Use "paralyzed" in a sentence

1. The news paralyzed him.

2. Marilynn froze, paralyzed with fear.

3. She was paralyzed with terror.

4. Today, Pete's completely paralyzed.

5. She states: “The disease has paralyzed my body, but it has not paralyzed my mind.

6. Yeah, I'm paralyzed, not blind.

7. My brain isn't paralyzed.

8. A stroke paralyzed half his face.

9. I was left totally paralyzed.

10. Her legs will be permanently paralyzed.

11. He is paralyzed from the waist down.

12. Your Mama Ling is completely paralyzed

13. The accident left him permanently paralyzed.

14. His right leg was paralyzed in 2004.

15. The electricity failure paralyzed the train service.

16. My right side is paralyzed, that's all.

17. Haiphong, the main northern port, was paralyzed.

18. Some victims become sterile or paralyzed.

19. My guess is it paralyzed her.

20. So TEMPT is now completely paralyzed.

21. A stroke left her partially paralyzed.

22. The army paralyzed the enemy's fighting will.

23. Paralyzed Under Red Skies Original Mix Ataxy Faint

24. The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down.

25. I am paralyzed here ! I am a fucking amputee!

26. And now they're telling me that he's paralyzed.

27. For seven days, Xerxes mourned paralyzed by grief.

28. Showing up at your wedding fucking paralyzed and shit?

29. One covered my mouth and the others paralyzed me.

30. The government and the opposition, they have been simply paralyzed.

31. But the very imminence of the emergency paralyzed his invention . Good!

32. The climber was paralyzed in a fall, and couldn't walk.

33. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails.

34. The country was paralyzed by a series of strikes.

35. The life-threatening disease left her paralyzed in both legs.

36. And now they' re telling me that he' s paralyzed

37. We're all standing at the edge of the abyss, paralyzed by fear!

38. The fact is, after being stabbed, I was paralyzed with fear.

39. But she was still paralyzed, and they could work no miracle.

40. Such issues have paralyzed some Protestant churches in recent times.

41. 2 An ice storm at dawn paralyzed St. Louis traffic.

42. And in that paralysis, of course, our capacity for compassion is also paralyzed.

43. The phantom limb -- they'll say, "But doctor, the phantom limb is paralyzed.

44. Evans lives on disability because of an accident that left her paralyzed.

45. All around the crater, figures were standing in attitudes of paralyzed astonishment.

46. We read that Jesus miraculously cured lepers, epileptics, and blind or paralyzed ones.

47. He is paralyzed as the result of a would - be assassin's bullet years ago.

48. Underfunded and paralyzed by provincial bureaucracies, these old schools had failed to educate.

49. Unlike Antigone, Ismene seems paralyzed by her cultural identity as a woman

50. Jason suffers from a debilitating disease that has left him completely paralyzed.

51. The paralyzed man on the cot came right down into their midst.

52. It's gonna be worth more too because I think he's, like, paralyzed now.

53. Then they lower the stretcher holding the paralyzed man down into the house.

54. Not only was I physically paralyzed but I was also emotionally and spiritually numb.

55. I accidentally cut our neighbor's motorcycle brake cable, and now he's paralyzed for life.

56. At age 15, he had an accident that paralyzed him from the neck down.

57. One time, people brought a paralyzed man to a house where Jesus was staying.

58. Jake Sully is a wounded warrior : a U.S. Marine paralyzed from a battlefield injury .

59. Physical therapists use Biofeedback to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles

60. Anybody who's paralyzed now has access to actually draw or communicate using only their eyes.

61. And here he is, paralyzed completely, unable to breathe and move, over this time journey.

62. McConnell's upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack at the age of 2.

63. He lay there motionless for several minutes, paralyzed by the stupidity of it all.

64. This disease will make her tendons ossify and her body paralyzed into a statue.

65. What kind of brain process would cause a paralyzed hand, skin lesions and swollen throat nodules?

66. Paralyzed muscles lost tone and became flaccid; with severe damage they further degenerated through shrinkage and atrophy.

67. Paralyzed Under Red Skies 'When The Lightning Falls' is the first release by german producer Ataxy

68. You are paralyzed by the thought that you can totally flub up by missing a step.

69. Synonyms for Challenged include disabled, impaired, exceptional, differently abled, incapacitated, paralysed, paralyzed, crippled, infirm and handicapped

70. There is a short-circuiting of nerve impulses, and the corresponding muscle cells become paralyzed.

71. Most patients succumb when the diaphragm and rib muscles become paralyzed, and breathing becomes impossible.

72. Paralysis: While Jesus was in Capernaum, people approached him with a paralyzed man lying on a bed.

73. Most of the Others were too paralyzed with fright to move; but some began a slow, stumbling retreat.

74. His lower limbs were paralyzed and his body badly deformed but he was strong in the faith.

75. When she contracted polio, which paralyzed her left leg, she was told she would never walk again.

76. In 1998, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, which finally left him totally paralyzed.

77. In the mid-1980s, polio once paralyzed more than 350,000 children a year in more than 125 countries.

78. Yong, whose wife is partially paralyzed, says: “I try to be considerate of my wife on every occasion.

79. Over 15 years ago, when he was 28, an auto accident had left him paralyzed from the waist down.

80. • He Crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down