Use "over and again" in a sentence

1. Asking the same question over and again.

2. I've failed over and again in my life.

3. He did not object to explaining a problem over and again.

4. Over and again, the nation has got involved in foreign wars.

5. I have seen it happen over and again throughout my Christian walk.

6. No matter what, remind yourself over and again that you can handle it!

7. The performance was warmly applauded and cheered over and again by the audience.

8. Over and again we heard the cry from the hut on the hill.

9. I do not like to repeat over and again another phrase we are friends.

10. If we don't [invest] we will see food crises like the one in 2007 repeated over and again.

11. He read it over and again carefully and later, he discovered that it was a book on magic.

12. The idea is that large, complex systems are often made up of a single, simple shape repeated over and again.

13. We replay the time or scene we"ve spent with that person over and over and again in our minds, remembering with memory."

14. I see a handful of people getting thanks over and again, I imagine there's limited participation so far but how does the algorithm determine whose tips to accept and whose not to?