Use "palladian" in a sentence

1. The Arcadian features neoclassical fenestration (Subway Wars ), Palladian windows, rusticated stonework, and marble cornices (Architect of …

2. ‘She then describes the battle of the styles between Baroque, Palladian, and Astylar designs for the great voluntary hospitals in Britain.’

3. In France, Castles are Neoclassical châteaux surrounded by meadow, forest, and vine; in Ireland, they are castellated Palladian country houses amid a private demesne of verdant parkland.

4. In the 18th century, under George III, it developed into an elegant town with neoclassical Palladian buildings, which blend harmoniously with the Roman Baths.

5. The warehouse, or "principal building", had a Palladian front and 19 bays for loading and unloading, and had quarters for clerks and managers on the upper storeys.

6. The result, and the surrounding park, recall the Chasteness of eighteenth-century Palladian architecture, with the clear cut artefact set against nature apparently mown by the hand of God into agreeable vistas defined by gently rounded eminences.