pascal compiler (FPC) - Free Pascal adopted the de facto standard dialect of Pascal programmers, Borland Pascal and, later, Delphi.

14. An educational programming environment using the Logo programming language, with several languages currently supported

15. There's a whole programming language and robotics tool.

16. The C++ Programming Language is a computer programming book first published in October 1985.

17. The language used is called WEB and produces programs in DEC PDP-10 Pascal.

18. Buildout is created using the Python programming language

19. Linotte is an interpreted 4th generation programming language.

20. Google recently announced their new programming language, Go.

21. Learning a new programming language requires writing programs.

22. Download Clips Rule Based Programming Language for free

23. Applicative programming Standard ML is an interactive language

24. Multi-touch editing in a graphical programming language

25. Graphical programming language for representations of concurrent operations

26. Game Maker contains a built-in programming language.

27. A compiler and bytecode VM for the Lox programming language - GitHub - Baioc/clox: A compiler and bytecode VM for the Lox programming language

28. Cats is a library which provides abstractions for functional programming in the Scala programming language

29. The Squeak programming language is a dialect of Smalltalk.

30. Tripod did not include a programming language at all.

31. Industrial automation system graphical programming language storage and transmission

32. • Odyssey, a national specialty service, provides Greek language programming.

33. A programming language for preparing computer-aided instruction courses.

34. IDL, short for Interactive Data Language, is a programming language used for data analysis.

35. CoffeeScript is a programming language that transcompiles to JavaScript.

36. All modules were implemented using the FORTRAN programming language.

37. Cobol (Common Business-Oriented Language) is a high-level programming language for business applications

38. Perl – high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language.

39. His research includes programming language design, implementation and theory.

40. The process of writing instructions in a programming language.

41. Also the TMT Pascal language was the first one which allowed function and operator overloading.

42. Much like C, Cobol is a procedural programming language

43. This is a good java programming language manual entry.

44. The Go programming language is also supported, although with a limited set of application programming interfaces (API).

45. In order to provide some experience for designer to set up single chain with pascal language.

46. Generative Modelling Language (GML) in computer graphics and generative computer programming is a very simple programming language for the concise description of complex 3D shapes.

47. Ada, a computer programming language, was named in her honor.

48. So a programming language provides a set of primitive instructions.

49. Clarion is a commercial, proprietary, fourth-generation programming language (4GL), multi-paradigm, programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) from SoftVelocity used to program database applications.

50. Specification of isochronous data transfer in a graphical programming language

51. MSX BASIC is a dialect of the BASIC programming language.

52. The Assembler language is the symbolic programming language that lies closest to the machine language in form and content

53. These routines are written in assembly language but called as procedures or functions from Pascal modules.

54. A programming language also has to satisfy all the constraints

55. Software is a user friendly,( sophisticated block programming language.

56. We use a simplified pseudocode to reduce programming language "clutter".

57. A system incorporating the language and a method of programming with the language is also disclosed.

58. Independently of the ANSI committee, the CODASYL Programming Language Committee was working on improving the language.

59. Most of the programming provided by ethnic radio and television stations falls into Type A (foreign language programming).

60. B is a programming language developed at Bell LaBs circa 1969

61. Rust is a compiled programming language being developed by Mozilla Research.

62. A common framework was then built using the C++ programming language.

63. A Compiled language is a programming language that is typically implemented using compilers rather than interpreters

64. Currently, CAMs (or associative arrays) in software are programming-language-specific.

65. From version 4, Turbo Pascal adopted the concept of units from UCSD Pascal.

66. Awk is an extremely versatile programming language for working on files

67. Algol was the first high-level programming language to implement recursion

68. A Bookmarklet is usually written in the programming language called JavaScript

69. PHPUnit is a unit testing framework for the PHP programming language.

70. Objective-J is a new programming language inspired by Objective-C.

71. This page shows answers to the clue Bigwig.Bigwig may be defined as “A person of consequence”, “An important person, esp” and “(programming language) Bigwig is a programming language”

72. For example, In the Java programming language, the operator "+" denotes Concatenation, as it does in other programming languages.

73. Python Alphabets are the same as the lower-level C programming language

74. The Standard ML core language is not a pure Applicative programming language, it is a higher-order procedural language with an Applicative …

75. It's amazing what can be done with a language that is not even considered a real programming language.

76. Littlewizard is an icon-based graphical programming language also designed for children.

77. Over time if has developered into a complete programming language with compiler.

78. EBiten is an open source game library for the Go programming language

79. Combinatory logic is the foundation for one style of functional programming language.

80. Assemble language: A programming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine-level instruction.