Use "papist" in a sentence

1. 9 He's a Catholic convert,( and rather oppressively more papist than the Pope.

2. The Sunni-Shi’a schism becomes endemic in the Muslim world, such as the rift between Waliist (“Papist” :D , loyal to the Walis of Baghdad) and Caliphist Sunnism; meantime Sufism, a trans-confessional mystical approach to Islam (and not only that faith) emerges as …

3. The Sunni-Shi’a schism becomes endemic in the Muslim world, such as the rift between Waliist (“Papist” , loyal to the Walis of Baghdad) and Caliphist Sunnism; meantime Sufism, a trans-confessional mystical approach to Islam (and not only that faith) emerges as a significant philosophy in multicultural Persia/Iran

4. (For the more 'protestant' inclined Anglicans) This book also explains how all Christians or spiritually minded individuals can use the rosary as a tool for prayer without it having 'Papist' or 'Maryann' associations, (which is a shame because the role of Mary in Christianity is a rather important one and she is The Blessed One after all).