Use "panzer" in a sentence

1. The 4th Panzer Division had 136 Panzer Is, 105 Panzer IIs, 40 Panzer IIIs, 24 Panzer IVs and 10 command tanks.

2. The 113th Panzer Brigade was formed on 4 September 1944.

3. Panzer General also provided a Play by Email (PBEM) system.

4. In the invasions of Poland and France, the German forces were mostly made up of the Panzer I and Panzer II light tanks.

5. Bittrich's panzer troops need some rest if they're to stop Patton.

6. Panzer I Breda reportedly of 2a Compañia

7. The young ones they put into the panzer divisions.

8. It seems we've landed on top of two SS panzer divisions.

9. In January 1945, 287 Panzer IVs were lost on the Eastern Front.

10. The 3rd Panzer Division was down by 20–25 percent of its operational force, while the 4th Panzer Division 45–50 percent of its tanks were not combat ready.

11. In terms of tanks that were capable of engaging and surviving a tank-vs-tank action, the Germans possessed just 73 Panzer IIIs and 52 Panzer IVs.

12. These papers are from the Fourth Panzer division stationed in Stuttgart.

13. The 10th Panzer Division rapidly lost 30 tanks and retreated out of the minefield.

14. 20: General Guderian's Panzer groups take Abbeville, threatening Allied forces in the area.

15. In villages leading into Bastogne, two American battalions stave off a massive panzer assault

16. Germany's armored Panzer force was not especially impressive at the start of the war.

17. Example sentences from the Web for Bibliographer George Wolfgang Panzer, a distinguished German Bibliographer, died

18. By the morning of 14 April, the spearheads of the 9th Panzer Division reached Kozani.

19. At about 10:00 on 1 July, 21st Panzer Division attacked Deir el Shein.

20. The 2A4 was also license manufactured in Switzerland as the Panzer 87 "Leopard" or Pz 87.

21. They were then counter-attacked by 21st Panzer at 11:00 and forced to withdraw.

22. In fact, the German 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions numbered 280 and 343 tanks respectively.

23. Romania received another 50 captured Panzer IV tanks from the Red Army after the end of the war.

24. Aromatite Construction, pine exterior, solid cedar interior, measures 48x32 Lot#: 32928751 - SS Panzer Sleeping Bag

25. His army was composed of six units: First Panzer Group, under the command of General Ewald von Kleist.

26. The 19 German divisions included five panzer divisions, two motorised infantry divisions and two mountain divisions.

27. During the fighting, Stauffenberg drove up to be with the leading tanks and troops of the 10th Panzer Division.

28. By the next morning, the 2nd Panzer Division had reached the area, and the mission had largely been accomplished.

29. Panzer I Breda of 4a Compañia with a Cruz de Borgoña on the right side of …

30. Five Panzer Divisions and nine Infantry Divisions of von Rundstedt's army are pouring into the wide breach.

31. Syria received 17 Panzer IVs from Spain, with these seeing combat during the Six-Day War in 1967.

32. The German 19th Panzer Corps—commanded by General Heinz Guderian—had occupied the city, which lay within the Soviet sphere of interest.

33. Hitler’s Panzer divisions, after successfully mopping up Poland, suddenly swung around and the blitz against western Europe was on.

34. The 12th SS-Panzer Division had lost 94 percent of its armour, nearly all of its artillery and 70 percent of its vehicles.

35. Furthermore, a 105-millimetre (4.13 in) artillery gun was mounted in an experimental demountable turret on a Panzer IV chassis.

36. As the German Panzer divisions advanced through France, the roads leading south were lined with refugees fleeing before the invading armies.

37. On 15 August 1941, the German 5th Light Division was redesignated 21st Panzer Division, the higher formation of which was still the Afrika Korps.

38. Army Group South, with the 1st Panzer Group, the 6th, 11th and 17th Armies, was tasked with advancing through Galicia and into Ukraine.

39. Meanwhile, the Hungarian 2nd Army and the German 4th Panzer Army had launched an assault on Voronezh, capturing the city on 5 July.

40. After 1945, Bulgaria incorporated its surviving Panzer IVs into defensive bunkers as gunpoints on its border with Turkey, along with Soviet T-34 turrets.

41. On 24 May, Oberleutnant-zur-See Österlin, who had led the Maleme Flotilla, was given the task of transporting two Panzer II light tanks to Kastelli Kisamou.

42. Likewise, the German 2nd Panzer Army would advance from an area south of Lake Balaton towards Kaposvár and keep the Soviet 57th Army engaged.

43. Late on 26 June, the 90th Light and 21st Panzer Divisions managed to find their way through the minefields in the centre of the front.

44. Bolt action Miniatures - Warlord Games German Grenadiers and Panzer IV Ausf F1/G/H Medium Tank Set Military Action Figures - WW2 Model Miniatures and World War II Games by Wargames Delivered

45. 11 Training for the Meuse crossings: a unit of the 7th Panzer Division at the Moselle in early 19 Erwin Rommel, the division's commander, is in the peaked cap on the far left.

46. This Tiger was part of the 2nd company of the SS Heavy Panzer Battalion 102, fought in the Cauville sector, and was abandoned by her crew after a mechanical breakdown.

47. The main attacks were by Corps Weber which had the 334th Infantry Division, newly arrived elements of the Hermann Göring Division and the part of the 10th Panzer Division not involved in Unternehmen Frühlingswind (Operation Spring Wind).

48. Although originally forty Italian CV.35 light tanks were ordered with the Breda in place of their original armament, this order was subsequently canceled after it was thought adaptation of the same gun to the Panzer I would yield better results.

49. He ordered a counter-attack against it by the 15th Panzer Division and the 164th Light Division, with part of the Italian XX Corps to begin at 15:00 but under constant artillery and air attack this came to nothing.

50. As the Red Army pursued the 4th Panzer Army toward the Aksai River and broke through the German defense on the banks of the Chir River, it also began to prepare for Operation Ring—the reduction of the forces in Stalingrad.

51. Panzer Corps 2 is the ultimate Second World War strategy game! Enjoy the time-proven gameplay formula which has been appreciated by millions of players over the years, brought to a whole new level of refinement up to the latest technical standards.

52. By the morning of 20 February, the bitter hand-to-hand fighting in the hills above Kasserine was continuing while the Afrika Korps Kampfgruppe and a battalion from the 131 Armoured Division Centauro and more artillery, prepared for another attack through the pass, once it had been joined by a 10th Panzer Division battle group from Sbeitla.