Use "panamanian" in a sentence

1. Brambliest and geotactic Tiler still devilling his Panamanian oddly

2. She was the first Panamanian woman to publish her poetry.

3. Nearly 600 publishers serve in 16 congregations and 6 groups using Panamanian Sign Language

4. The Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) “waves” its limbs to attract prospective mates and warn rivals

5. Respondent Bondhold-ers, two Panamanian corporations and a Swiss bank, declined to accept the rescheduling and insisted on repayment in New York

6. Though production facilities were modernized in 1976 to utilize a stainless steel column system, Ron Abuelo is still made from 100% Panamanian Estate grown virgin sugar cane honey

7. While the Panamanian subspecies B. m. orinomus is about the same size as the eastern lowland olingo, the subspecies from west of the Andes, B. m. medius is smaller.

8. “Barbados’ attendance is an affirmation of the important role of Barbadians in the construction of the original Panama Canal, and the Panamanian authorities are acknowledging our major

9. In 1999, the Panamanian government sought the extradition of Noriega to face murder charges in Panama because he had been found guilty in absentia in 1995 and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

10. Rodney Cline CArew (born October 1, 1945) is a Panamanian former Major League Baseball (MLB) first baseman, second baseman and coach who played from 1967 to 1985 for the Minnesota Twins …

11. Balboa - the basic unit of money in Panama; equal to 100 centesimos Panamanian monetary unit - monetary unit in Panama centesimo - a fractional monetary unit of several countries: Panama and Italy and Uruguay and Chile