Use "outdated" in a sentence

1. Which outdated drugs are still used?

2. This alarm system is totally outdated.

3. 27 Nowadays this technique is rather outdated.

4. Hogansville Antiquer gives outdated twist to modern art

5. We should supersede outdated regulations and customs.

6. Yet someone said that my formations are outdated

7. Dextrose ( grape sugar ) An outdated name for GLUCOSE.

8. The pompous tone is alienating, boring, and outdated.

9. The typical Abductee stereotype is unfair and outdated

10. However, other primitive birds such as Aurornis outdated Archaeopteryx

11. That list of addresses is outdated, many have changed.

12. He explained that union membership was an outdated rule.

13. "Outdated" would be an accurate description of the building.

14. Cabo Polonio travel guide by adena is this text outdated?

15. Orinoco Delta travel guide by adena is this text outdated?

16. 1 His painting style was seen as outdated and anachronistic.

17. Representation schemes once fair and equitable become archaic and outdated.

18. The tourists snigger at the locals' outdated ways and dress.

19. You know, if the goods is outdated, they will also go bad.

20. The notion of an "old" and a "new" economy is outdated.

21. Their style was seen as outdated, anachronistic, full of superficial trickery.

22. The company has spent millions of dollars replacing outdated computer hardware.

23. 13 This estimate was made on the basis of outdated figures.

24. Many existing Vermont homes currently have old outdated ionization smoke Alarms installed

25. 6 Their style was seen as outdated, anachronistic, full of superficial trickery.

26. Replacements for the outdated battleships were restricted to a maximum size of 10,000 tons.

27. Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing.

28. We want to get away from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.

29. REPEAT: Do NOT report Bugs for outdated packages! Search this project for Advanced

30. ANZCO list used to determine Australia's tech talent visa eligibility Criticised as outdated

31. It sold for 400 yen, the same price as an outdated mechanical governor.

32. Circulars that are outdated or superseded by subsequent documents are housed under Archive section

33. 16 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

34. Secondly, it is to be updated annually, rather than letting the information become outdated.

35. We also added wall paintings on outdated walls to cover the crack or stains.

36. Some critics claim that the word "Charity" is either wrong or outdated

37. A Bluestocking is an outdated term for an educated intellectual person, not exclusively woman

38. Emotet operators Blundered again by using outdated text in the email subject and body

39. Anachronistic in a sentence 1 His painting style was seen as outdated and Anachronistic

40. We were trying to build, or reconstruct largely, an airport that had grown outdated.

41. 6 Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

42. Watch those test scores rise, those outdated textbooks morph, those nonexistent supplies suddenly materialize.

43. 13 "The leaders are outdated," he stated baldly. "They don't relate to young people.".

44. Synonyms for Anachronistical include anachronistic, antiquated, archaic, dated, obsolescent, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, outdated and outmoded

45. Aforementioned Why use this outdated word when its shorter cousin, aforesaid is available? I'm kidding

46. Synonyms for Antiquated include outmoded, outdated, archaic, obsolete, dated, superannuated, prehistoric, outworn, old and medieval

47. The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated.

48. 14 They are outdated,[] servile images that have survived somehow in a changing world.

49. An invention may be new toady, but in a few years, it may be outdated.

50. Bulletin boards might sound outdated but it’s still one of the must-haves at school and offices

51. Do NOT report Bugs when a package is just outdated, or it is in the AUR

52. Archaism A word, phrase, or statement that is considered old fashioned or outdated is an Archaism

53. After having introduced the outdated 1973 valuations, at some stage it would have a nationwide revaluation.

54. Current methods for pinpointing groundwater sources in many countries rely on aerial photographs and outdated maps.

55. Adherent to something Prescriptive grammarians are seen as blind Adherents to outdated norms of formal usage.

56. But before he is murdered, he makes several attacks on what he regards as outdated attitudes.

57. 25 The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated.

58. Clean, speed up your slow PC or Mac, update outdated software and protect your privacy online

59. Unfortunately, pinpointing groundwater sources in Africa is difficult using current methods based on aerial photographs and outdated maps.

60. Synonyms for Anachronistic include antiquated, archaic, dated, obsolescent, obsolete, old, old-fashioned, outdated, outmoded and out-of-date

61. Likewise, we must re-engineer and replace, on an ongoing basis, outdated systems to support program delivery.

62. Until that outdated charade is swept away, Britain's decline will continue, whatever government may be in power.

63. The default Cursor you always use on Windows may, at times, feel a bit boring and outdated

64. The Caucasian race is an outdated way to group humans according to the color of their skin

65. These days, Billboards may seem like an outdated form of advertising but not if they’re creative enough.

66. A detailed (albeit partially outdated) description of the Phrap algorithms can be found in the Phrap documentation.

67. And, of course, in advertising terminology “new” means “better and superior,” whereas “old” means “inferior and outdated.”

68. The outdated categorizations of First and Third Worlds, donor and supplicant, leader and led, no longer fit.

69. The Corded Ware culture (outdated called Battle Axe culture) comprises a broad archaeological horizon of Europe between c

70. Anachronistic: adjective antiquated , behind the times, ill-advised , ill-judged , ill-timed , incongruous , misjudged , obsolete , outdated , outmoded , previous

71. The Child Welfare Act is outdated and is being inadequately enforced with its administration reduced to being ineffective

72. The existing product safety legislation is found in a number of different acts, some of which are outdated.

73. ‘Please find Attached’ is a somewhat outdated term you might use when sending a job application through email

74. In this way, we avoid giving the impression that some parts of the Bible are outdated or irrelevant.

75. The small and in the 19th century outdated fortress consisted of a polygonal system, flanked by casemated towers.

76. One click of Driver Booster and it found 17 (long) outdated drivers and fixed them just as quickly

77. The current main inflation indicator appears outdated with food items accounting for some 50% of the basket weighting.

78. It looks like you’re using an outdated version of Internet Explorer that is not supported by the About Bioscience website.

79. Amerind or Amerindian may refer to: Amerind or Amerindian Peoples, largely-outdated terms for Indigenous peoples of the Americas

80. The library facilities were meager, the science departments and the engineering school had to make do with outdated equipment.