Use "parenchymal" in a sentence

1. Mixed parenchymal, Bronchiectatic and mediastinal actinomycosis in a 69-year-old woman with haemoptysis

2. Likewise, no increase in the oxidation activity was present in parenchymal cells in amitotic division.

3. An Acutely dyspneic patient with diffuse parenchymal abnormalities on a chest radiograph presents a challenging scenario for the radiologist

4. A positive CT scan included findings of a subdural, epidural or parenchymal hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral Contusion or depressed skull fracture.

5. Contusion (i.e., pulmonary hemorrhage) is the most frequent parenchymal injury, and it is usually radiographically evident within 6 hours of trauma

6. Most importantly, such alterations precede the classical pathological hallmarks, such as parenchymal deposition of extracellular amyloid and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles.

7. The evolution of parenchymal brain Cysticerci was followed with successive CT scans and in some cases with magnetic resonance imaging

8. Cicatrization atelectasis results from diminution of volume as a sequela of severe parenchymal scarring and is usually caused by granulomatous disease or …

9. The reactions of the connective tissue in the salivary gland together with the parenchymal atrophy result in abacterial sclerosis of the salivary-gland tissue.

10. In addition, ultrasonography may provide information about the cause of Ascites, such as by documenting parenchymal liver disease, splenomegaly, and an enlarged portal vein.

11. The manifestations of Bacillary angiomatosis include diverse cutaneous lesions, visceral parenchymal Bacillary peliosis of the spleen and liver, and involvement of single or multiple organ systems

12. Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory and fibrotic medical condition affecting the parenchymal tissue of the lungs caused by the inhalation and retention of asbestos fibers.

13. After intestinal Absorption and transport with chylomicrons alpha-tocopherol is mostly transferred to parenchymal cells of the liver were most of the fat-soluble vitamin is stored