Use "parsnip" in a sentence

1. Fry the onion, parsnip, carrot, and beetroot for 5 min.

2. Instead of mashed potato, you could make a pumpkin or sweet potato mash or a carrot and parsnip mash.

3. He has also been the double Guinness World Record holder for the heaviest parsnip, at 13lb, and the longest beetroot at 21ft.

4. Beets, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collard, endive, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, onions, parsley, parsnip, rutabaga, salsify and turnips are all Biennial vegetables

5. “We know that both wild parsnip and Japanese knotweed exist in the Red Wing area, so it will be convenient to collect data on a weekly basis.” Becoming a …

6. Angelica archAngelica, commonly known as Garden Angelica, Angelica, Seacoast Angelica, Bai Zhi, Angelica ArchAngelica, Great Angelica, Wild Parsnip, Alexanders, American Dong Qui, Dang Gui, Archangel, Purple-Stem Angelica, American Angelica, High Angelica, Wild Archangel, Wild Angelica, Masterwort, Choraka, Dong Quai, Angel Root, wild celery, Norwegian Angelica and …

7. beaten eggs 1⁄2 cup corn syrup 12 cups mixed red and green candied cherries 12 cups mixed peel 8 cups sultanas 1 cup golden raisins 8 cups currants 5 cups candied pineapple chopped 16 cups white all-purpose flour (one 7 lb bag) 6 tsp mace 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp allspice 3 tbsp salt 4 cups coarsely chopped pecans 8 cups grated blue potatoes 6 cups grated carrots 2 cups grated parsnip 8 cups buttermilk or milk mixed with a little vinegar (2 litres) 8 tsp baking soda 1 cup screech or white grape juice White granulated sugar and melted butter is required to prepare tins.