Use "pandanus" in a sentence

1. Pandanus fascicularis Lam.: Pandanus absolute / Pandanus extract / Pandanus oil / Pandanus tincture

2. All vowels are nasalised before a nasal consonant, as in in ("pandanus") , ung ("nose") , em ("house") .

3. Rota Bridled white-eye nests were commonly suspended between branchlets and leaf petioles and were composed of rootlets, woven grass or Pandanus spp

4. Their traditional diet is a cheese like pulp , made by boiling the coconut - kernel , pandanus , and yam all together and making it into a dough .

5. As you can see in the picture, sticks made of strips of pandanus roots or the ribs of coconut leaves were tied together to form a latticework that represented wave patterns.

6. Since then at least 4 more species were intentionally introduced (Cocos nucifera, Casuarina sp., Pandanus sp., and Coccoloba uvifera) and at least 7 as wave carried Adventives or additional accidental introductions by humans (Digitaria pacifica, Sophora tomentosa, Sida fallax, Scaevola taccada, Suriana maritima, and Tournefortia argentea) for a