Use "outcrops" in a sentence

1. The floodplain group occurs on alluvial terraces and the Pinus contorta group on rock outcrops.

2. Invertebrates whizzed and Chirred in the tangles of brush beneath the sandstone outcrops

3. 9 Before the days of intensive quarrying, natural rock outcrops were of great significance.

4. The others continued to advance into the gulley, scuttling between outcrops of rock.

5. These are outcrops of rose quartz, and one entire hilltop is composed of this beautiful crystal.

6. Young tigers romp around granite outcrops sculptured unwittingly by Celtic picks and shovels.

7. They emerge between rocky outcrops and flow hundreds of metres down steep slopes towards the plains below .

8. The crushed-rock aggregates under study were obtained from Precambrian acid igneous rock outcrops in and around Gauhati.

9. Ironstone Concretions are common around Sydney, with its outcrops of iron-rich shale and sandstone

10. Moraines are practically absent as there are hardly any rock outcrops in the accumulation area (August 24th, 1977).

11. The dip slope eventually merges with the Carboniferous limestone which outcrops in the karst landscape to the south.

12. Bearberry is commonly found in dry, non-nutrient soils such as sand, soils on rock outcrops and shallow soils

13. Aboriginals still point to various rocky outcrops or sandstone gullies which trace the Myndie Snake's progress through the outback.

14. The Chuckwalla is found in rocky outcrops, lava flows, and rocky hillsides of the Great Basin, Mojave and Sonoran deserts

15. The Argali is a threatened migratory mountain ungulate inhabiting mountains, steppe valleys and rocky outcrops in Central Asia

16. BIOLOGY General Scouleria marginata is a perennial, acrocarpous moss species that grows on exposed and wet rocks and rock outcrops along watercourses.

17. The non-anti-Aliased examples break up curves into steps and jagged outcrops, sometimes called "the jaggies" or "pixelation"

18. It is a slender, upright tree which grows 5–7 metres in height, at forest margins, rocky outcrops, hillsides, and termite mounds.

19. There are extensive Liassic outcrops around the coast of the United Kingdom, in particular in Glamorgan, North Yorkshire and Dorset.

20. Cherts are present at only 3 of 12 localities containing outcrops of Edwards Limestone and 7 of 12 gravel bar localities

21. Drosera derbyensis grows in sandy soils in floodways or near rock outcrops from Derby to Beverley Springs in the Kimberley region.

22. Biology Scouleria marginata is a perennial, acrocarpous moss species that grows in tufts on exposed and wet rocks and rock outcrops along watercourses.

23. The frontal riser of the first pediment surface (P is the most recent fault scarp or diluvial platform; at the foot of pediment P1 outcrops the fault.

24. Metamorphic olivine formed by the reaction of Antigorite + brucite is widespread in serpentinites that crop out in glacier-polished outcrops at the Unterer Theodulglacier, Zermatt

25. Texas Betony looks and feels especially at home in Hill Country gardens with rocky outcrops, where limestone boulders are commonly found half buried, or even ly

26. This paper chooses the Yaogou hornblendite body, one of the two major ultramafic outcrops in the Laiyuan batholith, as a representative to carry out detailed research.

27. Metamorphic olivine formed by the reaction of antigorite + Brucite is widespread in serpentinites that crop out in glacier-polished outcrops at the Unterer Theodulglacier, Zermatt

28. The outcrops of galena and Arsenopyrite above the mine were what first drew prospectors to Monte Cristo, since they made the side of Hubbard Peak shine in the sunlight

29. FOREST COUNTY: Small grains of Andradite, usually with chlorite rims occur in outcrops of the McCaslin Quartzite at the Deer Lookout on Tower Hill in T.34N.

30. Prairie Alumroot is not very picky about habitat and can be found in open prairie, rock outcrops, open woods, and on the rocky north shore of Lake Superior

31. As well, there are noticeable outcrops of an ancient fossilized algal reef, now turned into sharp, pocketed and fairly solid limestone of up to 20 meters thickness.

32. Outcrops and rocky shores are found on the east and south shores of the lake, while dunes, spits and flats are on the west and north, at a lower elevation.

33. Mussa Alp (Pian della Mussa; Piano della Mussa; La Mussa; Lamussa), Balme, Metropolitan City of Turin, Piedmont, Italy : Numerous mineral-bearing outcrops on the mountains surrounding the glacial plain of Mussa Alp (Pian della Mussa)

34. Breathtaking monadnocks are the cornerstones of the Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area (AMNHA), which serves to celebrate these otherworldly rock outcrops and the surrounding region as a recreational wonder and cultural treasure

35. Both ignimbrites originated from different parts of the same magma chamber and their origin in the La Pacana caldera is established by isotope ratios of the rocks and the geographical distribution of their outcrops.

36. The landowners have been Arseholes up there - with extra high walls and fences to keep you on the inside of the moor (without the views) barring a few stiles at the major outcrops

37. Rocky outcrops just offshore are used in Rottnest Island off the coast of Western Australia, where there are 14 or so similar nesting sites of which five to seven are used in any one year.

38. Alula is a place of extraordinary human and natural heritage. We invite you to come journey through a living museum of preserved tombs, sandstone outcrops, historic dwellings and monuments, both natural and human-made, that hold 200,000 years of largely unexplored human history.

39. The depositional environments of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Rotliegend beds, known from surface outcrops and 20 wells, are alluvial only along the northwestern margin of the basin, but braided and meandering fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine within the basin.

40. ‘The rolling hills of deciduous forest gave way to Cragginess, with bare outcrops, rocky islands, and a boreal forest of spruce.’ ‘One cannot fail to be thrilled by the Cragginess and gaunt loftiness of such a reading that is enshrined in the history of recordings.’

41. ‘As he described them to the nomads of the Empty Quarter, they thought of the hard dark dunes found in their own desert called Barchan dunes.’ ‘The pace of an offensive in the desert depends to a great extent on how well the troops can overcome natural obstacles, especially Barchans and solonchaks, rock outcrops covered by the enemy fire.’

42. ‘As he described them to the nomads of the Empty Quarter, they thought of the hard dark dunes found in their own desert called Barchan dunes.’ ‘The pace of an offensive in the desert depends to a great extent on how well the troops can overcome natural obstacles, especially Barchans and solonchaks, rock outcrops covered by the enemy fire.’