Use "outweigh" in a sentence

1. They way outweigh Democrats.

2. The benefits outweigh the risks.

3. Advantages Outweigh Pumping Costs

4. But ‘the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.’

5. Do the benefits outweigh the costs?

6. The scheme's advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

7. Its advantages may even outweigh its disadvantages.

8. The minuses far outweigh that possible gain.

9. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

10. The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages.

11. The benefits would surely far outweigh the risks.

12. Benefits of the surgery far outweigh the risk.

13. The negatives outweigh the positives on this issue.

14. The rewards of motherhood outweigh the anguish.

15. The book's virtues far outweigh its faults.

16. The rewards will far outweigh any sacrifice you make.

17. The benefits of the system far outweigh the disadvantages .

18. The latter usually outweigh him, but Brer Rabbit almost…

19. The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good.

20. The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages.

21. The benefits would have to outweigh any disadvantages.

22. The advantages of this scheme more than outweigh the costs involved.

23. The good you do must far outweigh the bad.

24. The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.

25. The costs of the scheme outweigh its supposed benefits.

26. On balance, the advantages to be gained from panels outweigh the disadvantages.

27. Points outweigh the fall of the projectile, and the wind increased turnover

28. You never learnt that the bonds of family far outweigh anything else.

29. It's possible that the beam may break if the loads outweigh its supports.

30. The benefits to patients who are taking the drug far outweigh the risks .

31. The likely dangers of traditional internationalism are starting to outweigh any plausible benefits.

32. The probative value of the evidence was said to outweigh its prejudicial effect.

33. We need to consider whether the disadvantages of the plan outweigh the advantages.

34. When it comes to Bonded leather, the cons really outweigh the pros

35. 21 The probative value of the evidence was said to outweigh its prejudicial effect.

36. They argue that the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any advantages.

37. 22 It is possible, as shown, for the output effect to outweigh the substitution effect.

38. Considerations of national security were however held to outweigh those of procedural fairness.

39. When you bury a veggie in all that fat, do the benefits outweigh the risks?

40. Law-officer and both parties should not outweigh the appraisal conclusion's probative value in lawsuit.

41. The joys at that time will far outweigh any suffering that people have experienced.

42. At all ages, the benefits of being physically active outweigh potential harm, for example through accidents.

43. It would have to be very considerable, to outweigh risk of association dragging me to depths.

44. (Mishnah) To stand favorably in judgment, their concern was “to achieve merits which would outweigh sins.”

45. Maybe Angiotensin II is a fantastic vasopressor, but currently it's doubtful whether the benefits outweigh the risks

46. There are advantages and disadvantages to keeping these two functions together, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

47. The characteristic excellencies of Wordsworth's poetry are listed with repeated emphasis that they far outweigh the defects.

48. It may not be the most compact or the lightest camera but the advantages outweigh this factor greatly.

49. But they suggest that overall, punishment has other effects which cancel out and even outweigh its deterrent effects.

50. Their report says that the benefits of screenings before the age of 50 do not outweigh the risks.

51. He may believe that potential benefits of a transfusion outweigh the health risks posed by the blood itself.

52. In other words, Collectivism says the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

53. For them the dangers of infertility - real or imagined - may far outweigh the dangers of fertility.

54. Of course there remains a core of consistency which would normally outweigh by far the fluctuations.

55. It was sufficient to outweigh Mr Field's 165 to 113 second-round victory in the individual members' section.

56. But as with anything in relation to serving Jehovah, the benefits and satisfaction that result far outweigh any anxiety.

57. Cushiony: [adjective] of a job: having a variety of characteristics that imply that its benefits far outweigh its costs

58. I may continue to look for factors which will outweigh his prospects of enjoyment at the zoo.

59. Bats are highly beneficial to people, and the advantages of having them around far outweigh any problems you might have with them

60. The FDA warns that the benefits do not outweigh the risks when using Benzocaine to treat oral pain in adults and children.

61. Gray added that adults taking Anticholinergics should discuss with a doctor whether the risks outweigh the benefits of continuing a medication

62. Given that deferiprone can be associated with neutropenia and agranulocytosis, therapy in immune compromised patients should not be initiated unless potential benefits outweigh potential risks

63. 8 Memorisation of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in many education systems. Does the usefulness of this method outweigh the limitations?

64. But they also have rising costs to our security, economy, health and environment that are starting to erode, if not outweigh their benefits.

65. Antitrust law is designed to prevent only bad forms of competition, where the anti-competitive effects of a business practice outweigh the pro-competitive efficiencies

66. As an example, Bahais accept Jesus but believe that later spokesmen of God would succeed him and that their teachings would outweigh those of Jesus.

67. Take comfort in the fact that if the stepparent is sincere in his or her effort to build a relationship, positive feelings will likely outweigh negative ones eventually.

68. The EU’s medicines regulator has said it remains “firmly Convinced” the benefits of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine outweigh the risks, but isolated cases of blood clots “are a

69. Meanwhile, wide spreads and incongruent pricing in the rest of the credit markets led to many banks to take negative inventory marks, which will most likely outweigh broker commissions.

70. “We are still firmly Convinced that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in preventing COVID-19 with its associated risk of hospitalization and death outweigh the risk of the side effects

71. For that reason, there’s a place for a pure Chanter, but for the most part, a pure Chanter is a suboptimal choice since the benefits for the subclasses generally outweigh

72. The European Medicines Agency affirmed Tuesday it believes the benefits of the vaccine outweigh potential risks but also said it would publish its findings on the recent spate of blood Clottings

73. "FDA Approved" means that the agency has determined that the "benefits of the product outweigh the known risks for the intended use." Manufacturers must submit a premarket approval

74. ‘The Animus and hostility and the intensity of feeling evidenced by this act of the accused does not outweigh its prejudicial effect.’ ‘Ponting's Animus toward Churchill never reaches Irving's level of contempt but he has his moments.’

75. 1 a : something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that promotes well-being : advantage discounted prices and other Benefits of a museum membership The Benefits outweigh the risks of taking the drug

76. The first case involves "simple contamination where adverse biological effects are likely...when the costs of further investigation outweigh the costs of remediation, and there is agreement to act instead of conducting further investigations." (Wenning and Ingersoll, 2002).

77. "Conclusiveness" of the conclusive reasons implied by rights assertions in recognition of the fact that, as we have seen, some rights have priority to others, and that few if any rights outweigh absolutely all non-right considerations in all circumstances.

78. Your rapporteur proposes, however, that even where an additive may adversely affect public health, the environment or the range of products available to allergy sufferers adversely, it should be possible to authorise it, if the advantages to consumers obviously outweigh the disadvantages.

79. Antidote administration is appropriate when there is a poisoning for which an Antidote exists, when the actual or predicted severity of the poisoning warrants its use, when expected benefits of therapy outweigh its associated risk, and when there are no contraindications

80. It was said, "If all the sages of Israel were placed in one scale, and Eleazar ben Arach in the other, he would outweigh them all", and Yochanan described him as a "gushing stream" or "ever-flowing spring".