Use "paid" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Amortized include repaid, remunerated, paid off, paid back, paid, settled, paid up, anted up, ponied up and discharged

2. Paid killer.

3. Phenomenally paid.

4. This commission is usually paid out when the sales representative is paid.

5. Prepaid, postpaid, debit card paid, or credit account paid caller identification messaging services

6. Why are you paid?

7. My sister paid you.

8. Paid your phone bill?

9. You paid your debt.

10. Busking – Paid Performance Practice

11. Remuneration paid (after tax)

12. Dues all paid up.

13. Lupþi and you're paid.

14. The gamble paid off.

15. I've paid the bill.

16. Are the Witnesses Paid?

17. I paid in cash.

18. (b) the number of shares issued and fully paid and issued but not fully paid;

19. Don't beat around the bush . Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.

20. 5 days, all expenses paid!

21. Paid for by alumni donations.

22. But it paid the bills.

23. How did you get paid?

24. You are paid extraordinarily well.

25. He humbly paid the ransom;

26. Wages are paid on Fridays.

27. Safe government bonds paid diddly.

28. He will be paid therefor.

29. Paid Advisory council members may be paid with a retainer or on a per-meeting basis

30. No Abortionist is going to take the risk without being paid, and paid well, in advance

31. Recovery of amounts over-paid

32. And paid for my gasoline.

33. We paid by credit card.

34. He paid what was owing.

35. Subscriptions should be paid quarterly.

36. Characteristically, Helen paid for everyone

37. Fees paid to outside agencies

38. Advances paid to Member States

39. I paid dear for this.

40. Paid her to pawn it.

41. They have no paid clergy.

42. 22 Interest is paid yearly.

43. Synonyms for Consumed include disbursed, expended, paid, paid out, spent, used up, engrossed, absorbed, immersed and preoccupied

44. They paid a high dividend in 1921 at about 61 per cent of the paid - up capital .

45. I paid for last week's shopping and you paid for this week's, so let's call it quits.

46. Beget - the best paid web hosting

47. The Society paid Babette’s medical bills.

48. Our gamble might have paid off.

49. Look at the price you paid.

50. I paid him off in full.

51. I don't need a paid escort.

52. Your father paid them quite handsomely.

53. She paid him a handsome compliment.

54. The boss paid off the employees.

55. She's a highly paid TV presenter.

56. They are paid an hourly rate.

57. His strong - arm tactics paid off.

58. The money already paid is irretrievable.

59. He finally paid his overdraft off.

60. Tommy Dorsey paid the funeral expenses.

61. I haven't paid the acupuncturist yet.

62. Tom hasn't paid his rent yet.

63. How can that “debt” be paid?

64. 'We've already paid,' I explained tersely.

65. Larry Burrows paid all his dues.

66. The world's 100 highest-paid Celebrities

67. It's not even paid off yet.

68. They often paid a high price.

69. He paid the money under coercion.

70. I've paid this month's television rental.

71. I paid with my debit card.

72. Substantial damages were paid in recompense.

73. Has your salary been paid yet?

74. He paid the money back promptly.

75. Transitional refund on tax-paid bulk wine – licensed user Refund of excise tax paid ss 311(2) 54.

76. We allow limited paid advertisements (“Paid Ads”) in the app so that we can offer it for free.

77. Paid her for your dirty dealings!

78. Workers are paid for their labour.

79. They paid him a high compliment.

80. Remuneration actually paid (elements of remuneration