Use "paleolithic" in a sentence

1. Upper Paleolithic hut from Pushkari, Russia.

2. Paleolithic people can walk the Earth?

3. Chellean-Abbevillian: see Paleolithic period

4. the ethnography of paleolithic humans.

5. Has Paleolithic Yongdusan sites of ancient human.

6. A stone implement of the Paleolithic Age.

7. Lower Paleolithic Period Not on view Often referred to as handaxes, Bifaces were made by the Hominin predecessors of humans during the Lower Paleolithic period

8. Abbevillian: see Paleolithic period Paleolithic period or Old Stone Age, the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind's history.

9. Paleolithic man could only make the most basic stone tools.

10. The stone balls were tools of hunting in Paleolithic times.

11. Abbevillian: see Paleolithic period Paleolithic period or Old Stone Age, the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind's history.

12. Some fragments seemed to have come from the lower paleolithic time.

13. They are all our Chinese ancestors dwelling in the Paleolithic age.

14. Similar stone circles are found throughout the upper and lower paleolithic.

15. Acheulean handaxes paleolithic period africa, france & great britain est

16. Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain Seventeen decorated caves of the Paleolithic age were inscribed as an extension to the Altamira Cave, inscribed in 1985

17. The Middle Paleolithic to Late Bronze Age periods are also documented at the site.

18. The Abbevillian The first Paleolithic culture in Europe, now usually referred to as the Lower Acheulean.

19. The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to the Paleolithic era.

20. The purpose of Cave art, particularly Upper Paleolithic Cave art, is widely debated

21. Aurignacian Culture an archaeological culture of the early stage of the Upper Paleolithic

22. Altamira is vital for learning more about daily life in the Paleolithic Period

23. Guangdong shares similarities in cultural presentation with other places in south China during Paleolithic Period.

24. Early two years ago at the late Paleolithic, here left a footprint of human life.

25. "Meteor hammer" originated from the hunting tool "rope stone" in the Paleolithic Age of primitive society.

26. As early as in the Paleolithic Age 000 years ago, human beings began to live here.

27. Remains are assigned to the Paleolithic Age, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Song dynasty and Qing dynasty.

28. The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods.

29. What does Acheulean mean? Designating or of a Lower Paleolithic culture characterized by skillfully made bifacial fli

30. However, Paleolithic and Neolithic art often emphasized the buttocks, sometimes exaggerating them to a suggestion of hills or mountains.

31. Marshall Sahlins demonstrated that Paleolithic people needed to work only 14 hours a week to feed, clothe, and shelter themselves.

32. The religions of archaic cultures - the cultures of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic ages - are also referred to as primitive.

33. Large Homo Erectus Acheulean Bifacial Hand Axe North Africa Lower Paleolithic Minimum 1,200,000 to 500,000 years old AncientEvenings

34. One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.

35. The Neolithic followed the Paleolithic period (and in northwestern Europe the Mesolithic) and preceded the Bronze Age.

36. Acheulean definition: designating or of a Lower Paleolithic culture characterized by skillfully made bifacial Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

37. The antiquity of Cupules extends back to the Lower Paleolithic in Asia and Africa, hundreds of thousand years ago

38. The Acheulean was named after the Acheul site, a Lower Paleolithic site on the Somme River in France

39. This is an exceptional Early Acheulian hand axe from this southern French Lower Paleolithic site of world study and importance

40. The Gravettian was an archaeological industry of the European Upper Paleolithic that succeeded the Aurignacian circa 33,000 years BP

41. The property will now appear on the List as Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain.

42. The Aurignacian is an early Upper Paleolithic, or Late Stone Age, culture dating to between 34,000 and 27,000 years before the present (BP)

43. What does Acheulian mean? Of or relating to a stage of tool culture of the Lower Paleolithic Period between the secon

44. Pre historic primitive religion originated in the middle stage of Paleolithic age with the characteristic of being natural, equality and social.

45. Acheulean definition is - of or relating to a Lower Paleolithic culture originating in Africa and typified by bifacial tools with round cutting edges.

46. In these sectors the relative presence will be selected, with reference to the following periods: paleolithic neolithic aeneolithic and bronze age iron age.

47. The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth-hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic.

48. The onset of the blade-based industry in Eastern Eurasia corresponds to the period of the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic transition.

49. Aurignacian culture, toolmaking industry and artistic tradition of Upper Paleolithic Europe that followed the Mousterian industry, was contemporary with the Perigordian, and was succeeded by the Solutrean.

50. The accord will require that a traveler produce documentation for import into the United States of artifacts from the Upper Paleolithic through Late Byzantine periods.

51. Chinese primitive creative workmanship can be traced back to the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) when the Chinese ancestry's thinking ability was still of barbarism.

52. The history of Animation started long before the development of cinematography.Humans have probably attempted to depict motion as far back as the paleolithic period

53. It is depicted in Paleolithic cave paintings, ivory carvings, and clay busts, which show it as having protruding ears, tufted tails and faint, tiger-like stripes.

54. The oldest known specimens date to the Upper Paleolithic period in Western Europe, 000 to 000 years ago, although none of those artifacts were directly dated.

55. Kirkwell Cave in Lower Allithwaite, Cumbria shows signs of the Federmesser culture of the Paleolithic, and was inhabited some time between 13,400 and 12,800 years ago.

56. Adjective Abbevillian (archaeology, dated) Of or relating to any of various early Paleolithic sites, particularly in Europe, that are characterized by the presence of bifacial stone axes

57. To winnow the definition into something more useful to archaeologists, many workers employ the list of behavioral traits that distinguish the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Europe.

58. Definition of Aurignacian : of or relating to an Upper Paleolithic culture marked by finely made artifacts of stone and bone, paintings, and engravings First Known Use of Aurignacian …

59. Abbevillian (not comparable) (archaeology, dated) Of or relating to any of various early Paleolithic sites, particularly in Europe, that are characterized by the presence of bifacial stone axes.

60. The large numbers of stone balls unearthed in Yanggao County, Shanxi Province, were used as hunting tools by primitive men in the Paleolithic age some000 years ago.

61. Relics of late period in Paleolithic Age discovered in recent years explain that there were ancient humanities 20-30 thousand years ago in the region of west Fujian province.

62. The Ahmarian culture was a Paleolithic archeological industry in Levant dated at 46,000-42,000 BP and thought to be related to Levantine Emiran and younger European Aurignacian cultures.

63. Acheulian: Of or relating to a stage of tool culture of the Lower Paleolithic Period between the second and third interglacial periods, characterized by flaked bifacial hand axes.

64. Middle Paleolithic people seem to have made mostly the same relatively simple stone tools humans had been producing for tens of thousands of years and not much else.

65. Acheulean definition, of, relating to, or typical of a Lower Paleolithic culture of the middle Pleistocene Epoch, characterized by large hand axes and cleavers made by the soft hammer technique

66. Other phobias that persist intomodern times may have been fixed much more recently than snakes and spiders, say in the late Paleolithic age, about 000 years ago, or even morerecently.

67. Definition: The Aurignacian period (40,000 to 28,000 years ago) is an Upper Paleolithic stone tool tradition, usually considered associated with both Homo sapiens and Neanderthals throughout Europe and parts of Africa.

68. The Acheulean was preceded by the Oldowan in Africa and parts of Eurasia, and it was followed by the Mousterian Middle Paleolithic in western Eurasia and the Middle Stone Age in Africa

69. The Aurignacian (/ ɔːr ɪ ɡ ˈ n eɪ ʃ ən /) is an archaeological tradition of the Upper Paleolithic associated with European early modern humans (EEMH) lasting from 43,000 to 26,000 years ago

70. : of or relating to an early Lower Paleolithic culture of Europe characterized by bifacial stone hand axes First Known Use of Abbevillian 1934, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for …

71. Storyline Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola y de la Pedrueca, in 1868, accidentally discovered Paleolithic paintings with the help of a hunter named Modesto Cubillas inside Altamira's caves, located in Cantabria, northern Spain.

72. Bronze Age, third phase in the development of material culture among the ancient peoples of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, following the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods (Old Stone Age and New Stone Age, respectively)

73. Anatomically modern human (AMH) refers to early individuals of Homo sapiens with an appearance fully congruent with that of modern humans. Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago.

74. Inscribed on rocks along the riverbanks in Portugal’s Côa Valley are figures of wild horses and Aurochs — the common ancestor to all domestic cattle breeds — drawn by Paleolithic hunters tens of thousands of years ago.

75. If you suddenly found yourself pursued by Paleolithic hirsute Anthropophagites, how could you escape? What emotions and situations do you associate with the following words: collaboration, vacation, evacuate, and ultimatum? Would you rather make art that is monochrome, polychrome, or chromed?

76. An Ancestral Diet Lowers the Risk of Chronic Disease In this article, I’ll go over the common characteristics our Paleolithic ancestors shared and I’ll explain how a Paleo or Ancestral approach to what we eat can improve our overall health.

77. Aurignacian: Of or relating to the Old World Upper Paleolithic culture between Mousterian and Solutrean, associated with early modern humans and characterized by artifacts such as figures of stone and bone, graphic artwork, the use of dress and adornment, and flaked stone blades.

78. The Acheulean (sometimes spelled Acheulian) is a stone tool techno-complex that emerged in East Africa during the Lower Paleolithic about 1.76 million years ago (abbreviated mya), and persisted until 300,000-200,000 years ago (300-200 ka), although in some places it …

79. Acheulean technology; bone handaxe; use-wear; core preparation; Early Pleistocene; The Acheulean is the most widespread Paleolithic technological tradition in the Old World, characterized by handaxes, cleavers, and sometimes picks, as well as a range of other smaller artifacts (1 ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ –9).An additional important hallmark of the Acheulean lithic technology is use of

80. The settlement of the Americas is widely accepted to have begun when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum