Use "paradisaic" in a sentence

1. This spiritual land is gradually, steadily becoming ever more paradisaic.

2. (Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:17) Furthermore, God placed them in paradisaic surroundings.

3. Compared with its desolate condition during the exile, the land will be paradisaic.

4. But not yet are they adjudged worthy of eternal life on the Paradisaic earth.

5. 5 In the paradisaic garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were the recipients of Jehovah’s benevolent rule.

6. No more discarded bottles, cans, plastic bags, chewing-gum and candy wrappers, newspapers, and magazines to clutter any beach or paradisaic spot.

7. Since these words are addressed to anointed Christians, the paradise here must refer to the paradisaic heavenly realm —the very presence of God himself.

8. (Psalm 72:7, 8) How, though, can we be sure that the Kingdom will actually vindicate God’s sovereignty and restore paradisaic conditions to our earth?