Use "overwhelmingly" in a sentence

1. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.

2. The response has been overwhelmingly favorable.

3. Republican primary voters are overwhelmingly white.

4. Responses from audiences have been overwhelmingly favorable.

5. The resources are overwhelmingly generated by business.

6. The news from overseas is overwhelmingly negative.

7. It overwhelmingly favours people aged 25 to

8. Angola's economy is overwhelmingly driven by its oil sector

9. 3 Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.

10. Public response to the ads has been overwhelmingly positive.

11. In stark contrast, Jesus’ teaching was overwhelmingly upbuilding and positive!

12. Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections.

13. After all, leg ulcers are overwhelmingly a nursing problem.

14. The medical professional is in an overwhelmingly powerful position.

15. 19 Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill.

16. There was something overwhelmingly assured about this brief appearance.

17. The people of this country overwhelmingly support their president.

18. He is overwhelmingly glorious, immeasurably higher than we are.

19. An overwhelmingly strong motive made the ship anchor there.

20. The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.

21. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.

22. But AIDS research is overwhelmingly carried out in the industrialized world.

23. On Dec. 7 delegates voted overwhelmingly to retain the party's name.

24. The Oxford Diocese overwhelmingly endorsed women priests in a poll last year.

25. In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.

26. Machislav Hareb overwhelmingly defeated Michael Marrinage in a second round of balloting.

27. Jews in America also overwhelmingly oppose current United States marijuana policy.

28. The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.Sentencedict

29. 29 In the survey politicians came out overwhelmingly in favour of capital punishment.

30. 10 The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.

31. It is an overwhelmingly patriarchal society, where women still curtsy to men.

32. In fact, participants overwhelmingly preferred the current Welcome page to the alternative layouts.

33. Capers are overwhelmingly bitter in their raw state, so much so that they are inedible

34. The candidate's views on taxes received overwhelmingly Approbatory nods from the conservative audience

35. 11 It is an overwhelmingly patriarchal society,[] where women still curtsy to men.

36. Voters who are either female or old or both overwhelmingly feel that the lad lacks Couth

37. An overwhelmingly Bloatsome OBSE plugin to enable the use of JSON files in Oblivion scripting

38. Overwhelmingly they voted in favour, he said, though he could not quantify the demand.

39. From a state of poise and self-confidence, she was suddenly overwhelmingly self-conscious.

40. German-American relations suffered a devastating blow when Schröder stoked the country's overwhelmingly pacifist attitudes.

41. And the feedback we got when we launched all of this was quite overwhelmingly positive.

42. Research overwhelmingly supports the proposition that age is a poor predictor of performance and ability.

43. Voters gave their verdict on the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition.

44. 23 I know that the House will vote overwhelmingly for the Bill, which I wholeheartedly recommend.

45. For generations, pianos were purchased overwhelmingly by parents, as a vehicle of betterment for their children.

46. The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.

47. Burmese curries almost overwhelmingly lack coconut milk, setting them apart from most southeast Asian curries.

48. Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.

49. The neighboring kingdoms, in manpower and resources are still overwhelmingly powerful as compared to yourselves.

50. A proposal to merge Manazuru into neighboring Yugawara was overwhelmingly rejected by a citizen's referendum in 2005.

51. “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing concerns those communities that get CDBG funds, and overwhelmingly, those are cities,” he added

52. On the expiration of Alvear's term in 1928, Yrigoyen was overwhelmingly elected President for the second time.

53. Sydney Shapiro Autobiographical Sketch If you cannot tell from my last name, I am overwhelmingly Jewish

54. Predictably, as Table 4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.

55. Nixon's advisers impressed upon him that such a controversial figure could not be confirmed by an overwhelmingly Democratic congress.

56. Punchinello is an overwhelmingly Bloatsome OBSE plugin intended to enable the use of JSON files in Oblivion scripting

57. Looking down at the curve of her cheekbone, still wet with tears, he suddenly wanted her, quite overwhelmingly.

58. The resolution on North Korea passed overwhelmingly, by a vote of 119 to 19, with 48 abstentions.

59. 28 The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.

60. For the history of linguistic analysis in the West is overwhelmingly a prescriptive and overtly a political one.

61. Nevertheless, the bachelor pattern is overwhelmingly marked by lack of sustained commitment and lack of orientation toward the future.

62. The House and Senate voted overwhelmingly last month to repeal the tax break only after it had become public.

63. The members of the 26-strong congressional black caucus voted overwhelmingly on July 11 to oppose the nomination.

64. It was in Mexico, then, that Cumbia became Cumbia sonidera, an offshoot genre of this overwhelmingly danceable musical style.

65. The most important keyword listed on resumes featuring Assembler experience is Assembly Line, appearing an overwhelmingly 53.27% of the time

66. – Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, churches responded to serve Churchgoers in a variety of ways, and Churchgoers are overwhelmingly proud of …

67. Keynesian interventionism was still the overwhelmingly dominant paradigm in the mid-1970s, though it was already on the cusp of decline.

68. One of them is that Sally Clark was innocent -- which is, a priori, overwhelmingly likely -- most mothers don't kill their children.

69. But whilst we have an overwhelmingly vivid visual understanding of space, we have no sense of what space sounds like.

70. The Bulgarians who settled in the tri-city area were overwhelmingly male and had come predominately from the Bulgarian speaking parts of Macedonia

71. Has overwhelmingly presented the benefits for [emergent bilinguals], including impactful opportunities for Agentively expressing identities, reshaping traditional classrooms, and expanding communicative repertoires

72. After two hours of debate the synod voted overwhelmingly to receive the report and moved on to detailed discussion of the legislation.

73. Crowded Short: A trade on the short side with an overwhelmingly large number of participants, which greatly increases the risks of a short squeeze

74. The House on Friday overwhelmingly supported a measure Condemning the military coup in Myanmar that ousted the country's civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi

75. Artistic control was paramount in terms of the production, the medium through which the play was overwhelmingly disseminated among contemporary audiences.

76. Biden overwhelmingly won a Democratic presidential primary in Kansas conducted exclusively by mail Balloting by the state party because of the coronavirus pandemic.

77. The Senate overwhelmingly Acquitted President Trump on both articles of impeachment against him Wednesday afternoon following a brief trial, in a historic re

78. Pilot participants overwhelmingly (80 percent of returned surveys) indicated that having access had a positive or very positive impact on their research activities and productivity.

79. House of Representatives on Friday overwhelmingly approved legislation Condemning the military coup in Myanmar, as lawmakers decried increasingly harsh tactics used to …

80. Bookmakers Review readers have submitted overwhelmingly positive feedback on the payout time-frame, bonus programs, and wagering experience at these sports bookies