Use "palmed" in a sentence

1. The counterfeit notes were palmed off on unsuspecting customers.

2. The thief palmed a book in a bookstore.

3. They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours.

4. The fruit seller palmed off some bad oranges onto the old lady.

5. I think she palmed off the stolen necklace on some unsuspecting old lady.

6. The Clenched fist stood in stark contrast to the open-palmed Roman salute used by the Nationalist forces

7. Lesser Writings. This is the preface in which he condemns the book: "the contents of this book...are the grossest imposition ever palmed upon man, a confused jumble of unknown drugs -- mostly poisons -- mixed together in what are called prescriptions...none of which possesses the qualities attributed to it... it contains a multitude of anarchical elements that totally disqualify it for any orderly action whatever... the best counsel I can give you, dear reader, is to place the main body of this book into the fire.