Use "overtake" in a sentence

1. Never overtake on a curve.

2. No one could overtake him.

3. Always overtake on the outside.

4. The car accelerated to overtake me.

5. Never try to overtake on a bend.

6. I accelerated to overtake the bus.

7. Only then will divine blessings overtake them.

8. It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.

9. We managed to overtake the last train.

10. He tried to overtake on the inside.

11. He increased his speed to overtake the lorry.

12. Tragedy was shortly to overtake him, however.

13. I pulled out to overtake a bus.

14. It's dangerous to overtake at a corner.

15. Women overtake men only in the part- time registrar posts.

16. Our midfielders should overtake their opposite number individually more often.

17. The curves visit these Asymptotes but never overtake them.

18. “Strange Blacknesses, strange forgettings, that overtake me at times

19. The driver behind me tried to overtake on the inside.

20. Eventually, therefore, a rich blessing was sure to overtake her.

21. Fashion is gentility running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtake.

22. It means that catastrophe will soon overtake that apostate religious organization.

23. “Drive fast,” their host advised, “and don’t let anyone overtake you.”

24. 21 I overtake the undertaker who takes my stake by mistake.

25. As the cars overtake you, they are temporarily outside your field of vision.

26. The road was too narrow for me to overtake the car in front.

27. In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.

28. Devastating crises may shortly overtake us, leading inevitably to a lapse into barbarism.

29. I went to overtake him on the back straight on the last lap.

30. She put on an impressive turn of speed to overtake the others.

31. The locals go to suicidal lengths to overtake vehicles travelling only marginally slower than themselves.

32. 7 She will chase after her passionate lovers, but she will not overtake them;+

33. He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him.

34. 26 synonyms for Betide: happen, chance, occur, take place, overtake, ensue, crop up, transpire, befall

35. Some are predicting that India could overtake China as the world's most populous country before 20

36. The object world falls back and away, and invasions from the unconscious overtake and overwhelm one.

37. Chase definition, to pursue in order to seize, overtake, etc.: The police officer Chased the thief

38. Desperate not to have to overtake, he'd braked hard and had felt the car shimmy dangerously.

39. Another emerging concern is nitrogen deposition, which scientists predict may overtake sulphur as the major acidifying agent.

40. 3) That Buffeting will be felt while you overtake and cease once you poke your nose in front.

41. What is the meaning behind the Hebrew verbs rendered “keep listening” and “overtake” at Deuteronomy 28:2?

42. He tried to overtake three cars on a blind corner and crashed head-on into a lorry.

43. Many sources are projecting that Bifacial production will overtake mono-facial within the next three to five years

44. Sometimes my mind would wander into dark places, and my fear of losing [John] would almost overtake me.

45. 26 It became more difficult for devout persons to explain why unforeseen disaster should overtake a religious group.

46. 16 Unless farm fertilisation increases, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, especially as nitrate, may well overtake deposition from land runoff.

47. Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.

48. 10 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did pursue them, and did overtake them, and began to slay them.

49. It was on Tahrir square, where the international community was constantly frightened that, you know, the Islamists will overtake the revolution.

50. In the decade of his rule, the GNP rose by 45% and manufactured goods began to overtake such traditional exports as jute and cotton.

51. However, rogues get a talent to improve feint by 20%, which causes it to overtake Cower in effectiveness by a small margin (90 threat difference).

52. As the leader of the Lion Guard, Askari and his team fended off a pride of evil lions who attempted to overtake the Pride Lands.

53. But if they did not keep listening to him, maledictions would just as surely overtake them. —Deuteronomy 8:10-14; 26:18; 28:2, 15.

54. ‘Summoning emergency help should an injury Befall a walker would have been almost impossible.’ Synonyms happen to , overtake, come upon, fall upon, hit, strike, be visited on

55. The amazing engine lets it accelerate really fast; and the maximum speed of 60 km/ h let this tank overtake medium tanks and even some light tanks.

56. I speak simply as a soldier of the Last War whose most earnest prayer it is that such cruel and destructive madness shall never again overtake mankind.

57. We all know the so-called sophism of the ancients, proving that Achilles would never overtake the tortoise, though Achilles walked ten times as fast as the tortoise.

58. Already the world's top emitter of sulphur dioxide, which causes acid rain, China will overtake the United States as the biggest producer of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide this year or next.

59. Amrit Ocean is nestled on a pristine stretch of beach where you can play in the waves or relax on the sand, as the peaceful sounds of the ocean overtake you

60. ‘Riders overtake traffic, carving in and out of lanes as Befuddled drivers bond in confusion with pedestrians.’ ‘I forgot to tell you all this is set in one of my confused and Befuddled future settings.’

61. ‘Riders overtake traffic, carving in and out of lanes as Befuddled drivers bond in confusion with pedestrians.’ ‘I forgot to tell you all this is set in one of my confused and Befuddled future settings.’

62. Benight ( third-person singular simple present benights, present participle Benighting, simple past and past participle benighted) ( archaic, transitive) (chiefly in passive) To overtake (a traveller etc) with the darkness of night, especially before shelter is reached

63. Benight (third-person singular simple present Benights, present participle benighting, simple past and past participle benighted) (archaic, transitive) (chiefly in passive) To overtake (a traveller etc) with the darkness of night, especially before shelter is reached.

64. Did they bestir themselves on my trail, their dogs were too fat, and themselves too lean, to overtake me; also, I deemed their Bestirring would be of an order for which I had made due preparation.

65. So that tells us that the velocity of Bill times this time is going to be equal to -- for him to overtake Chelsea, he has to travel 300 meters more than her in that same amount of time.

66. The Barbadians constituted a majority in the colony for the first two decades, but after the turn of the century the number of white settlers from other European countries would overtake the majority of Carolina’s the white population

67. 7 Consumed by daily concerns, the Jews had forgotten that divine blessings in the form of rain and fruitful seasons would overtake them only if they endured in a course of obedience to God, even in the face of opposition.

68. Gerry joins though army veterans on reconnaissance to Korea, where a rogue CIA agent's suggestion proves worthless, then to Israel, where a Mossad 'Contrarious tenth man' had the foresight to respond to a vague Indian pandemic threat by erecting a wall Jerusalem, only to see an undead flood overtake it.

69. In the channel- to port only; the small craft being overtaken shall facilitate rapid overtaking by reducing its speed (no more than two craft may be abeam at once); Outside the channel, when crossing it and on sections with cardinal buoys- on either side; Small craft and vessels under sail shall pass and overtake without exchanging visual signals

70. Birdalone lay still a little, lest she should fall into a trap, and then arose very quietly and did on her smock, which lay ever under her pillow with the ring sewn thereto again, and so went out Adoors also, and deemed she saw the witch some way on ahead; but it was nothing for her light feet to overtake her.

71. A fellow driver chose to have words with him and criticised him for weaving about on the track in order to Balk those who try to overtake.: Truly, Hero is so tightly organized that the viewer may Balk at its clockwork elegance.: Because of the Balk, both runners advanced one base, giving the Twins a 5-4 victory.: He tried to Balk and twist around somebody and got caught holding the ball, and