Use "outwardly" in a sentence

1. Outwardly, at least, he was an optimist.

2. Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual.

3. Though very fierce outwardly, the dog was well - tamed.

4. Outwardly, Simon seemed to be a good and upright man.

5. They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable.

6. The brothers were outwardly friendly; inwardly they were far apart.

7. It is similar with an outwardly beautiful person who lacks “sensibleness.”

8. Outwardly, they appeared to be spiritual men, fully devoted to the Lord.

9. He did not make himself difficult or outwardly rebellious, he simply withdrew.

10. Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.

11. Outwardly she looked confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.

12. Principle from nature in themselves, or Advenes to them outwardly from

13. Sara, while remaining outwardly amiable toward all concerned(sentence dictionary), was inwardly furious.

14. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, outwardly kind but inwardly vicious!

15. Yet Daley remained outwardly serene, sometimes buoyant, while all around him the tension was building.

16. Outwardly calm, he masks his feelings behind a demeanor of indifference and spoken confidence.

17. A device to assist breathing includes a central body with outwardly splayed wing members.

18. In other words, when not permitted to express their Aggression outwardly, girls 'Aggress' against themselves.

19. Synonyms for Avowedly include seemingly, ostensibly, apparently, supposedly, outwardly, superficially, allegedly, putatively, evidently and presumably

20. Synonyms for Apparently include seemingly, ostensibly, evidently, allegedly, outwardly, supposedly, ostensively, presumably, putatively and it appears

21. An inlet particle separator includes a manifold for delivering air radially outwardly of the core inlet.

22. 11 A strange figure is revealed , outwardly unprepossessing, untidy , unkempt, he a yogi of transcendent powers.

23. The chassis comprises a welded tubular aluminum space frame and is outwardly clad with body panels.

24. A module support for forming a unitary display preferably from containers having outwardly extending access panels.

25. I laugh appreciatively at his sarcasm, and I never flinch, outwardly at least, at his slams.

26. 10 There he sat, marooned and outwardly calm, massaging his injured limb, while a curious crowd gathered.

27. A carrier plate (40), having outwardly extending drive pins (42), is rotatably nested within the cylindrical housing (30).

28. Outwardly, Oman shares many of the cultural characteristics of its Arab neighbours, particularly those in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

29. It is outwardly then a buoyant picture: a long-established family firm mindful of its responsibility to its home town.

30. The most outwardly noticeable design feature of Bucksaw (and one we’ve already received many questions about) is tire size

31. The protrusion portion extends across the mounting hole and has a lateral surface facing radially outwardly of the milling cutter.

32. The expanding element (11) has a cylindrical pin (4) at the rear end of which is an outwardly distortable collar (20).

33. 9 Outwardly, the religion of Christendom may appear very beautiful, with its magnificent cathedrals, basilicas and churches, pompous processions and impressive music.

34. An abrasive material is distributed throughout and within the outwardly extending vanes of the bristle brush unit to provide the frictional contact.

35. 27 synonyms for Apparently: seemingly, outwardly, ostensibly, speciously, it appears that, allegedly, it seems that, on the face of it, by all accounts

36. By alluding to this practice, Jesus showed that the scribes and the Pharisees appeared righteous outwardly but were “full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

37. Because Crowd membership is initially outwardly imposed, it is possible for an adolescent's peers to classify them as belonging to a Crowd they may

38. The sub-laminar hooks (30) are oriented such that their wedge bolts (36) face outwardly for ease of access for adjusting the same.

39. The alignment tape portion has opposing alignment edges that extend outwardly beyond corresponding masking edges of the masking tape portion forming longitudinally extending lateral overhangs.

40. The infiltration cannula may have an outwardly flaring hub which may be wedged into an adit of a patient to minimize leakage of fluid being infiltrated into the patient.

41. The outwardly directed free ends of the bolts have drive formations, for example 'Allen' type hexagon sockets (30) engageable by a drive tool (32) for screwing the components together.

42. His grandfather, outwardly easygoing, was frustrated with a luckless career as an insurance salesman: the young Obama would hear him making cold calls that hit a dead end.

43. Rich men were not so anxious to flaunt their riches ; outwardly at least many of them adopted simpler ways and in their dress , became almost indistinguishable from humbler folk .

44. 16 His grandfather, outwardly easygoing, was frustrated with a luckless career as an insurance salesman: the young Obama would hear him making cold calls that hit a dead end.

45. DISCOVERIES MADE UPON MEN AND MATTER BEN JONSON Outwardly the latter method was successful; in two months the converts were so numerous that they had to be baptized by Aspersion

46. An ultrasound transducer positioned within an interior of the balloon can be selectively activated to emit acoustic energy radially outwardly, targeting nerve tissue and other portions of the subject anatomy.

47. A submersible vehicle (100) includes a body having a pair of outwardly projecting at least partially arcuate wings (114), an adjustably positionable wing steering flap (126) hingeably attached to each wing.

48. Piston rods (32, 44) in the hydraulic pump and motor units (28, 40) are oriented in outwardly flared, acute angles to the output shaft axis (17) to expand the range of permissible angular adjustement of the swashplate (54) by a ratio controller (68).

49. Though outwardly affable, Yelgrun was also casually threatening when things didn't go his way. He agreed to meet [[Quark]] and his team on the abandoned [[Empok Nor]], but he brought along an entire [[platoon]] of [[Jem'Hadar]] guards as protection against the six Ferengi.

50. The outwardly calm and relaxing Caribbean island of Barbados hides a pressure-cooker health crisis: more than one-third of Barbadians aged 25-70 years suffer from hypertension, the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) – the world’s number one killer.

51. But the important thing is that the radials, which would tend to explode since they are outwardly pushing, are always frustrated by the tensile finiteness of the circumferential vectors, which close together in an orderly manner to cohere the disorderly Asundering.

52. An impeller for a fan, which impeller comprises a hub and one or more blades, wherein at least one blade has a radially inner portion which is aerofoil in section and a centrifugal accelerator portion which extends radially outwardly from the aerofoil portion.

53. In order to increase the retaining force in the housing (1), the front faces (21) of the supporting bodies (13) are outwardly slanted in the plug-in direction against the vertical plane in the region where they abut on the inner edge (22).

54. Behaviorism is a theoretical approach in psychology that emphasizes the study of behavior — that is, the outwardly observable reactions to a stimulus of an organism, whether animal or human — rather than the content of the mind or the physiological correlates of behavior

55. Bracket arm 20 provides an elongate bar which communicates with the under surface of support arm 14 in a position such that outwardly facing surfaces of fastening arm 16 and bracket 20 are spaced Apportionately by the thickness of the stud body.

56. I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the …

57. How does the noun Commiseration contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of Commiseration are compassion, condolence, pity, and sympathy. While all these words mean "the act or capacity for sharing the painful feelings of another," Commiseration suggests pity expressed outwardly in exclamations, tears, or words of comfort.

58. The Angulating piston assembly of claim 4, wherein said first edge is the leading edge of said piston ring and the second edge is the trailing edge in the direction of the compressing action, and an array of gussets on said piston extending outwardly adjacent said trailing edge of said piston ring

59. An Abrading tool comprising: a non-conductive base member comprising a plate portion defining a first level and a plurality of raised islands formed thereon and extending outwardly from the first level, the islands being spaced apart from one another and each including a respective tip portion; an abrasive composite affixed to at least the tip

60. The Commodification of life, while outwardly pretty, has no soul.: Experts on each of the topics covered add their voices to the rising chorus of resistance to Commodification, deregulation and global corporatization.: True, Smith and Saltz are commenting on an especially egregious instance of Commodification.: But the important difference between then and now is that this process is

61. ‘As chatty and Chummy as one of his famous monologues, the book celebrates an unusually charmed life in a profession more noted for its high incidence of ego and angst, burnout and heartache.’ ‘But behind the outwardly Chummy relations between the two countries, it has been business as usual for Russian agents, who have continued to spy

62. ‘As chatty and Chummy as one of his famous monologues, the book celebrates an unusually charmed life in a profession more noted for its high incidence of ego and angst, burnout and heartache.’ ‘But behind the outwardly Chummy relations between the two countries, it has been business as usual for Russian agents, who have continued to spy

63. Their bodies outwardly to the touch were neither very hot nor pale but reddish, livid, and Beflowered with little pimples and whelks, but so burned inwardly as not to endure any the lightest clothes or linen garment to be upon them nor anything but mere nakedness, but rather most willingly to have cast themselves into the cold water.

64. The combinational airlock and crash stop apparatus (300) further includes a crash stop (302), coupled to the airlock latch portion (310), to restrict the rotation of the actuator arm (412) such that the distal end of the actuator arm (412) and the head (410) are prevented from being moved outwardly beyond the outer diameter of the disk (402).

65. “I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the

66. I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the Testament

67. I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the Testament

68. ‘I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord; it is the

69. I have here sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book which, although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is worth more than all the precious mines the vast world can boast of: it is the book my only best and best-loved sister, of the Law of the Lord: it is the Testament

70. ‘I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the

71. ‘I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the

72. I have sent you, my dear sister Katherine, a book, which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold, or the curious embroidery of the Artfulest needles, yet inwardly it is more worth than all the precious mines which the vast world can boast of: it is the book, my only best, and best loved sister, of the law of the Lord: it is the Testament

73. The reading of Law's Christian Perfection and Serious Call gave him, he said, a sublimer view of the law of God; and he resolved to keep it, inwardly and outwardly, as sacredly as possible, believing that in obedience he would find salvation. He pursued a rigidly methodical and abstemious life, studied the Scriptures, and performed his religious duties diligently, depriving himself so that he would have alms to give.

74. To distribute the pressure (bending load) applied from the unit modules and the supporting bars, each of the end plates includes a main body which contacts the unit module, and an upper wall, a lower wall and a pair of side walls protrude outwardly from the outer periphery of the main body, wherein each of said side walls has a thickness increasing from the upper wall toward the lower wall.

75. The links (18, 19) are each pivotably connected with the frame outwardly of the wheel circumference and are arranged so that on movement of the linkage from the first to the second end setting an instantaneous pivot centre (21) defined by the intersection of two axes (22, 23) each containing the pivot points of a respective one of the links (18, 19) moves downwardly and rearwardly with respect to the fore and aft direction.