Use "overgrazing" in a sentence

1. Overgrazing by sheep and goats contributed to the deforestation.

2. However, "overgrazing" is a controversial concept, based on equilibrium system theory.

3. Burroweed is a worthless forging plant mainly due to overgrazing or drought

4. Overgrazing and over-exploitation of water resources affect the island's current residents.

5. In recent years, however, natural disasters and overgrazing have caused serious degeneration of grassland.

6. The overgrazing of livestock and cutting down of brush and trees for firewood are held responsible.

7. Under the communist regime, the state regulated the size of the herds to prevent overgrazing.

8. Western Chokecherry and black Chokecherry cause livestock poisoning when drought and overgrazing reduce the availability of grasses and other forage.

9. Now we know that desertification is caused by livestock, mostly cattle, sheep and goats, overgrazing the plants, leaving the soil bare and giving off methane.

10. For example, the magazine China Today says that sandstorms, along with other factors such as deforestation and overgrazing, “have accelerated the expansion” of desert areas.

11. Wild Burros, descendants of animals lost or abandoned by prospectors and miners, became so numerous as to threaten, through overgrazing, the natural vegetation on which other animals depend

12. Deforestation of the spit due to overgrazing, timber harvesting, and building of boats for the Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf in 1757 led to the dunes taking over the spit and burying entire villages.

13. ‘He argued that Afforestation and expansion of forests might therefore even increase climate warming.’ ‘Environmental monitoring in the catchment assesses fresh water impacts on the survival of juveniles including issues such as Afforestation, overgrazing and climate change.’

14. Pastoralists arrived in the area shortly afterward with Charles Brockman setting up Boolathana Station in 1877 and the region experienced success in wool production until the 1930s when the overgrazing, drought and the great depression caused most businesses to fail.

15. What are the causes for destruction Afforests? OR Why is the area under forests declining? OR What are the reasons for deforestation? Answer: Expansion of agricultural land, construction of roads and railways, irrigation projects, industrialisation, urbanisation, overgrazing, forest fires, etc., are the main causes for the destruction of forests.