Use "part and parcel of" in a sentence

1. Microbiology is part and parcel of biology.

2. Sequels are part and parcel of literary history.

3. Defiance was part and parcel of his nature.

4. Emotional reactions are part and parcel of human experience.

5. Kosovo is part and parcel of the Balkan reality.

6. Her stinginess is part and parcel of her nature.

7. Skepticism is part and parcel of the capitalist ideology.

8. The church thereby became part and parcel of the war system.”

9. Occasional unemployment is part and parcel of being an actor.

10. Keeping the accounts is part and parcel of my job.

11. Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook.

12. This is part and parcel of the process of self invention,

13. Nonalignment is the part and parcel of that country's foreign policy.

14. As such, outer space has become part and parcel of modern civilization.

15. Bribes and kickbacks are part and parcel of the international arms trade.

16. Financial recourse agreements are part and parcel of a major construction contract.

17. Working irregular hours is all part and parcel of being a journalist.

18. And it is a part and parcel of the foreign policy game.

19. Yes, its funny, and simply part and parcel of a cross-cultural relationship.

20. After all, these inevitable little skirmishes were part and parcel of their relationship.

21. Being recognized in the street is part and parcel of being a celebrity.

22. Environmental protection is part and parcel of the corporate objectives of Austrian Airlines.

23. Much of this is part and parcel of the regime's religion of struggle.

24. These differences are part and parcel of the whole move away from jobs.

25. Corruption, for example, may have cultural antecedents and is part and parcel of institutional weakness.

26. A part and parcel of our partnership in our cooperation continues to be military technical cooperation.

27. Suffering is part and parcel of extensive intelligence and a feeling heart. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 

28. The Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan is part and parcel of its very dark policy.

29. It is therefore also part and parcel of the approach taken by the PSA Group's restructuring plan.

30. It is part and parcel of an annual commemoration of the dead bound by traditions ancient and arcane.

31. • It is part and parcel of an annual Commemoration of the dead bound by traditions ancient and arcane

32. For many people worldwide, these words flashing across a computer screen are part and parcel of everyday life.

33. Training squads and programmes are now part and parcel of the structures within each of the national associations.

34. Particularist sentiment was inseparable from aristocratic privilege; local liberties and personal liberties were part and parcel of the same system.

35. This is the circus of empty promises and dry press releases that are part and parcel of meetings like these.

36. Each of them is part and parcel of the turn-of-the-century crisis in the hegemony of the bourgeoisie.

37. Both Anaphase I and Anaphase II are the phases of meiosis which is the part and parcel of sexual reproduction in human beings and other animals

38. “Casablanca” is an enduring classic, a cultural touchstone that has several memorable lines that are now part and parcel of the popular American culture, such as the subject one

39. A ‘MANIPULATIVE’ Choirmaster groomed and sexually abused 13 young children including one who said he thought it was ‘just part and parcel’ of being a choirboy, a court heard.

40. Did God approve of the kidnapping and raping of girls, the heartless separating of families, and the cruel beatings that were part and parcel of the slave trade of McCaine’s day?

41. The Commission document should recognise the volunteering activities for each type of stakeholder, whether public or private, profit or non-profit, fully reflecting the spirit of solidarity which is part and parcel of volunteering.

42. Barbarisms are words which have already become facts of the English language. They are, as it were, part and parcel of the English word-stock, though they remain on the outskirts of the literary vocabulary

43. To be against ¶Brahminism¶ is part and parcel of the political correctness of progressive scholars in twenty-first-century India, much like being against Muslims is part of the message of their Hindutva colleagues.