Use "pared" in a sentence

1. She was pared with a famous movie star.

2. This season, we're falling for pared-down Anklets and

3. Even in its pared-down form, the contract was unacceptable.

4. In both advanced and emerging economies, potential growth is being pared down.

5. 21 He pared away the excess glue with a razor blade.

6. Ahora tiene que Alinear cuidadosamente la pared, Tapar todas las grietas y hendiduras

7. Course residents are expected to muck in and be pre-pared to share rooms.

8. Even with a pared - down budget, they will have trouble to make both ends meet this year.

9. The fact that, though they had been pared, no fewer than 13 charges still awaited Mr Nadir is discouraging.

10. 26 Her romantic self-projection is pared away to reveal a character at once complacent, grasping, disingenuous and manipulative ....

11. By conservative estimates, the agency has pared 200 jobs in the past two years through attrition and early retirement.

12. Specific and group neutralizing antibodies contained in Antivenenes pre- pared by means of anavenoms are concentrated by fractional salt precipitation ,

13. Incidentally, Lenten Austerities have pared half a stone from my bulk – undetectable to the naked eye, but I feel sprightlier.

14. I have a penchant for stories told in strong, distinctive voices using sparse, pared-back prose and Benjamin Myers' Beastings certainly ticks all those boxes

15. (1) he attempts to Abnegate personal responsibility (2) ‘Distant’ is the sort of spare, demanding work whose pared-down aesthetic requires a viewer who's prepared to Abnegate movie-going's instant gratifications

16. When climbing, mass is the enemy of performance, so we pared the Alpinist CLX down to the absolute minimum to capitalize on every precious watt of energy without sacrificing any of …

17. Un ejemplo de esto son las Colzas transgénicas sintetizadoras de glucanasa y quitinasa, capaces de destruir la pared celular de hongos patógenos o sustancias que inhiben los …

18. One of them is known as the law of supply and demand, which says that the value of goods and services is determined by the quantity available corn-pared with the number of possible buyers.

19. Definición El hueso Coxal forma parte de los tres huesos que, junto con el coxis y el sacro, constituyen la pelvis. Este hueso permite articular la cadera formando lo que se denomina la pared ventro-lateral de los huesos de la pelvis.

20. ‘Ornamental motifs such as palmettes, columns, Anthemia, and lotuses, all pared down to their essential lines, were frequently used.’ ‘Other panels are decorated with arabesques consisting of delicate scrolls incorporating stylized sunflowers and Anthemia rendered in very thin lines of ivory-colored paint.’