Use "pari" in a sentence

1. Liberty and law advance pari passu.

2. Inflation and interest rates are increasing pari passu.

3. Consentient; Consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur; Consentiently

4. There three cars made a pari passu advance.

5. Ubi tres pari longitudine expressi Cubitalem et ultra habuisse videntur

6. Bregma, point de jonction entre les os pariétal et frontal, point de jonction entre les os pariétal et frontal (Anatomie) Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

7. The new share will rank pari passu with the existing one.

8. Ep 378 - Baalveer: All the angels of Pari Lok get to know about the Jaadui Mukhauta and also forces Chhal Pari to return the evil mask and release Montu

9. The over - all productivity of labor has risen pari passu with this investment.

10. All the new shares rank pari passu with the existing shares in all respects.

11. Allow me to introduce to you the greatest advance in gaming...... since pari- mutuel wagering

12. The accuracy of pari-mutuel calculations is maintained at a standard of 99.9% or better.

13. PARI/GP is a computer algebra system with the main aim of facilitating number theory computations.

14. The covenants clause is composed of sub-clauses such as negative pledge, pari passu, financial covenant and so on.

15. Tl Isa akong batang mang-Aawit sa koro, at ang pangarap ko sa buhay ay maging isang pari

16. C’est un pari : je Consommerai plus en volant plus bas, c’est certain, mais ma vitesse propre sera plus élevée

17. We established in chapter 8 that employment can only increase pari passu with investment unless there is a change in the propensity to consume.

18. Mỗi mùa đông, một sân băng lớn được tạo ra bên ngoài quảng trường Hôtel de Ville để làm say mê người Pari cũng như các du khách.

19. Obesity in Britain, for example, has increased pari passu with the splintering of families: and now it is never too early to teach children lack of self-control.

20. In California, POWERBALL prize amounts are pari-mutuel, will vary depending on ticket sales and number of winners and will differ from the fixed prizes shown on the POWERBALL website

21. This clause is the combination of negative pledge and pari passu clause. It insures that the lender has the priority second to no other secured creditor and non-secured creditor to gather repayment.

22. Afrikaansia Tolkien osasi vain pari sanaa, hänhän oli asunut Etelä-Afrikassa vain kolmivuotiaaksi asti, eikä myöskään pitänyt Afrikaansia tai hollantia kovin kauniina kielinä

23. Atque ut Senatorum Acclamationes in Acta publica relatae, unmerô etiam adnotatô, quoties quidque dictum fuisset: Sic et vetus Ecclesia, cum in Acta Synodica (Πράξεις ipsi et Πεπραγμὲνα, dixêre,) tum in alia Gesta Ecclesiastica, habitas Acclamationes per Notarios suos pari diligentiâ referebat.

24. Sono Combustibili (cioè bruciando con ossigeno producono calore) che, a temperatura ambiente, possono presentarsi allo stato solido, liquido e gassoso a seconda della composizione delle loro molecole: - è un combustibile il cui potere calorifico è pari a 10.500 kcal/m3; - chimicamente è formato da una miscela di idrocarburi che può

25. A Phase 1 Study of AP01 (Aerodone, Pirfenidone Solution for Inhalation) Delivered via the PARI eFlow Nebulizer System in Healthy Volunteers, Smokers or Former Smokers with Decreased Lung Function, and Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) to determine pharmacokinetics, as well as the safety and tolerability in volunteers with a history of smoking with decreased lung function and