Use "palau" in a sentence

1. By July 11, a thunderstorm cluster developed near Palau.

2. In September 2006, Palau hosted the first Taiwan-Pacific Allies Summit.

3. The fixture list was announced on the Palau Soccer Association website.

4. Five teams will compete in this season of the Palau Soccer League.

5. In 2001, Palau passed its first bank regulation and anti-money laundering laws.

6. Four teams will compete in this inaugural season of the Palau Soccer League.

7. Reforms improving the business environment were also adopted in the Pacific Islands of Palau and Samoa.

8. During early September, she covered the replenishment group as the Third Fleet supported the Palau campaign.

9. The Wilson cabinet of curiosities from Palau is another example of pre-contact ware.

10. Five teams will compete in the 2006–07 season of the Palau Soccer League.

11. A low-pressure area developed into a tropical depression northeast of Palau on December 29, 2017.

12. A low-pressure area northwest of Palau developed into a tropical depression late on June 3.

13. The Palau football federation was being considered as a possible future member of the association in 2009.

14. The United Nations General Assembly approved admission for Palau pursuant to Resolution 49/63 on 15 December 1994.

15. Mr. Toribiong said, "The fund for the payout came from the balance of Palau government's loan from Taiwan."

16. He started by using a Japanese scrapped generator to make ice candy, later becoming one of the prominent businessmen of Palau.

17. Moorea Bouillonii is a common benthic filamentous cyanobacterium distributed widely such as Papua New Guinea, Guam, Palau, Palmyra atoll etc

18. Yannick Agnel of France celebrates winning the Swimming Men's 200m Freestyle Final on day eleven of the 15th FINA World Championships at Palau Sant

19. The mobile carrier groups, screened by destroyers and cruisers, also began attacks on the Palau Islands on 25 July 1944.

20. Individuals were found swimming in March 2010 in a deep underwater cave in a fringing reef off the coast of Palau.

21. His most famous buildings, the Hospital de Sant Pau and Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, have been collectively designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

22. Biota Marine Life Nursery in Palau works in an exclusive partnership with Biota Aquariums in Florida, USA ensuring precise knowledge that nothing is taken from the oceans.

23. After arriving on the island of Palau in 2007, 22-year-old Simon quickly found out that he could earn only a fraction of what he had earned in his home country, England.

24. The ship sailed with a large task group 29 August to take part in the Palau operation and the Battle of Peleliu, aimed at securing bases for the final assault on the Philippines in October.

25. Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia (Valencian: ; Spanish: Palacio de las Artes Reina Sofía; anglicised as "Reina (Queen) Sofía Palace of the Arts") is an opera house and cultural centre in Valencia, Spain.

26. On 18 August 1944, 200 nautical miles (370 km) east of Samar, Natori was accompanying the transport T.3 to Palau when they were spotted by the submarine USS Hardhead east of San Bernardino Strait.

27. 1 day ago · Now, the island nation is preparing to open its Carefully monitored borders to tourists for the first time in a travel bubble with the archipelago nation of Palau, Taiwan officials announced last

28. The United States maintains a diplomatic delegation and an embassy in Palau, but most aspects of the countries' relationship have to do with Compact-funded projects, which are the responsibility of the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of Insular Affairs.

29. Belau (formerly Palau), a group of more than 200 mostly uninhabited tropical islands seems to have many of the ingredients of Paradise: a temperature that rarely strays far from 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27° C.), fertile land, an abundantly stocked ocean, industrious, friendly inhabitants —and situated far, far away from those centers of international tension, Washington and Moscow.

30. L’ Auditori Palau de Congressos de Girona celebrarà el seu quinzè aniversari amb una programació especial, que tindrà lloc entre el 3 i el 12 de juny i que obrirà també, simbòlicament, una nova etapa i un nou model de projecte musical per a aquest

31. ‘The more it Bucketed, the more she beamed, perhaps hoping that viewers would admire her gleaming dentistry long enough for play to resume on Centre Court.’ ‘Sadly, the Full Circle weather system, having periodically Bucketed on us in Africa, immediately finds us in Palau, and gleefully hurls stair-rods of rain on all and sundry for our

32. The city council of la Baronia de Rialb, promoted the construction of this building to be used as a touristic lodging for big groups, taking in consideration that the Alberg was going to complement the other turistical offer in accomodation, for smaller groups ( as the Schools of del Puig, Pallerols, Palau, la Serra and la Torre).The aim was to contribute to the social and economical development of the municipality, with this lodgings.