Use "palanquins" in a sentence

1. The writer of an article in the Calcutta Review, in 1844, drew a series of comparisons between Calcutta as it was in his day, and as it had been fifty years earlier; and, with much complacency and pride, enumerated the variety of carriages to be seen in the town—"Britzskas, barouches, landaulets, chariots, phaetons, buggies, palanquins, palki

2. The writer of an article in the Calcutta Review, in 1844, drew a series of comparisons between Calcutta as it was in his day, and as it had been fifty years earlier; and, with much complacency and pride, enumerated the variety of carriages to be seen in the town—”Britzskas, barouches, landaulets, chariots, phaetons, buggies, palanquins