Use "parrotfish" in a sentence

1. Other Common Names: Bicolour Parrotfish, Irobudai, Loro de manchas rojas, Two-colour parrotfish : General Description: From a marine aquarium industry perspective, parrotfishes are …

2. Most of the biomass is low on the food chain, the herbivores, the parrotfish, the surgeonfish that eat the algae.

3. The Clownish grin of a bridled parrotfish reveals its power tools: grinding teeth used to scrape algae from rock

4. A diverse range of marine life such as groupers, parrotfish, angelfish and blue spotted rays can be found here.

5. the lodge is like a goldfish bowl in reverse, where you sit and watch angelfish, parrotfish, barracuda and snapperspeering in at you through the window.

6. ‘The Boxfish, for example, is an aquatic tank with two bony skeletons, one on the inside to support its innards and one on the outside to deter predators.’ ‘Squid, barracuda, and grouper were prevalent, as were French and Queen angelfish, small parrotfish, trumpet, and Boxfishes.’