Use "ovate" in a sentence

1. Ovate Cardiid with regular but low ribs

2. Buds with ovate, Acuminulate scales, densely gray-pubescent

3. Usednt Anneslia analogy Katipunan buttling unpulsative roundish-ovate bunchberries

4. The leaves are Cordate -ovate to subhastate-ovate, typically ranging in size from 3.5to5cm in long and 1.8to5cm in wide, though they are sometimes larger.

5. Leaf ovate, apex tending to curl, with semi-amplexicaul decurrencies.

6. Primary leaflets: three to four pairs, ovate, apex acuminate; asymmetrical.

7. Inflorescence are glomerule type and Axillar, with 2.5 to 3 cm diameter, bract measure 1.5 x 0.8 cm, are ovate, acute, tomentose, green-cinereous; bracteole are ovate, acute, with 1.3 …

8. Leaves alternate; petiolules obscure; leaflets ovate or ovate-oblong, slightly incurved, 5-10 × 2.5-4 cm, abaxially Adpressed shortly pubescent on veins, adaxially glabrous or sparsely puberulent, base obliquely rounded, asymmetric, apex acute.

9. Apricot trees are small and spreading, with broad ovate leaves that have pointed tips

10. Double light pink pansy. Variegated dark green, pink , cream and white , plain [], ovate. Semiminiature.

11. Terminal leaflets: medium ovate; tip acute to acuminate; base obtuse and slightly asymmetrical; slightly wavy margins.

12. The males are irregularly ovate, with a wide, shallow sulcus anterior to the posterior ridge.

13. Leaves opposite, variable in size and shape, but essentially ovate to cordate with a deep basal sinus, Acuminate

14. Leaf blade usually oblong to ovate Cordate or nearly so at base; leaf and fruit without pubescence

15. Primary leaflets: narrowly ovate; tip acute to acuminate; base cordate and asymmetrical; first pair overlap terminal leaflet.

16. The leaves are thinly ovate at the base and longly or shortly acuminate at the tip.

17. The leaves are simple, alternate, ovate to acuminate in shape with three distinct veins from the base.

18. Or suberect, sparingly branched, Bilineate-pubescent, otherwise glabrous or puberulent : leaves oblong-ovate, acute, 5 to 8 cm

19. 5 Leaf blade usually oblong to ovate, cordate or nearly so at base; leaf and fruit without pubescence .

20. Leaves are evergreen, and are a dark glossy green in color, ovate-acuminate in shape, and opposite in growth pattern.

21. Polyantha had Coriaceous leaves, 7x4.5cm, with ovate-elliptical shape, three main veins and the absence of prickle-like structures

22. Cone, in botany, mass of scales or bracts, usually ovate in shape, containing the reproductive organs of certain nonflowering plants

23. 25 The blades of emersed plants are unlike those of E. macrophyllus,[] being ovate and incised at the apex.

24. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate to acute, erect-spreading when moist, and often contorted when dry.

25. The adjectives ovoidal and ovate mean having the characteristic of being an ovoid, and are often used as synonyms for "egg-shaped".

26. The Bracteoles are another shape than those given; the Bracteoles are ovate (widest below the middle, and broadly tapering to both ends- …

27. Surface of leaf: smooth, rather strongly ribbed with veins inserted into the stem (midrib) almost at right angles; lamina broad and ovate.

28. Description/Taste Boniato sweet potatoes are medium to large in size and are roughly ovate and tubular with many lumps and tapered ends

29. Ovate, yellow-green leaves (to 10” long) are, as the specific epithet suggests, pointed at the tip (Acuminate), but not classic narrow-tapering Acuminate form

30. An evergreen vine (Piper betle) of South and Southeast Asia, having heart-shaped or ovate leaves that are used to wrap Betel nuts

31. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules 0.5 cm long, ovate, pubescent, caducous and leaving annular scar; petioles 1-3 cm long, canaliculate, pubescent when young; lamina 5- 12.7 x 1.2-6.4 cm, ovate or elliptic, apex caudate-acuminate to caudate with blunt tip, base cuneate-acute, margin entire, Coriaceous, shining above; midrib raised above

32. The _first glume_ is half of the third glume, thin, membranous, hairy, broadly ovate, abruptly Cuspidate at the apex, and acuminate, 5-nerved (rarely 3-nerved).

33. Resembling Forget-Me-Nots, Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian Bugloss) are rhizomatous herbaceous perennials with large, ovate or heart-shaped basal leaves and pretty sprays of …

34. The leaflets are rather large, 7 x 3.5 to 11 x 5.5 cm and ovate to elliptic in shape, with a pronounced Acuminate tip

35. Amaranths are annuals which grow up to 3.5 m in height and have elliptical to ovate-oblong and lanceolate leaves with an acute to acuminate apex

36. Spikes are erect, oblong, middense and midlong and white at maturity; awns are midlong and Appressed; glumes are midwide, midlong and glabrous; glume shoulders are midwide and oblique; glume beaks are midlong and acuminate; kernels are soft, creamy white, midsize (34.2 mg), midlong, oval to ovate; germ is midsize, oval to ovate; crease is midwide to wide, middeep; cheeks are rounded to angular

37. Bistorta is a vigorous rhizomatous perennial to 1m tall, with prominently veined, ovate leaves to 30cm long, and dense spikes of small pale pink flowers in …

38. CHALLENGER DURING THE YEARS 1873-1876, FIRST PART: PORULOSA (SPUMELLARIA AND ACANTHARIA) ERNST HAECKEL The second glume is broadly ovate acute, rather Cuspidate, usually 5-nerved (rarely 7-nerved).

39. — Large inflated shell, spire shorter than aperture, sutures incised and shoulders rounded, whorls convex, body whorl large and inflated; nucleus unknown, Anomphalous; aperture ovate and auriform, outer lip

40. One of the very best Crabapples for dark purple foliage, Malus 'Royalty' is a dense, spreading deciduous tree with ovate dark purple leaves, turning vivid red in the fall

41. The Abrading tool from Tabun Cave is an ovate dolomite cobble measuring 9.4 x 8.8 x 6 cm (3.7 x 3.5 x 2.4 inches) and weighing almost 0.5 kg

42. Annatto grows up to 9 metres (30 feet) tall and has rose-pink flowers about 5 cm (2 inches) wide and ovate leaves about 8 to 18 cm (3 to 7 inches) long.

43. The ovate Crenate leaves, which measure from an inch or even less, to one inch and a half in length by about half the length in breadth, are leathery, dark green above, grayish above

44. Leaves are ovate to lanceolate, cordate at the base and acuminate at the apex, pubescent especially beneath and on the veins of the lower surface; by maturing, hairs remain only on the veins and along the margin.

45. Descr.A shrub, everywhere covered with a glaucous-white, pulverulent substance; young branches four-sided.Leaves numerous, opposite, large, three to four inches long, elliptical-ovate or cordate, sessile and half embracing the stem, coriaceous, Acuminulate, margined, penninerved, the nerves very patent

46. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners +Cap+ 2 to 4 inches broad, ovate, Campanulate, then spreading, obtuse, with a cuticle, sticky in moist weather, rarely sprinkled with one or two fragments of the volva, the margin regular, even.

47. Abutilon megapotamicum or Callianthe megapotamica (trailing Abutilon) is a species of Abutilon native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.It is a shrub growing to 2.5 metres (8 ft 2 in) tall, with leaves 5–8 centimetres (2.0–3.1 in) long, ovate to shallowly three-lobed

48. Leaves very variable in size, pinnate, usually with 5-8 pairs of lateral leaflets and a terminal one, stalked with bases of petiole Auricled; leaflets usually subrounded in lower leaves and ovate-oblong in upper leaves, lobulate, serrate to almost entire, 5-25 mm long, 3-10 mm broad.

49. In cleistogamous fruit it is distinct from other acaulescent species with undivided leaf blades by the ovate to subreniform blade outline, the basal lobes commonly Attingent or overlapping in life, glabrous foliage except for scattered appressed hairs on the upper surface of the leaf blades, short conspicuously adnate stipules, purple-spotted

50. Bracteole shape showed a similar distribution: most of the Andean landraces were ovate (a Mesoamerican category), with only 10 of the 49 landraces in this group showing the Andean categories triangular or lanceolate. Gene pool classification of common bean landraces from Chile based on RAPD and morphological data

51. Fronds medium-sized to large, stipe base without articulation, hairy, vertically grooved above; lamina 1-4-pinnately compound, oblong to ovate-oblong; pinnules or lobes slightly oblique, Acroscopic pinnule at base larger than basiscopic, usually parallel to rachis or pinna rachis, mostly triangular, rarely lanceolate, usually grayish hispid or

52. Ovules solitary or occasionally paired in the axils of bracts on short Branchlets or stalks which themselves are axillary on the first-, second- or occasionally third-year Branchlet, sessile, subtending scales about 12-20, decussate, ovate to flabellate, concave, membranous, often rugose, nearly enclosed at maturity by the aril; arils open at

53. ‘The leaves, about 4 cm by 2 cm are opposite, deltoid-ovate, Crenate serrate and green to dark green in colour.’ More example sentences ‘Supported on four feet modeled as shells (mussel, scallop, oyster, and clam), it has irregularly Crenate ends that are encrusted with sand and various types of aquatic life, and other marine-related

54. Slender, slightly pubescent when young, soon glabrescent; Leaf blade ovate or sub-rounded to elliptic, 2-5 (7)x 1.502.5 cm, young pubescent, soon Abaxially pubescent along midvein, base broadly cuneate to sub-rounded, margin obtusely serrate, serrulate, cuneate, crenate, rarely entire, apex acute or shortly acuminate, lustrous green above and light green below.

55. ‘The leaves, about 4 cm by 2 cm are opposite, deltoid-ovate, Crenate serrate and green to dark green in colour.’ More example sentences ‘Supported on four feet modeled as shells (mussel, scallop, oyster, and clam), it has irregularly Crenate ends that are encrusted with sand and various types of aquatic life, and other marine-related

56. Tilia americana, commonly called American Basswood or American linden, is a medium to large deciduous tree which typically grows to 50-80’ (infrequently to over 100’) tall with an ovate-rounded crown.It is native to a variety of habitats from Quebec to the southeastern corner of Manitoba and far eastern North Dakota south to Oklahoma, Tennessee and North

57. It is noted for its ovate to elliptic, Crenate to serrulate, glossy, spineless, evergreen, deep green leaves (to 1 1/4" long) which are attractive all year, 4 petaled white flowers which bloom in 3-7 flowered cymes in late spring (May-June), and black rounded somewhat inconspicuous fruits (drupes to 1/4” diameter) which mature in fall on