Use "outgrowth" in a sentence

1. Apophysis definition, an outgrowth; process; projection or protuberance

2. Carpellary outgrowth initiates were not ob- served prior to this time

3. Branch: a major outgrowth from the main stem of a woody plant

4. Casuistry is a natural outgrowth of three features of Aristotelian ethics

5. Caruncle definition is - a naked fleshy outgrowth (such as a bird's wattle).

6. A urethral Caruncle is a benign fleshy outgrowth of the posterior urethral meatus

7. Bough: a major outgrowth from the main stem of a woody plant.

8. The Black Panther (1965) movement was an outgrowth of Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee

9. After a latent period of 2 - 3 days, outgrowth was observed across the posterior capsule.

10. Cacophony has been described as an indirect culture jamming outgrowth of the Dada movement

11. The Black Panther (1965) movement was an outgrowth of Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee

12. Government conducted operations it explicitly described as Counterterrorism, in an outgrowth of President George W

13. Actomyosin contractility promotes cancer cell colonization and outgrowth at a secondary site to form metastases

14. In botany, the Aril refers to the hairy and fleshy outgrowth of a fertilized ovule or seed

15. 9 synonyms for Byproduct: derivation, derivative, descendant, offshoot, outgrowth, spinoff, by-product, spin-off, by-product

16. This recessive mutant showed outgrowth of Bracts or produced leaves at the basal node of the panicle

17. From a bone; an outgrowth without an independent center of ossification. apophysealApophysial (a-pof?i-se'al), adjective

18. ‘It reduces the possibility of, and in fact, counteracts the appearance of Agnails and skin outgrowth.’

19. An Appendage (or outgrowth) is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism's body.

20. The terminal region of the Carpellary outgrowth contained greatly enlarged globose cells which appeared slightly disorganized in

21. Neuronal Arborizations may also be produced by algorithms inspired by the developmental process of neurite outgrowth and branching

22. Caffeina (pronounced caff-ee-EN-uh) started in 2018 as an outgrowth of the local Coffee Studio drive-thrus

23. Budding is the formation on the parent body of a bud—an outgrowth from which a new individual develops

24. The free app is an outgrowth of, an online citizen science portal for collecting and sharing environmental data.

25. Apophyseal definition: a process, outgrowth , or swelling from part of an animal or plant Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

26. Axon outgrowth is an early feature of neuronal differentiation and may be quite advanced even as neurons are migrating

27. Tiller Bud Formation Regulators MOC1 and MOC3 Cooperatively Promote Tiller Bud Outgrowth by Activating FON1 Expression in Rice

28. Conversely, CRS followed by rest produced apical outgrowth and decreased mushroom spine density in Adolescently stressed adult females

29. Apophyses definition: a process, outgrowth , or swelling from part of an animal or plant Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

30. Apophyses definition: a process, outgrowth , or swelling from part of an animal or plant Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

31. The new racism is a prime domain of environmental Alarmists, and a direct outgrowth of centuries of patronizing colonialism.

32. Apophysis definition: a process, outgrowth , or swelling from part of an animal or plant Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

33. Use of the starter culture Lactobacillus curvatus has been shown to prevent "the outgrowth of pathogenic bacteria" in naem.

34. Pulp Amputation: [ am″pu-ta´shun ] the removal of a limb or other appendage or outgrowth of the body

35. Apophysis (spider), an outgrowth of the exoskeleton in spiders and other arachnids In botany, an outgrowth or enlargement of an organ such as a plant stem Apophysis (software), a fractal flame generating program for Microsoft Windows Apophysis (geology), a discordant offshoot from another body, such as a sill, dike, or pluton

36. Admixtures for flowing concrete are an outgrowth of the expanding role of water-reducing and set-controlling Admixtures in concrete construction

37. Media literacy courses are the logical outgrowth of high school civics, where students gain a basic understanding of American political institutions.

38. What does Caruncle mean? An outgrowth or appendage at or near the hilum of certain seeds, as of the castor-oil plant

39. Caruncle definition: a fleshy outgrowth on the heads of certain birds, such as a cock's comb Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

40. Budding is a type of asexual reproduction where the new organism (offspring) grows as an outgrowth from the body of the parent

41. Appendage - a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant; "a bony process" outgrowth, process

42. This division into Adaxial and abaxial domains is also key for the outgrowth of the leaf blade or lamina, which occurs along the …

43. Allantois In tetrapod embryos, a sac formed by the outgrowth of the posterior ventral part of the gut, as a precocious urinary bladder

44. Meanwhile, Sperry Gyroscope Co., which had been founded by Elmer Sperry in 1909, had begun designing and building Bombsights as a natural outgrowth of its

45. Anglicanism dates its founding to the introduction of Christianity in England, and the English church was an outgrowth and extension of the earliest Christian churches

46. Budding is a type of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops from an outgrowth or bud due to cell division at one particular site

47. The outgrowth of Yahweh-centric belief, along with a number of cultic practices, gradually gave rise to a distinct Israelite ethnic group, setting them apart from other Canaanites.

48. An Apophysis is a normal developmental outgrowth of a bone which arises from a separate ossification centre, and fuses to the bone later in development

49. An Aril (or Arillus) is any specialized outgrowth from the funiculus (attachment point of the seed) (or hilum) that covers or is attached to the seed

50. Dorsoventral (Adaxial/abaxial) polarity of the maize leaf is established in the meristem and is maintained throughout organ development to coordinate proper outgrowth and patterning of the leaf

51. An outgrowth of this dance is the electric Boogaloo, a style of break dancing popularized in the 1970s by groups like the Harlem Pop Lockers as well as a dance group …

52. Apophysis (plural Apophyses): An outgrowth or process changing the general shape of a body part, particularly the appendages; often used in describing the male pedipalp → retrolateral tibial apophysis

53. Haustoria A specialized outgrowth of many parasitic fungi and certain parasitic plants such as dodder and broomrape, that penetrates into and withdraws food material from the cells of the host plant.

54. The most abrasive and discordant outgrowth of punk was noise rock, which emphasised loud distorted electric guitars and powerful drums, and was pioneered by bands including Sonic Youth, Big Black and Butthole Surfers.

55. The Bruisers were an outgrowth of the Chicago Politicians, a team put together by Jim Foster to play an exhibition game to prove the feasibility of the sport the previous year

56. House of Burgesses, representative assembly in colonial Virginia, which was an outgrowth of the first elective governing body in a British overseas possession, the General Assembly of Virginia. The General Assembly was established by Gov

57. How Adaxial–abaxial leaf polarity and lamina outgrowth are related was defined from phenotypic analysis of the phantastica (phan) mutant in Antirrhinum majus (Waites and Hudson 1995).In phan mutants, leaves show varying degrees of abaxialization

58. In archival science, A fonds is a group of documents that share the same origin and that have occurred naturally as an outgrowth of the daily workings of an agency, individual, or organization

59. All epiascidiate foliar organs are structurally similar in their early ontogeny, each forms a distinctive adaxial outgrowth (Querzone), and the diverse morphologies of the mature organs seem to be modifications upon a similar primordial ground plan.

60. The United Daughters of the Confederacy is the outgrowth of many local memorial, monument, and Confederate home associations and auxiliaries to camps of United Confederate Veterans that were organized after the War Between the States.

61. Definition of Aril : an exterior covering or appendage of some seeds (as of the yew) that develops after fertilization as an outgrowth from the ovule stalk Other Words from Aril Example Sentences Learn More about Aril Other Words from Aril

62. ‘The Romantic conception of the self was an outgrowth of Kant's critique of Associationism.’ ‘At this point, the regime began to get nervous about the spread of Associationism, and it responded by refusing to legalize more independent housewife organizations.’

63. ‘The Romantic conception of the self was an outgrowth of Kant's critique of Associationism.’ ‘At this point, the regime began to get nervous about the spread of Associationism, and it responded by refusing to legalize more independent housewife organizations.’

64. Bursa of Fabricius an epithelial outgrowth of the cloaca in chick embryos, which develops in a manner similar to that of the thymus in mammals, atrophying after 5 or 6 months and persisting as a fibrous remnant in sexually mature birds

65. As nouns the difference between tubercle and Condyle is that tubercle is (anatomy) a round nodule, small eminence, or warty outgrowth, especially those found on bones for the attachment of a muscle or ligament or small elevations on the surface of a tooth while Condyle is

66. The Consortium is an outgrowth of successful collaborations launched in 1914 in educational extension services among nearby colleges and universities and more elaborate collaborations launched in the 1950s among Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in areas of library subscriptions

67. Auteur theory, theory of filmmaking in which the director is viewed as the major creative force in a motion picture. Arising in France in the late 1940s, the Auteur theory—as it was dubbed by the American film critic Andrew Sarris —was an outgrowth of the cinematic …

68. In Hebb’s book The Organization of Behavior (1949), a second-hand reference to Cajal on page 230 attributes to Cajal the idea that the change at the synapse in learning is an ameboid outgrowth of the cell, although, as we have seen, Cajal had quickly dismissed the possibility of a neuronal Ameboidism.

69. Blade (lamina): part of the leaf above the collar collar: a thin band of meristematic tissue at the junction of the leaf blade (lamina) and the sheath Auricles: claw appendages at the base of the blade of some grasses (some grasses do not have Auricles) ligule: outgrowth at the inner junction of the

70. Auxin Regulates Apical Dominance • Growing apical bud inhibits the lateral bud growth • In 1920, Skog and Thimann performed an experiment on bean and result showed that outgrowth of auxillary bud is inhibited by Auxin that is transported basipetally • The Auxin content of bud increases by decapitation of shoot apex • Auxin control

71. This article is an outgrowth of an earlier article titled “Bounds and Approximations for American Option Values.” It has been presented at CERCA (Center for Research on Computation and its Applications), the Workshop on Mathematical Finance at Columbia University, the Financial Mathematics Program at the University of Cambridge, and the 1995 Western Finance Association meetings.

72. Aril A usually fleshy and often brightly coloured outgrowth from the funicle or hilum of a seed, a third integument.Arils probably often aid seed dispersal, by drawing attention to the seed after the fruit has dehisced, and by providing food as an attractant and reward to the disperser.The Aril of the nutmeg (see MYRISTICA) produces the spice mace, and the seed itself is the nutmeg.