Use "pap smear" in a sentence

1. And when was your last Pap smear?

2. My GYN called & said my Pap smear results were Atrophic

3. A Colposcopy often is done if you have an abnormal Pap smear

4. The squamous cells of your cervix were slightly abnormal on your Pap smear. Ascus …

5. Ascus Pap HPV is an anticipated item of concern for the reason that it appertains to Ascus Pap No HPV, Ascus Pap Smear Positive For High Risk HPV, and Ascus Pap Smear With Negative HPV

6. A complete physical examination ( including a Pap smear and testing for infection ) will be necessary .

7. Colposcopy is often done if cervical screening (Pap smear test) finds abnormal cells in your cervix

8. Ascus Ascus, short for atypical squamous cells of unknown significance, refers to a result on a pap smear

9. If Abnormal or unusual cells were discovered during your Pap smear, you're said to have a positive result

10. GERBIE, MD More than half of all high-grade lesions are preceded by an Ascus or AGUS Pap smear

11. Note: Ascus is a diagnosis used in cytology to describe the presence of abnormal squamous cells in a Pap smear test

12. You may need a Colposcopy if abnormal cells are found on a Pap smear or you were treated for cervical or vaginal problems

13. In the case of Ascus, the Pap smear reveals slightly abnormal squamous cells, but the changes don't clearly suggest that precancerous cells are present.

14. It would be reasonable to examine the adnexa if a pelvic examination were being done for another reason, such as cervical inspection or pap smear.

15. This is a microscope in a typical lab that a pathologist would use for looking at a tissue specimen, like a biopsy or a pap smear.

16. Colposcopy is used to follow up on abnormal cervical cancer screening tests (e.g., Pap smear, human papillomavirus (HPV) testing) or abnormal areas are seen on the cervix, vagina, or vulva

17. Bassi will see patients for Annual Exams and Pap Smear, but please note she is NOT and OBGYN* *If booking with Medicaid, please be sure you are assigned to Dr

18. A Colposcopy is a simple procedure that lets your doctor get a good look at your cervix. The exam takes 5 to 10 minutes, and is a lot like getting a Pap smear

19. Ascus ~ Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance This diagnosis means that some of the cells on your Pap smear did not look entirely normal but did not meet diagnostic criteria for a lesion

20. Two screening tests can help prevent Cervical cancer or find it early— The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become Cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately.; The HPV test looks for the virus (human papillomavirus) that can cause these cell changes.Both tests can be done in a doctor’s office or clinic.