Use "overheard" in a sentence

1. We overheard them arguing.

2. I've overheard them.

3. I overheard them talking.

4. I overheard them quarrelling.

5. They overheard her singing.

6. I overheard their argument/them.

7. I just overheard it.sentencedict .com

8. I overheard batiatus and doctore in conference.

9. I overheard part of their conversation.

10. I overheard two doctors discussing my case.

11. I overheard a fragment of their conversation.

12. They always make profound observations they've overheard.

13. She overheard the management discussing pay rises.

14. I overheard them say they were dissatisfied.

15. We overheard them talking about the Dementor attack.

16. 5 I overheard a fragment of their conversation.

17. I overheard snatches of a conversation between two doctors.

18. We talked quietly so as not to be overheard.

19. HAVE you ever accidentally overheard two people conversing?

20. I overheard some cruel remarks about my husband.

21. I overheard him say/saying he was going to France.

22. I got there early and overheard Ridley with a client.

23. She overheard it. He was speaking with Abu Nazir.

24. I overheard him say he was going to France.

25. I overheard Gideon throwing his new title around with the concierge.

26. I overheard a very funny conversation on the bus this morning.

27. He overheard his young master mention our names with great commendation.

28. Why, it was as if she had overheard his prayer!

29. I overheard a conversation between two boys on the bus.

30. I overheard your last remark and take the gravest exception.

31. Georgia overheard the officer say there was a stowaway aboard.

32. The moron overheard a conversation Greg and I were having.

33. Conversation between A and B I overheard a Conversation between two colleagues

34. We overheard the teacher say there would be a pop quiz today.

35. I told Lucy the news under my breath, but Joyce overheard me.

36. Overheard from a CP-140 Aurora aircrew..."That tent is useless!

37. The doctors had given up on me—I overheard them speaking.

38. I wanted to shout it out, let her know what I had overheard.

39. Besides, he'd overheard them say they were only interested in the reward.

40. The nurse had picked up the information from a conversation she overheard.

41. We went outside so that we could talk freely without being overheard.

42. She claims to have overheard an argument between the President and the First Lady.

43. Synonyms for Auscultated include hearkened, heeded, attended, minded, harked, heard, harkened, listened, caught and overheard

44. And that is when I overheard the guy with the curly Q's on his face.

45. He was having to whisper in order to avoid being overheard by their nosy neighbours.

46. He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard.

47. A neighbor who was seated nearby overheard Scott’s conversation with the person next to him:

48. One day in a supermarket, Ella overheard a Russian-speaking family of new immigrants conversing.

49. I overheard a judge say that not one of them holds a candle to Emma.

50. I overheard somebody at work respond to the word Butthurt by saying that Butthurt was homophobic

51. When one of the guards made sexual advances, the doctor overheard and intervened in her favor.

52. But then I remembered a conversation I had overheard her having with her sister-in-law.

53. My father overheard and, without consulting me or waiting to hear my reply, forbade him the house.

54. As we were unloading our things, we overheard her say on the telephone, “The children are here.”

55. I knew he was struggling with his addiction again when I overheard him saying that he needed to Bang

56. Overheard at the soirée: “Where did you get those fabulous earrings and rock-hard abs?” “Barracks Road, darling.”

57. , we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.

58. It was a small, unpretentious, privately run hotel, with small rooms where conversations were not likely to be overheard.

59. As he was hanging around the court, he overheard a 12-year-old girl telling the jury what had happened to her.

60. A shiver went up John's spine when he overheard the managers discussing the money he'd stolen from the company safe

61. One day she overheard one of her neighbors mockingly say to another: “Soon you will become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses!”

62. 25 According to this account, the man's grandfather overheard Churchill discussing the alleged incident with US wartime General Dwight Eisenhower.

63. When Lind was about 9, her singing was overheard by the maid of Mademoiselle Lundberg, the principal dancer at the Royal Swedish Opera.

64. Richard Hopkins, a mail carrier in Erie, alleged in November that he overheard the local postmaster discussing plans to backdate Ballots received after the Nov

65. While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.

66. When David overheard that he had been identified, “he became very much afraid on account of Achish the king of Gath.” —1 Samuel 21:10-12.

67. Joseph overheard them saying repentantly to one another that this turn of events must be in recompense for their selling him, Joseph, into slavery.

68. A fellow reveller at the gathering said that he overheard the 20-year-old actor declare "I love weed" at a private house party in North London.

69. Ezekiel overheard Jehovah’s instructions to them: Follow the man with the inkhorn and kill off everyone except any who have been marked on their forehead.

70. One day, I overheard one of my friends say that I was a bottomless barrel —a derogatory expression in Slovenian for someone who can outdrink others.

71. Throughout the trip I overheard that floor 5 is where the Korean guides stay under heavy surveillance to make sure that they don't get corrupt by western ideas.

72. When the original was signed into law in 2010, the vice president was overheard Ballyhooing the event as “a big f-ing deal.” This one is even bigger

73. When David overheard the conversation, he “began to take these words to his heart, and he became very much afraid on account of Achish the king of Gath.”

74. IN HIS 1990 book Arbeit macht tot —Eine Jugend in Auschwitz (Work Kills You— Young Manhood in Auschwitz), Auschwitz survivor Tibor Wohl documents a conversation he overheard between two fellow prisoners.

75. 2 days ago · When the original was signed into law in 2010, the vice president was overheard Ballyhooing the event as “a big f-ing deal.” This one is even …

76. I came out of the theater, tears streaming, and overheard the petulant voice of a college girl complaining to her boyfriend, “Well I don't see what was so special about that movie.