Use "palestine liberation organization" in a sentence

1. The skirmish between the Palestine liberation organization and Israel.

2. Fatah, you'll recall, was the dominant party in the old Palestine Liberation Organization.

3. 1974 – The United Nations General Assembly grants the Palestine Liberation Organization observer status.

4. Represented at the U. N. by the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO, Palestinians currently possess "Observer Organization" status.

5. Q: A senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recently said that Palestine would insist on heading for the UN to seek membership.

6. The General Secretary of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Abed Rabu, accused Mr. Netanyahu of trying to derail the peace process.

7. This outfit, better known as the Avowedly terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization, suppressed state TV coverage of West Bank Arabs on 9/11.

8. In return for an exchange of the political status of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO would stop terrorist attacks on German soil.

9. The main assembly of the Palestine Liberation Organization voted to revoke clauses in its charter that called for an armed struggle to destroy Israel.

10. 27 The main assembly of the Palestine Liberation Organization voted to revoke clauses in its charter that called for an armed struggle to destroy Israel.

11. The Oslo Accords are a pair of agreements between the Government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization Submitted by MaryC on April 25, 2020 How to pronounce Accords?

12. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas gathered leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the West Bank to discuss Israel's decision to end a 10-month moratorium on settlement construction.

13. Fatah dedicated itself to the liberation of Palestine by an armed struggle carried out by Palestinians themselves.

14. PLO ( Palestinian Liberation Organization ) delegation is to visit China next month.

15. They are believed to have been from a small group called the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

16. This organization was formally established in 1984 as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

17. She originally joined the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as a volunteer, but eventually the JRA became an independent group.

18. After the liberation he made false papers to allow the survivors of concentration camps to immigrate to Palestine before the creation of Israel.

19. In the following years leading up to the Yom Kippur War, the IDF fought in the War of Attrition against Egypt in the Sinai and a border war against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Jordan, culminating in the Battle of Karameh.

20. Beam is a national training, movement building and grant making organization dedicated to the healing, wellness and liberation of Black and marginalized communities

21. War and Liberation

22. Caesarea (in Palestine): Qeisariyeh [Qeisari]

23. There was the Vietnam War. There was black liberation. There was women's liberation.

24. Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 19

25. They pant after liberation.

26. Spiritual Liberation in Colombia

27. PHILISTINES Coastal Plain of Palestine

28. Queering animal liberation (Animalizing

29. They were refugees from Palestine together.

30. Note: Wikipedia lists the Palestinian Authority—an administrative organization which governs parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip—as an Arab state.Similarly, UNESCO lists Palestine as one of the Arab states and the State of Palestine is a member of the Arab League

31. Creativeness is liberation from slavery

32. The March 15th Palestine account also reported:

33. Ahvaz Steelworkers: “Palestine, Syria, Causes of Our Misery”

34. (Caesarea Maritima.) A titular see of Palestine

35. In 1981, the front organization Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain led a failed coup attempt to install a Shia theocratic regime led by Hadi al-Modarresi.

36. Intellectual liberation leads to political freedom.

37. So is study of the liberation struggle.

38. The cold war prolonged the fight in Palestine.

39. In those days Palestine was ruled by Rome.

40. When young, he traveled to Palestine and Egypt.

41. In 638 the Muslims conquered the area of Palestine.

42. On Wednesday, the newspaper Liberation published excerpts.

43. Africanization is about liberation – the comprehensive liberation of all Africa and all Africans – but more specifically the liberation of the poor, the Black, the women and most specifically Black or African women

44. "India’s position on Palestine is independent and consistent.

45. 6 Herod reigned over Palestine at that time.

46. It included more than 5,000 Jewish volunteers from Mandatory Palestine organized into three infantry battalions of the Palestine Regiment and several supporting units.

47. Liberation Autochthonies of this kind exist across Southern Africa in countries whose ruling parties have emerged from former liberation movements

48. The perspective of liberation theology is historical.

49. The oppressed long for deliverance and liberation.

50. Loss and Liberation by PrinnyDood-Abides, literature

51. Freedom from self-slavery is true liberation!

52. Megaderma watwat: Discovered in Palestine; dated from the Pleistocene.

53. The relationship between Israel and Palestine has remained tense.

54. How Moscow Capitalises on US retreat in Palestine, Israel

55. THE people of first-century Palestine “were in expectation.”

56. Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia.

57. The United Nations General Assembly votes to partition Palestine.

58. Under the guidance of this principle, Palestine and Israel have already signed a declaration in principle of Palestine self-rule in Washington in 19

59. Bethel, ancient city of Palestine, located just north of Jerusalem

60. Charge of the Australian Light Horse at Beersheba, Palestine

61. Blacktop Mojo is a rock band from Palestine, Texas

62. He was born a Jew in first century Palestine.

63. Asceticism means the liberation of the human person

64. This liberation usually took place about daybreak on Wednesday.

65. Leaving school was such a liberation for me.

66. Trade with Anatolia, Syria, and Palestine spread Babylonian influence further

67. We were told the wall would separate Palestine from Israel.

68. Vdovin arrived in Cairo after visiting Israel and Palestine region.

69. We extended our support to the admission of Palestine to UNESCO.

70. Peptidyl compounds having mmp and tnf- liberation inhibitory activity

71. Inhabitants of Palestine also had to pay various secular taxes.

72. Eventually, the main rabbinic center in Palestine moved to Tiberias.

73. Apparently this happened often during Napoléon’s military campaign in Palestine.

74. For us, this was liberation from the Communist regime.

75. 1941 – Beginning of the National Liberation War of Macedonia.

76. On 11 February 1948, the Holy See created the office of Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, with jurisdiction over Palestine, Transjordania (now Jordan), and Cyprus.

77. During the evening there were protests by Women's Liberation activists.

78. Guinea-Bissau: From Liberation Struggle to Independent Statehood, 1987

79. The editorial was titled "The Liberation of U Thant".

80. Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation.