Use "pamphlet" in a sentence


2. General District Courts Informational Pamphlet

3. o Chastity pamphlet (also PMG, 77)

4. The pamphlet Race and Biology, by L.

5. Can I have the pamphlet now?

6. 6 The pamphlet demystifies the mortgage process.

7. (Audience: In the pamphlet, there's a statement -- )

8. The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet.

9. 3 My printing this pamphlet was another erratum.

10. 2 The pamphlet went out in 6000 copies.

11. 8 I must read the pamphlet again.

12. 7 I have not read that pamphlet.

13. A recent IAEA pamphlet describing the safeguards system.

14. This pamphlet was to have far-reaching effects.

15. 1 The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet.

16. A creationist pamphlet has this wonderful page in it:

17. o The Word of Wisdom pamphlet (also PMG, 78)

18. Maybe you should write her a pamphlet or something.

19. All of you, As you saw from the pamphlet,

20. Some groups rent booths to pass out pamphlet to tourists.

21. 3 These materials have been digested into a handy pamphlet.

22. He says that I have misrepresented his views in my pamphlet.

23. He distributed a seditious pamphlet called The Rights of Man.

24. 27 These materials have been digested into a handy pamphlet.

25. Hopefully you will prayerfully study the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth and review and carry with you, in your wallet or purse, the abbreviated copy of the pamphlet.

26. 13 The pamphlet was widely acclaimed and a second edition produced.

27. Study and use that saving pamphlet, For the Strength of Youth.

28. 5 We'll have to get this pamphlet out before next week.

29. 18 He says that I have misrepresented his views in my pamphlet.

30. Christian says the pamphlet helps him in every phase of his life.

31. 28 I recrossed the gulley and picked up Time and the pamphlet.

32. 27 His hand was obvious in the writing of the pamphlet Whose Schools?

33. Leese THE object of this pamphlet is to prove that Bolshevism is Jewish

34. Students might also use the missionary pamphlet titled The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

35. 4 Over a thousand copies of the pamphlet have now been given out.

36. Amherst General District Court 24th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet

37. Consequently, the Cape Town branch published a large four-page pamphlet entitled “A Protest.”

38. 26 If only Ann Landers had thought to write a pamphlet on gay relations.

39. 9 These ideas were published in the pamphlet Revolution by Reason in 19

40. 24 With the little bottle containing the mixture, she gave me a pamphlet.

41. 19 I sat back against a pine-stem and became lost in the pamphlet.

42. Alexandria General District Court 18th Judicial District of Virginia General District Courts Informational Pamphlet

43. “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (See pages 36–37 of this pamphlet.)

44. Brown Act in its entirety is set forth in the appendi x to the pamphlet

45. The NCMEC pamphlet Child Safety on the Information Highway offers several guidelines to young people:

46. Some 40 years ago, an anti-Christmas pamphlet lamented: “Christmas is boosted by the commercial world.

47. As a result, Sir Rowland Hill published a pamphlet in 1837 on “Post Office Reform.”

48. The author of the pamphlet advocating the overthrow of the government was arrested for sedition.

49. Also on view are colourful government pamphlet covers; newspaper advertisements for immigrants; promotional photographs and notices.

50. Well, the pamphlet says it would feel like two hot air balloons floating up into the sky.

51. I picked up a pamphlet entitled Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story and began to read it.

52. 12 The pamphlet is prefaced by an elegant poem in praise of the author by James Drake.

53. 15 There is a pamphlet which tells the reader how to see Aarau in 45 minutes.

54. He returned with a copy of the Kingdom News and said: “I already received that pamphlet.

55. A pamphlet by experts in child behavior explains: “Self-control does not happen automatically or suddenly.

56. The man asked: “What do you do with that pamphlet when you meet people who cannot see?”

57. A pamphlet states: “The Kingdom frames its social, political, and economic policies in light of Islamic teachings.”

58. Most popularized by an absolutely phenomenal pamphlet written by a journeyman journalist and thinker named Thomas Paine.

59. 23 His articles, printed in the New York and Boston press, were widely distributed in pamphlet form.

60. 22 From the late 1780s onwards evangelicals contributed substantially to the pamphlet literature against the slave trade.

61. The Four Absolutes are still published in pamphlet form (included below) by the Cleveland Central Committee of A.A

62. Examples of marketing tactics include: website development, trade-show participation, brochure/pamphlet development, magazine or newspaper advertising, etc.

63. Carey's seminal pamphlet outlines his basis for missions: Christian obligation, wise use of available resources, and accurate information.

64. Synonyms for Bumph include reading material, written material, book, booklet, brochure, pamphlet, publication, bumf and written communication

65. Thus our park pamphlet calls it “the youngest and most dramatic range in the Rocky Mountain chain.”

66. From the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, their instruction regarding entertainment and the media is very clear:

67. He announced his convictions as a mhomeopath in a pamphlet Homœopathy and Allopathy, or Large, Small, and Atomic Doses.

68. The pamphlet is a critique of upper-caste patriarchy, and is often considered the first modern Indian feminist text.

69. Ruotolo apparently submitted, but then published a pamphlet attacking current exegesis, especially as it was taught at the Biblicum.

70. • legislation (because not a brochure or pamphlet and not otherwise excluded) Sales catalogues, price lists and advertising materials

71. One of Nigeria’s most celebrated novelists, Chinua Achebe, in a pamphlet comparing the Nigerian leader Kano to Gandhi, said:

72. 14 Faber and Faber published the poem as a pamphlet in September, and it sold almost 000 copies.

73. A Brochure is an informative paper document for advertising, which can be folded into a template, pamphlet, or leaflet

74. Ordinarily, nobody would object to being handed a pamphlet, whether it advertised a sari shop or a way of life.

75. 10 If he was writing a bogus pamphlet, he might as well be a bogus native of Oswaldston to boot.

76. A fairly representative pamphlet put out by a registered undertaker advertises two sets of funeral altar, coffin and accessories.

77. + 5% reduction of the annual loan disbursement for good grades each year (see PEF pamphlet for definition of good grades)

78. 11 And some one gave me an anti-abortion pamphlet and I decided I was not going to do that.

79. One religious pamphlet, for example, claims: “The only translation allowed by the Greek text is: ‘Make disciples of all the nations!’”

80. Appomattox Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court 10th Judicial District of Virginia Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts Informational Pamphlet